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Posts posted by negreanu

  1. As I've said before, if anyone thinks True is really giving me 10 Mbits to the U.S. on a DSL package that's only rated for 8 Mbits INSIDE Thailand, then I've got some bricks to sell you that really are gold..

    So why is the user above getting 10mb from rapidshare?

    Once again you tactically ignore that above user who posted 10mb because u know it pisse's all over your argument.

    You never acknowledge any post on here in fact on other threads you post that puts your little knowledge where it belongs in the trashcan.

    You selectively ignore Posts and evidence that disprove your theory and continue on your 1 man argument that has no technical merit or logic to it.

    More and more you just come across as the Thai Visa village idiot on this thread ref internet and others. Do you really want to know how many PM's I have got from other TV users who really think you are complete idiot and self proclaimed fountain of knowledge on all subjects.

    I just cant stop laughing at you and a lot of other TV users are doing the same. Take a step back and look and the drivel you post on here mate. I am trying to help you.

  2. That's a nice looking bandwidth monitoring program... What program are you using to generate that?

    Yeh yeh. But how do you explain (or discredit knowing that you will try to because it's a positive report on true) the data it shows that he is downloading from on Rapidshare :)

    Just to recap he is 8mb True customer downloading from RAPIDSHARE servers in the US at 10mb...

    Rapidshare another provider that has quality bandwidth available for it's premium customers, same as apple same as microsoft etc.

    Could other people actually know what they are talking about and not be bull shitting and your on the verge of admitting that u can maximise your bandwidth on True's products and indeed u can actually exceed your allocated bandwidth by a couple of MB on True?

  3. ot happy because you finally had to admit that True's 16 mbit package can't/doesn't provide anything close to that for a single connection... Yes...I can understand that...

    I did not say only True the same is happens with all High bandwidth providers downloading internationally in every country i have tried.

    Which Itunes store are you downloading from? if it is the US store they do not content distribute (there is far too much data to do that in itunes) US content is coming from Apples Data Farm in the US for the US itunes store anyway cannot speak for Thai version etc.

    Regarding Torrents depends on the seeds, Never tried streaming video torrents as you have done.

    Normally just .Rar etc. file downloads.

    Cue up some Torrents, downloads from itunes, microsoft or anywhere else you like open a youtube HD video or such. Look at your bandwidth monitor. I am pretty sure you will see 8mb+ there which is exactly what your paying for.

    Don't buy into the apple hype of the distributed content that was posted on here. The reason you get great speeds from Apple/Microsoft etc. is because they invested in the bandwidth necessary to provide their customers.

  4. It's safe to order from Amazon. It will not get lost on delivery. Also pre-pay the duties direct with amazon on checkout works out about US$20.00 cheaper than the lottery with customs here on arrival.

  5. Probably the most demanding thing to do is stream video right.

    Well if you take 16mb True you can stream for example these 2 easliy with Istats indicating download rates of around 1.7MB/s at 1080p. No stuttering pausing jumping etc. Very smooth.

    Make sure you click 1080p on the control bar.

  6. Yes I do. I know people on 4mb Premium True who can achieve download speeds equiv of 5-6mb.

    What is your current Sync rate on your router JF?

    Your on Premium right which is True's international product. Not within thailand product.

    I don't even know why i waste my time with your uneducated ramblings there is no technical or sound reasoning behind any of your points.

    You just ramble and ignore all my relevant points i make and continue on your i am being short changed by True campaign and that Thailand has a problem with international bandwidth still.

    You just dont know how to utilise your allocated bandwidth or wish not to do so. No matter what speed your connection in what country by any provider. You would not be happy simply because i think you do not understand how high bandwidth products work.

    There are 2 ways to look at this. You can b1tch and complain for the next 20 years that you are not getting the bandwidth you pay for from True on your obscure speedtests and websites. Or you can adapt and say ok how can i ensure i maximise my bandwidth that is available to me.

    Enjoy it!. Looking forward to 50mb next week. But if the year 2000 Stamford speedtest says i aint getting 50mb i wont lose any sleep :). However I will post a review of it and screenshots just to wind you up even more.

    Final question what is it you do with your international bandwidth that u cannot maximise it doing so?

  7. You just make a fool of yourself every time.

    Like i said above you ridicule everything that gives a good speed test result and praise and believe everything that does not.

    You can disregard DSL Extreme as the file size is too small. See how your connection to their server is still accelerating and then it ends.

    Stamford is way outdated for today's high bandwidth speedtests. That particular Stamford speedtest is 10 years old.

    Bell's Speedtester is made for todays High bandwidth services as is speedtest.net. (It was developed for their Fibre customers). And if you look at the forums for it most agree that it's a pretty accurate speedtest for high bandwidth customers on Bell and elsewhere.

    Look Bell is accurate 100% i can download at the value it reports every time. So Bell is confirmed with actual physical downloads.

    Bell is confirmed in HK, Bell is confirmed in KR and backed up with exactly the download rates i get on files.

  8. Correct neither can i get a single threaded download to Maximise my 100mb in Korea or 30mb in Hong Kong. Or indeed my 20mb connection at home in the UK.

    So you expect the impossible from a high bandwidth product. The bandwidth i purchase from all my ISP's is available if you care to utilise it correctly. If you are expecting to max out your bandwidth on new high speed products such as we use today with a single thread download you are living in a dream world. It just does not work like that anymore.

    How do you feel about the BELL high bandwidth speedtest? or is that being manipulated by True as well? :)

    If you look at your posts. You deny everything that gives a result of fully using your bandwidth from Thailand and praise and say the ones that are correct are the ones that give results that don't.

    Please answer this if we take Bell's speedtest and indeed speedtest.net and run it in Hong Kong, Korea and Thailand i get fairly accurate results for the allocated bandwidth. However if we run all your given speedtests in Korea, Hong Kong and Thailand the results are no where near accurate.

    So you cannot possibly be saying that my Korean ISP, Hong Kong ISP and Thai ISP are all lying are you???? Your into the realms of conspiracy theory and tin foil hats if you are.

  9. Why do you keep talking about malaysia!!!

    Store.apple.com/th click education store on the left menu.

    no idea why u keep referring to malaysian store!

    Yes ive ordered 3 macbook pros a mac pro and 2 imacs using this method.

    Its not exactly rocket science to get to the apple thailand online store!

    Really be a bit more pleasant to the people who are trying to help you! Ref above suggestion to call apple.

    If u cant even find the apple thailand store online. I question your need for a macbook pro. fisher price?? (joking)

    And secondly the number provided above is for apple asian call centre not as you say some us call centre drone. Its the singapore based centre that supplies the online store and retail stores in thailand.

  10. Interesting. So you just open a free iTunes account, but don't fund it (e.g. no credit card). Then you buy gift vouchers from ebay or on websites to put money in?

    Pretty clever! I've wondered why gift vouchers seem to be very popular, now I know.. it's iTunes currency!

    Yup. Being doing it for years with Apple TV's at home for American itunes content: Rentals etc.

    Here are the best and most reliable (and quickest) us itunes store gift voucher suppliers:

    shop 1

  11. Got one in MBK, 16Go unlocked (from HK).

    Not bad price for 16GB. It will be from UK not HK as 3 week wait for the just released HK model today?

    Lucky to pick up the 32GB from a Thaivisa member for 40k :)

  12. Wouldn't need 3G (which isn't available in Thailand outside Bangkok anyway) to make panic purchases

    Kindle drops down to Edge and then GPRS if not in a 3G area automatically. For only $60 more it's pretty much a no brainer. Even if just for resale value in the future.

    The other good thing with the Kindle 3G it is more or less free worldwide. Gets a bit expensive if your international roaming with wifi tethering to your android phone.

    Nice to have the newspapers/magazines delivered automatically without having to do a single thing anywhere in the world wifi or not.

  13. Well lets say you are not in range of a Wifi router. In a Taxi on the skytrain on the beach. You can still download content to your kindle anywhere there is a cellphone signal.

    So when you finish your novel on the beach you can just browse on the kindle and have a new book you want to read delivered via 3g/GPRS/Edge in a couple of minutes without leaving your beach chair.

    With a Wifi only model you would have to get up and go search out a Wifi signal and a lot of these especially in hotel resorts are not free and pretty expensive.

  14. in that sources like Apple and Microsoft aren't likely to be indicative of general purpose Internet traffic

    So in 2010 what is indicative of general purpose internet traffic if you exclude the 6 unique applications I gave as an example of high bandwidth usage?

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