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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. Well it costs so much because there is a lot of graft and bribes to be paid in a project like this to be sure. She should know this. Also, no one enjoys walking the streets at issue. Shade, no motor bikes to dodge, no touters and the sidewalks are in terrible shape. I can't wait. I use the one at Chidlom all the time and avoid the street like the plague!

  2. Never had a problem gettin an exit row on China Airlines by just showing up early so I'm there when the counter opens. It helps if you are a an Emerald, Platinum or Gold member.You have a separate check-in which is never busy early and you dont have to wait in the economy line (which always seems to be 30 deep in LA even before the counter opens) so you can jump ahead of everyone else. Works every time!

  3. It's one of the better airports. Of course, minor problems will always happen. Somehow most people in this forum only want to critizise anything here in Thailand. Why do you come here?

    I've been through Swampy about 50 times and I can't say I've ever had much problem. Once or twice a long wait at passport control or immigration but that's about it. My biggest complaint is that it is hot in the terminals and the walk can be long. But plenty of food chouces and still cheaper than US airports. If you go to the food court downstairs it's quite reasonable. Can't speak to the taxis as I have a driver that always picks me up but I have heard they are a problem. Usually hit the VIP lounge for a little free food. No real complaints.

  4. I find it hilarious that Thailand has a farang PM! The fact that he returned to Thailand doesn't erase the fact that he is a westerner and British citizen since birth, lived there and was educated there with Western values. If you doubt this just see his behavior when he is in the West for a political visit. He fits right in. It's not like his parents were just on vacation when he was born there, or serving overseas in the military. He certainly could have never been President of the US under his current circumstances. That was what the big stink about Obama was over and whether he was actually a US citizen and eligible to be President. The former Governor of California, Arnold Swhartznegger has been in the US forever and considers himself an American and has served as Governor to the most populated state in the US, but he can never run for President because of his Austrian citizenship. Abhisit is what he is - a farang! The irony here is just soooooo funny. Only in Thailand!

  5. Ah good ol' vote buying! The cornerstone of democracy. It happens everywhere. Just look at what vote buying in the US is creating now with the unions. The unions buy the democrats and Obama, Obama and the dems launder the money back through the government in terms of union give backs that make the union bosses rich and the cycle repeats all over. Been going on forever.

  6. A perfect example of when NOT being PC is a very good thing!

    I agree! The female flight attendants always look so good. If Thai is going to charge such high air fares compared to many competitors they can at least keep the hot FAs. Nothing wrong with standards, and a woman with a 32 waist is large even by US standards so its not like they are asking their ladies to stay ultra skinny..IWish the US airlines would do the same. The days of attractive and friendly FAs there are long gone.

  7. My wife and I love Koh Chang. We stay at the Paradise Resort and get a beautiful bungalow right on the beach, but it might be a little bit more than you want to spend at about 2500 per night, but well worth a little extra.

  8. I've brought my one bass guitar over with no problem but 5 will probably raise a few eyebrows at customs. I also doubt they will let you take 5 on the plane because of carry-on limitations. Get a good hard shell travel case for them and put them underneath if they let you check that many items. I did this with mine and had no problems.

  9. You got to be kidding! I take my wife to see a Thai movie at least once a week. Some actually have English subtitles, but good grief they are horrible!!!!!! The acting is atrocious and the story lines are so trite and predictable! The funny ones can be a bit entertaining and the action movies have some incredible stunts and fight scenes, but not exactly Lord of the Rings. I'm usually looking for someone to shoot me in the head after about half an hour! But my sweetie loves them so I do it with a smile....... of sorts :annoyed:

  10. There is one other piece of legislation, which is very powerful in suppressing the freedom of expression and thus the freedom of the press: the Thai law about libel.

    As far as I understand, the defendant in a libel case cannot argue that his words are the truth and thus justified. All that matters is how the plaintiff perceived the words.

    Moreover it is an "ex officio" crime and is not limited to expressions made in Thailand. A newspaper article written and published abroad can also make the author liable to a libel lawsuit in Thailand. Nasty surprises may expect him when coming to Thailand for a holiday.

    To bring a libel claim in the States is a complete waste of time. The law has no teeth and you can say pretty much anything you want about someone without recourse as long as you couch it as an opinion. If you are a public person you basically have no protection from libel because the level of proof is so high. Not so here. The Thai skin is not as thick as I see this libel issue all the time here. Maybe it's the whole saving face thing.

  11. "Media organisations have no policy to promote gender sensitivity or equal employment opportunities. There is also little effort to give equal and fair representation to ethnic minorities or people with disabilities."--

    Yep. Don't want to have any nasty old political bias, do we?

    At least they share the media bias issue with the US as well. Obama could blow up an orphanage and the mainstream media wouldn't report it! Anyway, baby steps.

  12. I do not think the BoA Bangkok branch provides any services for individual accounts:

    An established history has also enabled the bank to maintain a mature

    and diversified portfolio of clients which includes local, American,

    European and multinational corporations as well as local institutions

    and government agencies.


    There is no B of A branch in Bangkok. They have one business branch but no retail.

  13. Www.dootv.tv is the best site, absolutely awesome, they record and propose any programme on demand...

    There are other free site, but dootv charge so little it's worth it. All u have to do is conect your pc to your tv and your wife will marry you again :-)

    I checked it out and it looks great! Getting my membership today. Thank you for a great suggestion!

  14. When we moved to the US, wifey didn't want to watch Thai TV. Said it's pretty bad...which I tend to agree with...mostly soap operas. Best thing about her watching English TV shows was how it taught her the language. We had Tivo. She would put a show on pause, get out a dictionary and look up a word....or get me to explain it to her.

    She can now watch English TV shows and even understand the subtle nuances/slang words/etc. Great stuff.

    My wife already speaks fluent English after several years going back and forth, but she still loves her Thai shows and God help us all if she can't watch them. You are very lucky you don't have to sit through these things. They are absolutely awful!!!!! But I love her so you do what you gotta do!!

  15. Wow big trip. I won't try to address all your questions but I will address a few. You will get a 30 visa on arrival. If you want to stay longer you either have to get a tourist visa from the Thai Embassy in your home country or cross the border and come back. If you do the latter you will only get 15 days so probably best to go get a visa to cover your 2 month stay. Bangkok is basically safe for tourists. Theyr may try to scam you at various sites but otherwise its a safe city as cities go. I live here and often walk around late at night with no concerns. The Thais are basically peaceful people and welcome tourists. Just don't give money to anyone on the streets. You will see people with no arms and legs laying on the street but its all a local mafia scam. Monks do not ask for money so don't fall for that one either. The Palace will not be closed so don't let anyone tell you it is. It's a scam to get you to go somewhere else with them. You can live very cheaply if you choose so if you are basically living off the land and not going 5 star you should be fine. Don't get to over involved in dealing with cultural things because the Thais don't expect it from you. If you're backpacking then you will want to head north to Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai. Flights are cheap, The Koa Yai National Park two hours out of BKK is worth checking out too. So many places to see. Anyway that's my two cents. Have a great trip.

  16. Getting ready to head back to the States with the wife soon and wanted to know if anyone can recommend a good online Thai TV site for when we are in the US. We have tried ThaiTVNow and it works ok off and on and a few others that just don't work that well. I'd like to find something a bit more reliable even if I have to pay for it. FYI - Netflix does offer Thai DVDs delivered right to your mailbox or you can download - thank Bhudda for that!!! I'm sure any of you with a Thai wife or girlfriend can feel my pain!:lol:

  17. OP, sorry to hear about your experience, i certainly would not want to be in your shoes and know exactly how you feel as i have been through similar cases.

    I can not tell you a solution but can tell you what one of my mates did to get back at shonky business.

    To make story short, he was scammed by TATA car company who in writing promised to pay him 1000 baht per day while the fix the car. It took them 6 months to fix the car and at the end they refused to pay.

    what he did was, he put a huge carryboy on the car and made the signs which say "TATA car steal from customers, TATA car do not and can not fix cars and DO not buy TATA"

    He parked his car right outside the dealership shop and it has been there for few months now. Occasionally he drives it around town and then back to the shop.(I am sure many people have seen it around Pattaya)

    Funny enough, it appears the amount of people going into the shop is less the half to what it was before. TATA did try to call police, but police can not do anything but sometimes issue a parking ticket when he parks it wrong.

    While he still has not been paid, he sure has done some serious damage to that shop and car image

    PS. The signs are in both English and Thai and on all 3 sides of the car, so can not be missed by anyone

    Very cool but my solution would have been a bit more direct! 18,000 baht can buy alot of justice!

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