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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. If he is taking roids, they are of very bad quality as he is skinny and doesn't look like a bodybuilder at all.
  2. Came here the first time over 40 years ago, speak Thai and oldest daughter is 19 🙂
  3. No common answer for this, it depends on how long your company needs to supply a whole lot of papers for the visa and work permit.
  4. It is for my kids, I don't need a penny of it. I have loads of money in the bank and earn more every month. Sad that you are afraid of your wife, i don't have that problem.
  5. She makes a lot more money than the economical refugees here.
  6. How would you know, you are a tourist how can afford to come here occasionally. We have 5 plots of land, 4 houses and a durian farm.
  7. I am still working and making a lot more money than 90 + % of the people on this forum.
  8. Please explain your previous nonsense: "Antivirus software on mobile is mostly snakeoil. They can't prevent the software of the OS from being exploited. Only if you install some malware might it maybe potentially possibly do something. I wouldn't bother."
  9. Nonsense again, a good antivirus program will improve your security when being updated all the time.
  10. Your phone will have a security settings part, use automatic updates there. Anyone telling you different doesn't have clue (40+ years in IT and a lot of security experience).
  11. It might be working alright from you point of view but it isn't secure at all.
  12. Your name says it all.
  13. Everything I give to my wife is to secure my kids future, so I don't care at all.
  14. That is because of your own settings on your computer.
  15. Phone the government. My 80+ year mother had a smartphone and booked her holidays and did her payments on her computer. Stay longer in school to get the basic knowledge to learn how to survive in this world or stay at home.
  16. He didn't even know what he paid with: "insisting he had given 500 or 1000 baht"
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