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Posts posted by negreanu

  1. Jfchandler and Pib,

    Post your router line statistics. Pretty sure that it is your problem not TRUE:



    Line Attenuation

    Sync'd Rate

    Max Sync Rate.


    Connect direct to the router using LAN cable rather than Wifi.


    Disconnect all phones etc. connected to the True line (Remove filter)


    Connect the router to the Phone line at the master socket.

  2. the CRAP network that AT&T has in the USA[/quote]

    Agreed just tried iPhone 4 in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea this week and in not one of those destinations (Of course including Thailand) can I reproduce the Deathgrip signal drop on 2 iPhone 4's...

    I really think this is a non-issue and is hyped by the media.

  3. There also are a few condo buildings in the Suk 18-24 area that supposedly are wired for this new service... The True web page has a Google mapping function built in where you can search by area within BKK, and one such area is Klong Toei... That's where the Suk area buildings are listed... The True mapping page ishere.... Klong Toei is at the near bottom of the pull down box for areas...

    Nothing on Sukhumvit 24.

    I REALLY doubt anything with a 16MB True connection is getting anything close to a 16 MB download connection to anyplace in the USA.... Locally in Thailand or maybe Asia region, perhaps.... But if the real IP destination is the USA and it's not cached content somewhere locally, 16MB to the USA just aint' happening...

    I THINK you will find people are. I am without fail as are other family members in their condos. if you are on the 16mb product and are not getting it perhaps your not on the premium product or perhaps your line is too far from the exchange. Post your Router SNR, Attenuation and sync rates and i will tell you why you are not getting 16mb.

    True has totally enough international bandwidth and their premium products never fail to match INTERNATIONAL target within reason. if yours are not you need to take a look at your line statistics.

    The contention ratio is half on the premium products compared to True's standard offerings.

  4. its all about the wires to you condo apartment... but true finally starts to deliver.

    Actually i can replicate slow speeds, bad streaming, terrible international bandwidth by changing the wires used in the condo from the condo PABX to my room.

    Those having a problem should ask their condo office if they could try a different pair of wires from the PABX to your room if they have it - most rooms have 2-3 wire pairs to try.

    The old wire pair i was on gave me 8-10mb connections on true 16mb premium. Got them to change it over to the other pair of wires and syncs at 18.2mb.

    It's not always Trues fault. A lot of the complaints can be put down to condo wiriing which True are not allowed to manipulate or alter.

  5. You are pretty much right on target. When web links just pop on your screen and you are able to download files fast, a person "don't" start doing all the Speedtest.net or Speakeasy.net type internet speed tests to figure how slow or fast their download/upload speed is. Heck, when I lived in the States I never did a speedtest; but after moving to Thailand I frequently visit both sites to see how my internet speed is fairing. I expect Expats in Thailand are one of the biggest users of Speedtest and Speakeasy in trying to figure what their internet speed is, so they can then complain (including me) on ThaiVisa.com about the slow international speed

    1.72Mb/s Downloads from iTunes store on 16mb True Premium.

    1.5Mb/s from giganews usenet server.

    1.0-1.6Mb/s Torrents.

    Single threaded downloads are usually always slow. Use a download manager or torrents/usenet to get the high speeds.

  6. It's strange I have 2 UK sourced iphone 4's in front of me on AIS network here in BKK and for the life of me I cannot reproduce the signal drop. Tried for ages doing exactly the same as people on you tube and above links demonstrate. Perhaps might be due to AIS only 2G or different frequencies in Thailand to the USA?

    Will try and reproduce it with 3G true sim card on their 3G network.

  7. Tried to buy from B&N, but they wouldn't accept my UK credit card

    Tried to buy from B&N, but they wouldn't accept my UK Paypal account

    Tried to buy from B&N, they did accept my friends USA Paypal account payment, then put the order on HOLD.

    (I begin to think B&N are monitoring IP addys)


    Bought it through Amazon.com Marketplace with a UK credit card, the reseller charged $24 more than B&N but fair enough, I had it delivered to an address in the USA and someone is bringing it over for me.

    The Marketplace seller was prepared to ship to Thailand but wanted $40 more postage, and I would have to risk customs.

    Ipmart will also sell and ship to Thailand IPMART

    That would cost about $230 using USPS with a risk of customs charges

    Entropay Mastercard (plastic) or even the virtual visa might work. www.entropay.com

  8. 16mb True premium:

    Download Speed: 13706 kbps (1713.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 487 kbps (60.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Latency: 47 ms

    11 July 2010 12:31:07 GMT+07:00

    Not bad but mon-fri usually about 15100kbps - Saturday Sunday always slow down.

    Wish I could get the new True product :( :( Seems they have skipped sukhumvit 24 altogether judging by the map on their website. Strange would have thought they would have got a lot of customers from those condos....some strange choices of condo listed on their map. (Perhaps thats where senior True employees are resident..)

    Singapore server:

    Download Speed: 14301 kbps (1787.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 488 kbps (61 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Latency: 47 ms

    11 July 2010 12:44:53 GMT+07:00

    That is one good thing about the True 16mb Premium product international bandwidth is always consistent. However you still get the odd guy on here stuck in 2004 saying Thailand does not have enough international bandwidth....nonsense.

  9. I love everything Apple. But just got back from a Hua Hin trip basically lying on the loungers and next to the pool.

    I took both my kindle 2 and the ipad. I started off with the ipad and the glare was a nightmare to read anything. But progressed adjusted the umbrella and got the glare to a manageable level. The next issue after 2-3 hours reading and sipping on a gin & tonic - I found myself resting the dam_n thing on my legs or turning on my side to read and placing it on the lounger as it just gets too uncomfortable for long term reading next to the pool. Its too heavy.

    I returned to the Kindle 2 and its just the perfect reading device it the right size, weight and glare is a zero issue and the battery no need to worry. 3G Book downloads (Yes I know ipad has it if you have the 3G model).

    I hate to say it but Kindle 2 p*ssses all over the ipad for book reading in normal book reading environments: Bed, Beachfront, Poolside, in the subway. Glare / clarity and weight were the 2 main things that kindle engineers based their design on.

    Just tried to get another for my dad from that kindlethai.com no answer to calls, sms etc. Shame he has dropped his price to a semi normal price now and is only a few hundred baht more than getting one direct from amazon to thailand.

  10. 3 or 4th just next to the down escalator on the corner. Only 2 mac dealers in pantip and are more or less next to each other.

    Uficon for 4GB modules as you will have a hard job finding them anywhere else. for your required 2gb modules any shop will have them probably cheaper than uficon. Just buy Kingston they will will be less than 1500thb each. For example from Jib computers.

    4GB modules near impossible to find apart from uficon.

  11. Your nuts to get involved in that. As much as I would like too.

    heard of too many raids heavy fines etc. and not to mention the collusion unless u can understand Thai or isaan dialect in some games very well. Take the cambodian hold em games.....total absolute joke does the floor manager give a sh1t does he hel_l. Thai's are his bread and butter so a little collusion cant be a bad thing.

    Keep away stick to pokerstars or a cheap air asia flight to Macau.

  12. Those 2GB modules are easily available in Pantip or Fortune here for not too much cash. For those by the time you pay shipping and vat and duty its cheaper to buy them here.

    4GB modules is a different ball game tho. Although having said that Uficon Mac dealer in Pantip is pretty competitive and again you must really look at the maths for importing.

  13. This is why I don't understand why you guys are so absolute in saying I won't be able to sell/use my iphone 4 from US. They take longer but they will eventually crack it...


    The link (from a day and half ago) says its almost unlocked..

    Point is who is going to buy your locked iphone 4 when if they really want one at a price they can go to MBK and get a officially unlocked one. It's an expensive paperweight until that unlock comes dude.

    And when they do release the unlock/jailbreak its just a hassle when new software updates come out then wait again for the jailbreak/unlock. Waste of time just buy the official unlock ones. saves hassle now and in the future.

  14. Nobody is saying they won't be able to. Just that it has not been done yet. Why pay 40k + for a phone that you cannot use in thailand JUST NOW. it could be weeks or months before you could use it.

  15. You will have a hard job selling a US iphone 4 in MBK. Even if you can the price they will offer you will not be that great. Would not bother to be honest. Even unlocked US phones when it is possible will not be as attractive for MBK sellers. Most people now do not want to be dependent on jailbreaks for their unlocks anymore.

    UK phones now thats a different story.

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