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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. A denotation of $100 dollars per MP is laughable considering that most of them are millionaires.

    Still, would have been 50,000 dollars. Could have helped :bah:

    They could still do it on their own. Don't need a parlimentary act to donate. How many will though without getting some publicity? Probably none. Can buy a lot of little boys in the brothels for $50K! Don't give these corrupt degenerates any credit. They don't deserve it!

  2. ASTV Signal Taken Off the Air

    The signal of PAD satellite television station ASTV has been disconnected. It remains unconfirmed whether the blackout is due to a technical problem or orders from the government as police officers surround the rally site. Today is the last day before the March 15 deadline set by authorities for PAD protesters to vacate their rally site


    -- Tan Network 2011-03-14


    Haha! What do you think?

  3. That's all well and good to express condolences, but how about some real help! As ususal Thailand is more concerned with the few Thais over there instead of really helping a neighbor in need. Given the billions Japan pumps into Thailand's economy every year you would think the Thai government could take a break from stealing from the public couffers and direct a bit of that to Japan! Not just a meager $165,000, a few sniff dogs and a bunch of worthless "officials" who will likely just get in the way!

  4. People are dying as we are reading this and all the tourist industry of Thailand can thank of is its pocket book.

    Given this country's ignorance of anything happening outside of Siam Paragon I'm suprised they even reported on it! Of course their only focus is on how much money the scammers are going to lose here. Pathetic! They have very short memories here!

  5. He cites no reason for his belief. Why would it necessarily turn violent? Last year the protests went on for days until the government encited the violence and started shooting innocent people. Sounds like typical villifying of the opposition. Anyway I'm going to walk over and check it out. The protests have become quite a tourist site! Hopefully I don't get shot at by the government's men in black!

  6. I thought Thailand was trying to attract a better class of tourists. I doubt the relatively small visa fee would play any part in such a tourist's decision as to where to vacation. I never give such fees a second thought when traveling, and someone who does is obviously a borderline tourist by Thailand's definition, and they don't want them so why eliminate the fee? Are the Chinese too poor or too cheap? If either, then why does Thailand want them? If not, then why get rid of the fee as they should be able to afford such a nominal amount? Funny thing is that Thailand could have a huge market in the west if they just stopped treating tourists like crap. Remember, all farang rich right? But people with money from the US won't come here because Thailand has a reputation in our country of being a total scam and extremely racist, both of which are true. Without addressing those issues, lowering fees will make no difference to Americans as we don't give a few hundred dollar fee a second thought, but we don't like being scammed and treated like second class citizens in a third world country!.

  7. Noticed one of the replies in Facebook surmised that if the father really wanted to have results from the reward money offer, that he should up it to 300,000 baht; apparently in order to attract sufficient notice.

    I also noted but maybe he simply does not have the funds - he would certainly offer more. But how stupid is the system - have to wait "15 days". Tell that to the West! Unbelievable.

    I could not imagine the pain this would cause him as I have daughters of this age. The only saving grace may be that as the mother she may not cause harm. I hope this has a happy ending and soon. sad.gif

    If you bring children to a thrid world country like this you can have these things happen. It's incredibly sad but after living here for a few years I would never think of bringing kids here for any reason.

  8. The state of Thailand's political system has been wrote about ad infinitum but their words mean nothing and fall on deaf ears.. All Thais know the situation and tolerate it. To say Thailand and democracy in the same sentence is not only a joke, but an insult to real democracies who fought and died to achieve it. Democracy is more than just a bumpy road. It takes a burning national commitment over centuries for it to happen and endure. The US fought a revolution, a civil war, and two world wars. Social democracy came slow as we had slavery until the late 19th century, persisting prejudice thereafter, and women didn't even have the right to vote until the 1920s. Thailand has no such national commitment, nor does it have the stomach to go through the messy process it takes to obtain any semblence of a democracy. It starts with the people. That wil NEVER happen in Thailand because the people are weak and apethetic. We farang look at the Thais and just shake our heads with all your talk about democracy. You have absolutely no clue and you will never acheive it because it is not within your collective spirit and strength as a country to ever get their. Mai pen rai and the fight for democracy are mutually exclusive terms.

  9. The David would have a shot in a fair justice system. But the Thailand courts are so corrupt and the judges are on the take or beholding to some government official who is on the take that there is no shot. I was talking to a fellow today who works with a large oil concern and he was telling me about how he was responsible for paying all the bribes to the Thai government officials.Coming from a developed country, it never ceases to amaze me how open everyone is about the required corruption payments to get anything done here. No doubt should someone get injured on their project there will be also be liability protection from the government bought and paid for with graft. Totally third world.

  10. At the press conference at Chiang Mai police headquarters today Chiang Mai Governor Pannada Disakul tried to allay fears of tourists caused by the four deaths in one hotel last month by saying: "We have to admit that these deaths coming one after another, are nothing more than coincidence. We have done and will continue to do our utmost to make tourists confident in our city."

    I was hoping that they would say that they would do their utmost to find out what the tourists died of...

    You're kidding right? Do you think the Chiang Mai police honestly care? Heck we still can't even get the facts on David Carradine dying in Bangkok. Farangs don't matter here. Never did, never will.

  11. Power is always the issue. Only the worst kind of people gravitate to government because they need the power to satiate their sociopathic nature. Well adjusted and well meaning people do not go after such positions because they are not willing to sell their souls as are the corrupt demons we inevitably end up with. The people as a rule are either too stupid or apathetic so these loud mouths use the force of their personality to overwhelm the weak minds of the masses. They are all the same. Until the masses evolve past the reasoning ability of ants, and develop a collective "pair" it will always be the case. We need to stop presuming that people who want power are "good" because they're not. They will abuse it if the chance arises 100% of the time. History bears this out over the entire time of human existence. This is the sad state of human affairs in a nutshell.

  12. Can't possibly have such a raunchy magazine publicly displayed in the proper society of Thailand! Sex with 12 year-olds in the Thai only brothels are fine however! It seems the Thai men, or whatever they are, are only interested in little "girlies!" Leave the real women to us farang! We'll take good care of them!

  13. And with the Govt about to dissolve the House - who gives a dam_n - These red thugs need a lesson in manners and a dose of etiquette in how to consider fellow Thai's in the disruption and costs they cause. There is no need for any more protests, you can display your dissatisfaction when you cast your vote - but in the norm for the Jutaporn led rabble - he will continue to whinge - try to make mountains out of mole hills, to have media keep his name in the limelight. A pure narcissistic egocentric man with no consideration for his country or people - purely self promotion and cowardly hiding behind parliamentary privilege.

    That's all any of these big mouths with bull horns are. It's always about their own power and ego. They could care less about a bunch of poor peasant farmers. Anyone with a brain should never buy into any of these idiots. If you want an example of how bad it can be when you do I have 2 words for you .......... Barack Obama! Enough said!

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