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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. It is good that the Nation is printing this. This kind of thing has been going on for years. It would be surprising if these criminals did not have some sort of informal relationship with the local police.

    I don't expect it will stop but it may disappear or relocate for a while.

    sounds like someones afraid of some media and public opposition, after having it cushy for so many years. It shows that the public are becoming a little less afraid, and are starting to fight back, that is why there is all this recent agro from the mafia click.

    The biggest crime problem in Bangkok is the police. They commit most of it and fail to stop any of it. It's absolutely third world ridiculous!

    Calling them monkeys is giving them too much credit. Some day these little peices of human waste will pick the wrong farang to mess with and they'll get what they deserve. Hopefully this incident shines a big spotlight on the issue. But the Thais don't really care what happens to a farang here. They dont even care that their own government steals them blind. Like I said - third world at best! If it weren't for the beautiful girls most in the west wouldn't even be able to find Thailand on a map let alone go there! I love my Thai wife and I actually love Thailand. I just can't stand how corrupt the people in power are and how little the Thai people care.

  2. I would suggest that so long as the protests remain peaceful they will become a tourist attraction in their own right. I know I have walked down to take pictures and talk with the locals on occassion and many tourists were also doing the same. Now if things should turn violent again then I agree there could be a big problem.

  3. So does that mean they are giving up their addiction for "tea" and are going to stop shaking down legitimate local businesses and drivers? That should drop the crime rate significantly! They could actually try enforcing the child prostitution laws and raid some of the "Thais only" brothels and the clubs on Soi Cowboy and Nana where 14 year-olds are being routinely exploited and raped by "customers." Just a thought!

  4. Sometimes I'm sure Thai Visa make these stories up, because this is just blood-boilingly absurd to anyone who lives here, if it's true.

    The police run riot, scams are everywhere, the mayor is unable to control anyone unless its a business owner asking him to cut a ribbon, all infrastructure projects are badly executed to the point of incompetence, and Beach Road is full of whores, drug dealers and scammers.

    A little effective backyard-cleaning might be in order before asking for giant pots of money which will fund a few peoples' retirements, more than actually change things on the ground.

    Why undertake something like this if the Thai politicians can't infuse corruption into the process and steal a little money from the folk! Anyway, my wife won't let me go to Pattaya!

  5. It's the whole democracy-coupe thing that creates a problem here. Thailand purports to be a democracy, which is purely a joke. Anyone brought up in a western democracy just gets a good laugh from this claim. But that aside is it any wonder that even in a sham democracy like Thailand that an illegitimate government put into power by the military and through most likely trumped up charges by opposition hacks who are also as corrupt as you get on this planet gets low marks? Why doesn't Thailand just say what it really is - a military dictatorship fronted by it's political puppets who are charged with carrying out its agenda or face the consequences. Heck the Thai people don't care enough about their own government to curb the blatant corruption to do anything about it, nor do they have any comprehension of what a democracy really is to understand the difference, so why not be honest? Oh I forgot, no such concept in The Land of Shams!

  6. Having worked as a corporate attorney for over 20 years, I can tell you first hand these studies are basically contrived between some hack politician and one of his contributors he owes something to looking to lay the groundwork for a big, and usually needless, contract of some kind involving public money. I've seen it at least a dozen times over my career, especially by defense and construction contractors in the US and twice in Asia where numbers and facts were simply created out of thin air to justify some public expenditure as payback for political support. It's the marriage of corrupt politics and unethical business practices at its best! When Vegas starts giving odds that Bangkok will be under water in 10 years I'll take it more serious!

  7. Many countries provide such compensation and I don't consider it a bribe attempt unless there is some untoward conditions that go along with it. The problem is that the Thai government's rightly deserved reputation throughout the world as one of the most morally and shamelessly corrupt precedes them, even when there is no such intent. Certainly money can never replace her brother, but money is what we use in this world to compensate people for loss and I see nothing outwardly untoward about such an offer.

  8. How many arrests occurred after the hospitals reported to authorities that such young children had given birth. A nine year giving birth most likely was impregnated at 8 years old. I think that Thailand has laws against such things, and I think it's the hospital that should be picking up the phone and protecting these little children.

    If a Thai was involved I can assure you there was not even a call made. It has always amazed me how saving face is such a big deal in a society that is so openly corrupt, and known throughout the world to be so. Very hypocritical. This kind of report, and the failure to do anything about it (unless of course a farang is "alleged" to be involved) is a new low in what is already a morally bankrrupt society. From top to bottom the government doesn't care about these poor young girls and there is no saving face for that in the eyes of the civilized world.

  9. Speaking as a divorced American man who was married for 25 years to a Western woman, the answer is self evident. After my divorce I dated both younger and older American girls. Contrary to all these assumptions about older men/younger women, it is my experience there are plenty of young American girls also interested in mature and well settled older guys. Certainly not as many as in Asia but believe me, they are out there and they are not that hard to meet. The problem is that the young ones all have an entitlement mentality and it's all about them. On the other hand, the older ones are usually damaged from past bad relationships and carry too much baggage and/or are so engulfed in their own career that they have no real time for a meaningful relationship. I did not intend to find an Asian woman as I was never that naturally attracted to Asian women, but it just happened as these things do. I met her on a business trip. My wife worked for my client and it was kizmit! Yes she is much younger than I but her family is certainly not disadvantaged by Thai standards. We have been together for several years now and are very very happy and we certainly love each other. For me, her traditional value system and unselfish and caring nature is what makes it work. I have never felt so loved or appreciated and she never takes me for granted. That she is young and beautiful is an added bonus. Glittering generalizations seem to abound on this and other sites about older men with younger girls, and there is certainly some truth rolled up in these generalizations, and there are many gold diggers out there just as there are in the West; but there are many many very happy couples out there. Maybe we just don't spend our time posting about it.

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