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Posts posted by negreanu

  1. Ok. When I get back to BKK from abroad in a few days. If I post SCREENSHOT showing the following and in the same shot showing istats menu download meter will you believe that I can get 16mb from USA:

    1. Torrent Download.

    2. Apple itunes downloads.

    3. Microsoft Download

    4. Giganews West Coast Download

    5. Speedtest.net result showing correct and valid PING for west coast download

    6. Blizzard Game Download from West Coast Servers

    Now the question is if they all show me maxing out my bandwidth with physical downloads. Then I run your DSLreports Speedtest which shows I am not. Are you seriously going to believe that over the above physical file downloads? I am not really sure how you could disregard all the above over a speedtest site.

    The reason your speed is fluctuating with itunes downloads is the files are too small. Queue up say 4 300mb files and your speed will stabilise at your bandwidth limit. This is a similar problem with your DSLreports speedtest in that the file size for the test is too small for Thailand in that due to latency and the amount of links in the chain by the time a connection here in Thailand accelerates to capacity the speedtest is already over due small file size.

    You can actually see this happening in Speedtest.net also in that the speed ramps up as the test continues towards the middle-end.

  2. ARGH!!!! you dont get it. Look at my screenshots posted previously what more do you want!!! You can see actual download rates of actual internet use! Its far more reliable than your 2nd rate speedtest apps.

    I give up. I really do. Thats it ok you win my internet never gives me 16mb connection to the US. And anything that says it does is lying including downloads and speedtests. Enjoy your internet.

  3. Only multi threaded downloading I am using is for usenet and torrents. The rest is not multi threaded. You cannot obviously multi thread streaming content

    You cannot expect to maximise your bandwidth with the US ONLY Hulu and Netflix through a VPN to the otherside of the world - If Hulu an Netflix are the only reason you are complaining about True premium products then that is just wrong.

    In a nutshell you are blaming True for bad streaming for a US ONLY service through a Third Party VPN on the other side of the world and you are wondering why performance is poor. You cannot seriously be blaming True for this bad performance.

    Hulu and Netflix were never designed to be used outside the US nevermind through a VPN in the US then relayed to the otherside of the world.

    Example I can stream Hulu through a VPN when I am in Korea (80mb Connection). It is just as bad/good as my True Premium connection streaming Hulu in Thailand! You are trying to do something that the provider both Hulu an the VPN provider and the ISP were never designed to do.

    Look to oversimplify again: Expecting the normal performance through a VPN on the other side of the world streaming data is never going to happen no matter how fast your connection is out here.

    The only advise i could give you is just let the buffer fill on Hulu before you click play. That is as good as it will get.

  4. OK...now that you've stopped throwing insults, we can have a serious discussion...

    I'm assuming you're talking about some kind of multi-threaded downloading to accomplish the higher bandwidth rates...

    I use Hulu and Netflix, but I don't know any way to increase their throughput beyond their regular single incoming streams...

    Since you mentioned them above, what exactly are you doing to accomplish that... I'd like to know, and I'm sure others would as well...if it's real...

    Hulu and Netflix streaming depends on your VPN of course. Obviously no matter how fast your connection here it will be limited by latency, your VPN etc. So for the best results on Hulu and netflix I would try VyprVPN or StrongVPN. Remember both of those products are not designed to be used outside the US but can using the above method but you cannot expect perfection using a VPN for streaming services.

    However having said that VyprVPN and StrongVPN offer as about the best options you will have. Secondly, (If i remember correctly - i would have to do a search) a 4MB connection in US will stream Netflix and Hulu at their maximum quality.

    The issue of Hulu and Netflix here in Thailand is not so much a Bandwidth thing (Your 8mb will stream as well as a 16mb for these applications) its down to latency etc.

    I was not insulting but you are being very narrow-minded because you cannot get the bandwidth you need or pay for that anyone who says they have it are obviously lying! :)

  5. The Question is can you maximise 16mb+ connection in Thailand using everyday uses of the internet.

    OK, serious question - are you talking about 16Mb from someone like True who claim full intl bandwidth, or 16Mb from someone like 3bb who offer "Thai internet"?

    I'm genuinely interested.

    I am saying that on True 16mb Premium product i can achieve more or less that bandwidth from downloading from the US. much to the disbelief of a couple of the users on here. (Even after posting screenshots of downloads in progress of Itunes downloading, Giganews Downloading etc)

    So if we have agreed that Apple are not mirroring their US Content Mr Chandler and I can maximise my 16mb True connection from downloading from their US farm can we then say it is possible to download from the US at 16mb here in BKK?

    it still leads me to believe getting a file quickly from Apple isn't the same as having a fast international connection from a Thai ISP.

    So if none of the above applications satisfy your criteria of having a fast international connection from a Thai ISP. Could you please enlighten me exactly what your definition of fast international connection from a Thai ISP is?

  6. At the end of the day putting aside the infrastructure of the net. The Question is can you maximise 16mb+ connection in Thailand using everyday uses of the internet. The answer is YES to the following applications of the internet (The ones I have tried and can verify):

    1. Downloads from servers that have the available bandwidth. (No matter how it gets here)

    2. Torrents

    3. Itunes Store / Amazon Download store.

    4. Usenet server downloads

    5. Online gaming not bandwidth related but yes u can to the us with 230ms pings.

    6. Microsoft/Google/Yahoo/Sun/Adobe downloads

    7. 720p You Tube Streaming Video.

    8. Skype/ichat video to video chat/

    9. Game Downloads for example Blizzards products.

    10. Netflix and Hulu (Quality of your VPN depending of course)

    I am sure there are some other applications of the internet that require high bandwidth but from a normal consumer point of view if you can do all that and maximise your bandwidth here in Thailand. What else do you currently need that high bandwidth for..?

  7. They do also, I'm sure, have very high and fast server capacity... But in all likelihood, the file was arriving quickly because it probably was physically coming from someplace a whole lot closer to Thailand, or maybe even inside Thailand, than Apple's HQ.

    Apple Itunes US Content is only Hosted on their Server Farms in the US. Full stop. They do not MIRROR US CONTENT around the world - You know how big their server farm is?? You cannot just mirror a server farm of that capacity. There current data centre is 107,000sqft!

    Apples New Data Centre:


    Your just making a further fool of yourself. Here are the addresses of the two ITUNES STORE servers. I am sure you can do a traceroute......



    Which is exactly where my US content from itunes to BKK that maximises my bandwidth comes from.

  8. So you have 55,000 naht for this 30" http://www.login.co....?asset=4&id=584 2560x1600 Monitor

    @ 66.900 baht http://store.apple.c...roduct/M9179B/A 2560x1600 Monitor

    http://h10010.www1.h...77-4195318.html 2560x1600 Monitor

    You can get the Apple 30" display for 58900THB using education discount online. Or perhaps you will be able to get it cheaper next month as this model is discontinued from end of August. So you might get lucky with a cheap one that a apple dealer has left in stock.

  9. So you do realise that all the major Internet players have direct pipes into Thailand?

    em I don't think so dude. Microsoft/Google/Apple/Sun/Cisco do not have their own "Direct Pipes" into Thailand. However do please prove me wrong. rolleyes.gif

    Yet another conspiracy theory.

    You are getting the decent speeds from such providers simply because they have the bandwidth available. Do a tracecert it is certainly not their own "direct pipe into Thailand"

  10. I can't explain why their results are wrong and overinflated... but they clearly are.... Face the facts.

    Oh dear the village idiot is on the loose again. Look we know your particular internet connection is crap and we know you are bitter and twisted about it and perhaps somewhat jealous of those that do have a good connection here in thailand. But let it go with all your conspiracy theories.....broken record.

  11. My goodness...hit a nerve did we. ;)

    Not really just wanted put a close to it and hopefully everyone will see that you two idiots really have no idea what you are talking about. Off to finish downloading Starcraft 2 in little over an 1hr 20mins for 6.99GB. Highly recommend True 16mb Premium to those who are considering it.

  12. Microsoft.com US Download

    Use the above link as recommended by the so beloved by 1 or 2 members on here favourite website dslreports to test your download speed. It's a practical download for everyday internet test hosted on a good server.

    Reference DSLReports speedtest its a bit of a nonsense for Thailand due to >200ms latency's to their servers the file size is too small for their speedtest to here (it's fine for a low MS Ping short distance) as it is over before the high bandwidth users in thailand gets a chance to accelerate.

    Also if you run DSLReports Java speedtest and then run the flash speedtest the results are totally different! Also try the different servers still in CA the results are so so so different for a minor geographical change in location. It's a pointless speedtest.

    The BEST and only indication is the above file download from microsoft.com US server which has the bandwidth available for the downloaders.

    Download from a host that has the bandwidth available ie Microsoft, Sun, Apple etc. this will give you a true indication of your own bandwidth as it will not be limited by the hosts bandwidth in these cases.

    I can max out 16mb True premium from Apple, Sun and Microsoft and indeed any other provider with decent infrastructure. A lot of people with limited knowledge on here blame True or their ISP when in fact half the time it's the server they are downloading from.

    Of course standby for JFChandler and Pib claiming that True are manipulating the results from microsoft and apples websites as well as speedtest.net....haha biggrin.gif

    You just don't believe anyone other than yourself 's and secondly overly paranoid that True are manipulating every figure under the sun!

    I give up with the 2 resident village idiots on here as no matter what you post reference Itunes us store downloads, usenet downloads, Microsoft Downloads, Speedtest.net results with VALID ping to west coast.

    Secondly one of the village idiots claimed i was using concurrent connections to a download server so that is not valid. How he worked out that it makes the data provided invalid i have no idea. Anyone knows to max out High bandwidth on your end multiple connections to a server is the only way of utilising your available bandwidth on your ISP package. It's not a cheat of the system you are simply maximising your available bandwidth. Ever heard of download managers? Getright etc?

    They will never believe you. No point even discussing with them. Sorry your internet sucks. Mine is great! :) THE END.

    The only thing that will make the village idiot happy is if I ignore: Torrents, Speedtest.net, Itunes US Downloads, Microsoft Downloads, Giganews Usenet Downloads, Blizzard Game Download US, Itunes 720p streaming as they are all manipulated by TRUE....and use his very outdated and somewhat pointless DSLReports Java/Flash small file size speedtester because that is the ONLY VALID TEST ON THE WHOLE NET - according to him

    PS. Downloading Starcraft 2 North American version from Blizzard at 1.62MB/s as we speak. Don't tell me JFChandler they are manipulating those figures as well.......unbelievable you and Pib are like Dumb and Dumber :)

  13. Still downloading at 1.7MB/s from giganews on west coast with a ping of 273ms on true 16mb premium. I am happy! cheers.

    No need for speedtest programs when ACTUAL downloads are more realistic and cannot be manipulated by those who claim True are. BTW everytime I run the speedtest.net program I never get an unrealistic ping. Always 250-360ms range which is normal.

    Confirmed with online gaming on blizzard west coast servers of around 230ms.

    1. Giganews.

    2. Apple Itunes Store (US!)

    3. Microsoft West coast download centre (Try downloading Windows XP from there)

    4. Youtube 720p West coast

    5. Torrents.

    All the above I can more or less max out the 16mb. What else doi need?

    Some people on here just because their line quality sucks and they are not the getting the speeds. Automatically assume that everyone else who is getting the speeds is lying....

    I have given up with the 1 or 2 anti-true impossible you are getting 16mb to the us guys on thaivisa. They simply refuse to believe it even after i posted screen shots. Waste of time even entering into a discussion with them.

  14. What my ITunes file download showed via my browser at around 11 pm, 1+ megabyte per sec.[/quote]

    So let me get this straight. Your downloading at the correct speed from Apples West Coast servers data centre at the correct speed you should have for your particular True product. And your not happy because?????

    What is it you do with your 8mb connection? I have the feeling you think that the higher speed connection you have the fast your web browsing experience. Actually the difference between a 4mb connection and a 8mb connection for normal web browsing is pretty much zero.

  15. I saw measurements that added up to a couple of MB from different sources... not 15 mb.

    I think you better check your maths. 1.6MB/s. Download is pretty dam_n close to 15mb.

    I will do your speed test when i get home.

    But if 1.6MB/s. From itunes store does not convince you then i think your tech knowledge is lacking somewhat.

    I have given u 2 different speedtests. I have given you itunes store download and shown giganews download.

    I am sorry if that is not good enough to convince you i dont know what u need. I would invite you round in person to see it but you sound like a nutter ha :)

    I'll try your specific speedtest. Perhaps then you will accept it???

  16. None Believers on the 16mb True premium package. About 1mb slower than normal as usual at the weekend. Speedtest.net, Thaivisa speedtest, itunes Downloading, Giganews Downloading. Although there will still be those on here who claim its not true and international bandwidth is throttled, limited etc etc.

    These tests are from Non Thai hosted servers mainly west coast USA.


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