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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. You could point a camera in line with the fence to check that, there is no need at all to point a camera to the neighbour's door.
  2. You clearly don't understand the PDPA law
  3. You can't be sure. Even if there were issues, that doesn't make it legal.
  4. Flew to Malaysia once a long time ago and came back with the same plane.
  5. Here is a start: US charges ex-FTX boss with defrauding investors (msn.com)
  6. It is forbidden by the Thai data protection act (PDPA).
  7. To work with little kids there is a background check needed. This is for a reason.
  8. The most annoying in this story is that they told you the first time what to do and you ignored it.
  9. Google helps: send package from thailand to cambodia - Search (bing.com)
  10. So to avoid that you leave on time or extend your visa on time.
  11. What is your problem, don't have a proper visa?
  12. So, like i said, only 30 years and then you start from scratch again as it isn't automatic.
  13. You can only lease for 30 years legally, anything beyond that isn't legal.
  14. Never involved? They paid somebody an increased fee to do so.
  15. No, not necessarily, there are people who committed a crime by letting somebody bribe immigration.
  16. It would be time to focus on retirees who don't have the required money in the bank.
  17. Blank passport says nothing as all your information is in their database which pops up when they scan the code of your passport.
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