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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. This is terrible. It's not going to end well over there I'm afraid. I hope these poor people get out of there safely! Kudos to all those assisting in the evacuations! Hopefully the Thai people will begin to understand that what happens in places like these do actually have an impact at home. Just wait until the nut case over there lights up the oil fields! Hopefully the US is working behind the scenes to take him out but Obama has never really showed any stones when it comes to standing up to foreign leaders. Where's Ronald Reagan when we need him!

  2. Or is it because the Thais are naturally pragmatic?

    No, it's because the word 'why' is beaten out of them at a very early age.

    I agree with this completely. But I have seen a gradual change in my wife. She has traveled outside of Thailand quite a bit and has lived in the US so her perspective is slowly broadening. 80% of the country is just trying to survive, and the so-called elite is poorly educated, uninquisitive, ignorant of the world around them and more concerned with what wrist watch they should wear. It's little wonder. In all the years I have been doing business in Thailand I have yet to meet a Thai business person that has impressed me on any level, especially on an intellectual level. I take that back - my wife's aunt is pretty sharp and runs a great little business, but she's a country girl. Maybe they should be running the country!

  3. Does anyone in the Thai government ever think or use their brains in any way? This kind of third world barbarian mentality is so out of step with the modern world. Who do they want to be? North Korea? Someone really needs to explain the definition of a democracy to them. People actually have some civil and human rights in a real democracy. More evidence of the sham being perpetrated on the Thai poeple. I laugh every time I see a reporter referring to Thailand as a democracy. They are utterly clueless.

  4. A bit more graft and they can be number one next year,what a laugh :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

    If the committee that decides was comprised mostly of Asians I would agree with you. That said, So Wanna Boom Boom is still better than any US airport I've ever been in, including Dallas-Ft. Worth! No arguments on the other top 3. Been to each one and they are very nice! I'd also put KL's airport up there too but it's sooo far from town.

  5. It was mentioned in the other thread that foreigners are not exposed to this type of lifestyle.

    Have you ever been to Vegas, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Frankfurt's Redlight district, or The Wall in Nuremberg? I'm sure there are a lot more.

    I doubt Thailand invented this industry.

    You are absolutely right on this. I don't know about the rest of the world but the US has far more underage prostitution and prostitution in general than Thailand. This is our dirty little secret no one wants to talk about, but at the same time we lecture other countries about their human rights abuses. It happens for the same reason it does anywhere - addiction and poverty. This may come as a complete shock to the Thai members, but there are millions of Americans living in extreme poverty. Take a tour (if you dare) through any of the inner city projects, barrios and ghettos, or go to the hill country and bayous of the deep South, and you would swear you are in a thrid world country. I think the big difference in the US is that our society is far less accepting of such behavior, law enforement will actually do something about such child abuse and the Johns don't typically take up with and marry their hookers ( but to be fair if the American hookers looked like the Thai hookers maybe things would be different. Have you ever seen some of the American hookers? Yikes!). Otherwise the problem in the US is far more widespread and pervasive based on documentaries I have seen on the matter citing the statistics. More enforcement like that described in the article is a good thing and I would love to see more of it with real prosecutions.

  6. Why don't they start by doing something about all the corrupt police that are always shaking down foreigners. Information on this type of corruption is exported right back to their home countries and it does not reflect well on Thailand. When I'm back in the US and talk to other Americans about Thailand they all view it the same: Beautiful temples, easy women and getting scammed, not necessarily in that order. Not exactly the kind of advertisement you want if you try to attract tourists! In parts of Mexico, there are tourist hotlines where tourists who are victims of police corruption can report the cop and they actually do something about it! In the area where I have a place police shakedowns have declined significantly since this program went into force a few years back (notwitstanding the country is going to hell in a handbasket for other reasons not present in LOS).It's bad enough the citizenry treats the tourists like walking wallets and scams them at every turn. It's worse when law enforecement reenforces that behavior. If you want to start to shake off the handle of a third world country, then stop treating foreigners like second class citizens. Without them Thailand's economy would be in serious trouble.

  7. "The Church has always taught the intrinsic evil of contraception, that is, of every marital act intentionally rendered unfruitful. This teaching is to be held as definitive and irreformable. Contraception is gravely opposed to marital chastity; it is contrary to the good of the transmission of life (the procreative aspect of matrimony) and to the reciprocal self-giving of the spouses (the unitive aspect of matrimony); it harms true love and denies the sovereign role of God in the transmission of life (n. 24)."

    Pope John Paul II

    So what your saying is that the Catholic priests that routinely rape young boys and girls are not going to wear condoms! Leave your Puritanical ignorance in the West where it belongs! This is a Bhuddist country ! Your underlined comment just demonstrates the ignorance and intolerance of this corrupt church!

  8. "After Ms Tida made her complaints the manager said " I don't care how big you are around here, I am the mafia. Not even the police dares to mess with me and my people. Who the hell do you think you are?"."


    Expect to see Mr. Mafia turn up as fish food! A two-bit sleeze bar manager doesn't attack Hi So ladies and get away with it. They have plenty of money and anger to find the right people for that job!

  9. Leaders anywhere in the world would step down over a few protestors? Really? What an asenine statement to make. It shows he is completely out of touch with the rest of the world. I cant think of anywhere in the world where such a protest would result in a change of government. Even in Egypt where there is absolute chaos the government is holding firm. Does Thailand really want this idiot and his kind guiding the country's foriegn policy? I certainly hope not. Maybe a few folks could gather and protest against him at the Dubliner and he wil go away!

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