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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Why would they turn the blind eye and only take the fine?
  2. Go talk to a lawyer, they can help with all your questions and help you get all the paper work.
  3. Owning a business is one thing. If you want to do anything yourself, you need a work permit (4 Thai employees) and a visa which allows you to work.
  4. No, she demands justice and won't be pressed in doing otherwise by a crook.
  5. No, the reason the law is amended is that the income earned in previous years ISN'T exempt from tax anymore. They wanted to close that loophole.
  6. Mid 2025, the rules as described in the picture are no longer valid.
  7. Keep paying your social security if you want to keep the health insurance part of it.
  8. Have you told the doctor you have the problem for years?
  9. I got 2 at Bangkok Bank in different provinces, both with ATM card.
  10. True, that is why you shouldn't drive at high speed in the city.
  11. If you use someone to bribe an immigration officer then you don't need the money in the bank.
  12. Listing is not always the same as real value and with zero interest, it looks like it is too expensive.
  13. No, she knew already as you are forbidden to build anything within a certain amount of meters of the beach. She also got death threats from the guys wife, so why are you defending this pos?
  14. Also have a good look at the financials of the company. Any outstanding debts / tax issues / vendor or customer problems.
  15. No, she is a good person and we have 2 children. I don't run away for problems, I manage them.
  16. Gaining weight won't be the only problem, sudden mood swings can cause some issues too.
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