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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Your extension expired the day you got fired.
  2. Where did you get that wisdom from? The school would pay the tax as they are required by law to do so. Not having a work permit is a completely different issue.
  3. I did get a new BB bankbook in BKK while the original bank is in Surat Thani. Think i did have a problem changing my bank card when it changed from 4 to 6 digits.
  4. It does: the business organization can engage in a wide range of activities. My quess on why it doesn't happen often is that there is a huge difference being a freelancer with a specific skill and actually running a proper business.
  5. Absolute nonsense. If one can't assess performance or plan work when people aren't close to you, you are a useless manager. With a hybrid model you also keep the relationships in place.
  6. Yes you can: One of the most common types of foreign-owned company structures used in Thailand is a Thai Limited Company. This type of business structure is simple and the business organization can engage in a wide range of activities. Company Registration in Thailand (juslaws.com)
  7. <deleted> see a doctor if you have health problems
  8. Your petty cash withdrawals have no influence whatsoever on Currency fluctuations.
  9. Been there several times and have had good experiences all the time. When you don't speak Thai it can be more difficult session but reviews from people who live in a country and refuse to learn the language because everybody needs to speak theirs don't count for much to me.
  10. Paulo in Lad Prao
  11. If you got laid off, your work permit isn't valid anymore. You would be running a business without paperwork.
  12. Private hospital in BKK, doctor visit, 2 x-rays, 5 different meds for a week 3451 thb
  13. So making PI (money) is easy and it doesn't cost anything. Why should it be worth anything then?
  14. Let somebody take a picture of your face with your phone and send it to the Line ID of your wife. Selfies could be you sitting at a table with a couple of friends.
  15. You are wrong, the fact that you work illegally as you don't have a work permit doesn't exempt you from paying tax.
  16. He gave money to a woman in Thailand while living with one in the Netherlands. He is an idiot who cheated on his first girlfriend.
  17. Another twist in the tail: Video shows Thai police did extort Taiwanese actress: Chuwit (nationthailand.com)
  18. USA has been at war for 200 years nonstop, but they are allowed to compete.
  19. She lied about the vaping, she lied about the 2 hours, they have the CCTV it was 47 minutes, she lied about going into a soi to pay money. She never went in to a soi. Her taxi driver said she was very loud in the taxi and thought she was drunk.
  20. He doesn't live here but is a tourist. Tourist shouldn't holiday in places they don't like. Keep your "narrow minded" insults to yourself.
  21. the actress has been lying about several things: Taiwanese actress who claimed extortion caught in lie on camera (nationthailand.com)
  22. Why do you bother, don't come to Thailand if you don't like it.
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