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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Why don't you get a retirement visa at the Thai embassy in your country?
  2. "I can only think that what happened was a combination of racism, incompetence and stupidity." "For sure the teller was Thai Chinese." "Mister you tomollow go to own Kbank branch" in pijin English like a complete retard" "if no one points ever points out her mistakes and her colleagues at the branch seemed as clueless as she was" Doesn't look like nothing to me. He hasn't explained his role in the company yet, so there isn't any clarification that she is wrong to start with.
  3. People have no problem labelling everybody with tattoos as criminals, which is ridiculous. Why does this happen?
  4. Your lack of knowledge doesn't make it nonexistent. You could already read that people use their fingerprint.
  5. "She had looked up information on the company account and found that there was a Thai director" What is your role in the company? If you are only shareholder, you shouldn't be allowed to take any money of the account. If you have a proper role and are allowed to take money from the company account, it should say so in the company documents provided to the bank when opening the account. You blaming Thai Chinese for racism for this event is sad.
  6. Airbnb is illegal for rentals under 1 month in Thailand.
  7. Depends if it is a real scam and you have sufficient proof. what happened.
  8. Merry Christmas, I thought you had a job? Took the day off today?
  9. Call 191 if you need to contact the Police 191 is a hotline of the Royal Thai Police. However, sometimes dispatchers do not speak English. In this case, contact the Tourist Police by dialing 1155.
  10. Big C, don't know the price but can't be expensive.
  11. Didn't watch the vdo but finally coming out of the closet?
  12. How will blockchain (a way to store data) build states, clarify please.
  13. Of course not as people who import US products have to pay them in USD.
  14. Same here in 40 years. People who do, are either dumb or don't care.
  15. Because a lot of people think that foreigners are always right / if not right there must be mitigating circumstances as foreigners wouldn't do bad things, only the locals.
  16. They used to do only a fine and loads of people took the <deleted>.
  17. Not returning home after your permission to stay in another country is criminal. Just like using another person to bribe an immigration officer to give you a permission to stay which you shouldn't have. It is a good thing that they finally do something about this. Bit pathetic to moan, there are worse crimes why don't they do anything about that. stay legal and you don't have a problem.
  18. I don't follow any Youtubers whatever country they are from.
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