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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. Why in the world would Tiger care about Thai citizenship? He is an American! My mother is from Ireland but being born and raised an American I certainly don't identify with being Irish, nor would I have any interest in Irish citizenship, honorary or otherwise! My wife is Thai, but I would never have the slightest interest in Thai citizenship, and she has no interest in being an American citizen and is very proud of being Thai . We dont close our doors to her because of that nor would we say she is scoffing at the US for not wanting it. It's no knock against Thailand because he doesn't consider himself Thai - he's not - anymore than he is African. Heck if he wasn't Tiger Woods I doubt very much Thai society would consider him such given his farang father, who is dare I say it - "Black" - a fact that even the most over-hyped Thai whitening cream or pill could ever change! But in the end the all-mighty baht will always prevail over ALL other issues of any kind in Thailand, even one's lack of Thainess, and Tiger represents a whole bunch of baht so little issues such as his blackness that would not even get him to first base with even the most desperate bar girl is overlooked because of his wealth and potential willingness to spread it around the LOS. As far as not being welcome in Thailand, I have never got the feeling from the Thai people during my years visiting and living in Thailand that they had the slightest concern that I convert to Thai citizenship before visiting their fair country and accepting my money (farang pricing of course). Nor do I take offense at their immigration policies that basically tell Westerners, "please come enjoy our country, spend your money, and then leave or we will fine you for every day you don't. (Actually the US could learn something on that front from Thailand). If someone asked me if I would want Thai citizenship because my wife, and potentially our children, are and may beThai citizens, my response would be something like "Why would I want Thai citizenship?" I can't think of a single reason why. True, I can get into Vietnam without a visa but even so I'm just not feeling it!

    He scoffed at Thailand when offered honorary citizenship. When interviewed he actually said, "Why would I want Thai citizenship? "

    Stay in America, you're no longer welcome...

  2. Boy, if this isn't calling the kettle black. This is the Thai way of 'lobbying'. As if the US doesn't have this system? Instead the US military 'loses' 8 billion dollars in Iraq (or was it Afghanistan, oh well, same same) intended for rebuilding? Throw those bastards in jail. At least we got a crappy film festival in return!

    So, if in all, Juthamas got $1.8 million of the 13+ million dollars, the whole project was most likely tendered at almost $45 mill. Let's see....project $45 million.....30% for total tea money for ruling party at $13+ million.....governor at 4% or $1.8 million....CHECK! Well done.

    The U.S. does have corruption but the difference is they go to jail there (ask Bernie Madoff).

    The conviction rate for corruption in Thailand would indicate that the country is corruption free.

    Madoff was a private citizen. The US is very good at persecuting and prosecuting private citizens. The US is no better that Thailand with its politically corrupt. Just look at the recent case of that slime ball Charlie Rangell. This piece of dirt is responsible for writing the US tax code but blatantly evaded income tax for years claiming he just didn't know he is suppose to declare all his income from "whatever source derived" as it was written by his own committee, but nothing will happen to him even after 13 ethics charges were filed against him by his own peers in Congress. Obama's Treasury Secretary and half his cabinet are tax evaders, but nothing! The US only prosecutes crooked politicians when it is politically expediant for the more powerful to do so. It has nothing to do with our justice being any better that Thai justice when it comes to those in power. As it was said in one of "The Godfather" movies - crime and politics are the same thing! We are no better in the US. Our politicians are just a bunch of crooks as well, but we can at least vote them out of office every so often without the Army telling us who will control!

  3. At this level it's all about political positioning. You can't undue the past. Everything from here on from Thaksin is all spin in an effort to rewrite history to save his own skin. He doesn't care about the people of the Red Party or anyone else but himself and his billions. To think otherwise is simply to deny reality. As usual the poor masses are being used as a tool by the elite, of which Thaksin is a poster child.

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  4. To those that say they have nothing to fear if they have done nothing wrong I would respectfully differ. The US fought the American Revoltion and established it's Constitution fully recognizing the tyranny of government left unchecked. Innocent people are caught up in government enforcement abuses every day. The US prisons are full of people who did nothing wrong except make unintentionally misstatements to law enforcement on obstruction of justice convictions ( an FBI favorite and why you are insane if you ever speak to law enforcement about anything). The government constantly attempts to trample on law enforcement victims right to remain silent through lying and coercion fully sanctioned by the US Supreme Court. If this is the state of affairs in an established democracy like the US, what do you think goes on in a country like Thailand where discriminatory enforcement against foriegners is the norm? If you've done nothing wring you have nothing to worry about? Really? Think again!

  5. Clearly written by Farang for Farang gains only. Thai people, TOT & CAT will loose out.

    I think most farangs wonder why they are even talking about 3G, its out of date already and here they still talk about selling the licences.

    I agree. We are already far beyond 3G in Farangland so I doubt this was a farang who wrote this. The comment about it being written by farang clearly shows a lack of what is going on outside of Thailand and is indemic to the problem so clearly presented in the article - that Thailand is just lagging behind the rest of the civilized world in this area and refuses to pull its head out of the sand.

  6. We should be focusing on getting our own crooks out of Congress and in the White House ( a full time job) and leaving the matter to Thailand. Its just another big jerk off session with Congress. What esle can they do except express moral support for Thailand? We certainly aren't going to get activley involved nor should we so what's the point. Typical Congressional hearing though. Not even 1 Thai testified - just a bunch of so-called academics! What a joke!

  7. In either event, what has happened is a human thing, not a Thai thing, and unfortunately is no doubt being repeated as we speak in countries all over the world.

    I've come across some apologists in my time. It's a Thai thing as she (a Thai) kidnapped the kid and fled to Bangkok which as we all know is in Thailand.

    You missed the point entirely. People of all nationalities take and flee with their kids in a break-up, not just Thais. So why lay it all on her Thai heritage? I'm no apologist. Far from it. There are plenty of things you can lay on Thais because of their heritage, just like you can with Brits, Americans, Austrailians, etc., but this is not one of them. In any event, it's her kid and she will likely end up with custody anyway if she hasn't abused the kid. The poor farang will just end up paying - now that's a Thai thing!

  8. Terribly sad of course. But why take one reported incident and make it a Thai thing? Girls and guys here in the US run off with their kids all the time after a split up. Many times the woman or child is being abused by the father, or the woman is abusing the kid and the man splits with them. There is always more than meets the eye to these stories and it may likely as not have nothing to do with the mother's Thai heritage. What if it was her that ran to the police to claim abuse? We'd be bashing the poor dad. It's all about who is framing the argument. Right now dad has the bully pulpit and will get his sympathizers. Let's see what she has to say when she is inevitably found. In either event, what has happened is a human thing, not a Thai thing, and unfortunately is no doubt being repeated as we speak in countries all over the world.

  9. only thing i question is why they waited so long to shoot him and pray they dont make a martyr out of him. The military should have taking him in months ago.

    The reds , (i hope) realize it is their best interest to deal and end this before it escalates further.

    I'm not so sure if it actually was an army sniper that took him out. If it was, well done.

    Army snipers are trained to aim at the chest. It's a larger target and a high velocity .308 round if hit in the chest is almost always deadly due to shock and other factors. Also, the head is more likely to be moved quickly causing the shot to miss. Those rounds are steel core and will penetrate a normal "bullet proof" vest without a problem. Only a vest with added ceramic plates would stop it.

    In my opinion, looking at the way Thaksin and his red terrorists have acted so far, I would not be too surprised if the shot was aimed at the journalist but missed. The renegade General probably came up with the plan and literally "shot himself in the head". Another journalist shot, with him as a direct witness saying - "of course it was the government - would I put myself in danger ?" would have been a nightmare PR disaster for the government. This in itself is another argument against the government having been behind this "execution". The danger of hitting the journalist would have been way too great as Sae Deng found out in person, only in reverse.

    Once the machines are turned off and an autopsy is done with forensic examinations of the angle of the wound etc.. we will know more, but my bet is on a scheme by the reds gone wrong

    Nice story. But a US Navy Seal sniper was the shooter. They aim for eyes or temples. remember Campbells meeting ?

    If that were the case life support would not be necessary. But whoever it was, nice shot!!! I dare say the rest of the Red leadership is on borrowed time. Let's see how their "we are reay to die" rhetoric goes now that they are going to do so!

  10. 1 troop, 10 protesters injured in Don Muang clash

    One troop with severe head injury and 10 protesters were admitted to the Bhumibhol following the clash between anti-riot troops and red-shirt protesters near the Air Force headquarters.

    The protesters were injured by rubber bullets.

    The troop appeared to have been shot at his head.


    -- The Nation 2010-04-28


    So much for the unarmed Reds. About to come back to Bangkok this weekend but this time just picking up the teeruk and taking her and my money to Macau instead of other Thai destinations. I'll come back to Thailand when things settle down, and it's not that I'm worried about getting hurt, but I'm conducting my own protest over all this stupidity, not to mention the shabby treatment we Farang receive when we are there. Enough is enough!

  11. has anyone read the bangkok post columns or seen the news on the "mysterious" men in black? Who do you suppose they really are? They've been seen in and among the red shirt "barricades" so it would appear if they were foes there would've been a clash.

    One has to wonder how all this can go on when it gets to sucha level as guys in black with machine gus can roam around like mercenaries and assassins.

    Time to bring this to an end. The "formerly red shirts now known as colorless shirts" don't want a peaceful end, so I guess sooner or later here, they'll get what they're askin' for, maybe more than they bargained for.

    I think of the movie "Dark Night" when thinking about these "men in black" where it's said about the Joker that some people just want chaos for it's own sake (paraphrasing). These people are guns for hire and have no employers unless stuff is hitting the fan. The longer discord can be mainained, the longer they are employed.

  12. Abhisit looks incompetent, Anupong looks like he is in charge. Abhisit could not broker an agreement in one month and two negotiation sessions. Anupong says no killing and everyone stops? Sounds fishy too me. Sounds like Anupong cut this deal on the side with the red shirts. Makes Abhisit look lame.

    Anyway, the Democrats are out of it with dissolution either for violating campaign regulations, or through vote. It's not over yet, but people get what they want at the expense of..... THE TAXPAYERS and the DEAD!!!!!

    What makes me wonder is why yesterday Anupong issued final warning, and today he is issuing no crack down orders.

    Made a deal? got a payment? sudden attack of morality?

    Innocent dead bodies on the streets of Bangkok can have a sobering effect.

  13. Hitting that particular BTS station was hitting a bit too close to home. I use it often as Im sure most of you who reside in Bangkok do as well. Somebody needs to get a hold on this because it's the violence that will keep people away and destroy the livelihoods of Thai people who rely on tourism and even those who don't. Someone has got to start thinking about the good of the country and not their own greed which seems to be the case no matter what color shirt they wear. These people are not on the verge of democracy but anarchy and destruction of the Kingdom.

  14. Here is a serious reply: unless you are filthy rich, you have no business hanging out in a foreign country without a job and thinking of getting married, especially if its your potential future mother in law making the suggestion. Wake up, dude.

    I agree. Believe me that money will not last you long without some kind of income, and your teeruk will get very restless if you have no money prospects. Just like in the west, financial problems will strain your relationship with her. She expects you to take care of her and probably her family to some extent. You are seriously underfunded to do that with only $25K. You may be better off spending a little for a fiance visa and take her back to your home so you can earn a living. Do the Thai ceremony for the family but get the license and legally marry her back home. After you make a little more money you can always go back to Thailand or visit enough to keep her happy.

  15. If you rule out negotiations as a possibility, what else is left under these circumstances? It seems the Reds are signing their own death warrants if that is going to be the approach. Even if they have stockpiled weapons, which is quite likely, they will be no match for the military. The wild card is whether the military rank and file are prepared to carry out what will amount to an execution order by their generals on their fellow citizens. I truly hope not!

  16. Can someone please answer the following questions about the initial deposit of a Foreign Currency Deposit Account?
    Also, is physical cash required in order to make the initial deposit?

    Does the initial deposit need to be made at the moment of opening the account?

    Well at Siam Commercial I was required to deposit cash to open my account. Can't speak for all banks but I would think a minimum deposit would be required.

  17. don't see the advantage in doing this unless u think usd is headed up in value???

    B of A and Citicorp have branches in BKK. They probably also offer USD accounts. But don't know for sure.

    The B of A branch is only for business accounts. I actually tried to set up an account with them and that is what I was told. Where is the CitiBank branch and do they accept invividual accounts?

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