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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Why would you bother the embassy with that, just tell the LB to shut up and that he doesn't want any "help" concerning the wedding.
  2. Not everybody here is an economical refugee, there are people who actually like it here.
  3. There are people who do interesting work and like to do it. It keeps the brain working good. My neighbor is 96. I am 63, will work till 67 and have travelled all over the world with a lot of money in my pocket.
  4. If you keep the same SIM (phone number) you can just copy all your Apps to the new phone. When you change your phone number, you need to change the number (in the App or bank) to keep receiving OTOP messages.
  5. There is no Uber in Thailand, has been bought by Grab.
  6. If you worked in Thailand recently (less than 6 months ago), you paid social security with comes with healthcare in a government hospital. You can choose to pay just under 500 THB a month to keep this insurance.
  7. They just need a reality check, mine got nothing. I have a good relationship with most of them. I had some arguments over the years with a couple but don't take any sht and they respect me for that.
  8. No, as usual Trump is doing his upmost to delay any court cases against them. He will be prosecuted.
  9. "I've seen so many job listings for villa manager" "what qualifications do you need to become a villa manager?" The job listings should give you some requirements for the job "They always look for people with experience, but you need to start somewhere." Nobody will give you the job if you don't have a clue what to do. "And what is rental / operation management about?" Advertise rentals, make sure rentals are maintained, get paid for the rentals, find and pay good staff to maintain the rentals. Deal with complains from customers, deal with non paying customers, deal with government officials. Understand rental laws, ........
  10. 21 % rise in energy cost, cost of manufacturing is a different thing it includes many other costs.
  11. It looks like you don't have a clue how to manage employees. You haven't read / understood my previous replies and from others on this subject. So no need to try to explain again.
  12. Looks more like it that you have that problem. It might be your native language, but you clearly have a problem understanding what people are writing.
  13. His words "Saying I have covid is a good suggestion. Might try that. "
  14. He wants to fake covid, so she can't go on a trip. Jeez.
  15. Faking Covid, so she won't go on a trip to a fancy resort with nice food and have fun with her coworkers. That sounds caring to you. To me it sounds so scared to die that you don't want to enjoy life or are prepared to let others enjoy life too.
  16. No, this is about you feeling the need to control your wife. People die from all sorts of things. Make a plan what to do if she isn't there anymore (either passing away or getting enough of a controlling husband).
  17. Your wife has a job and that brings responsibilities. That you can't understand the value of teambuilding is sad but that doesn't give you the right to control your wife in such a matter.
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