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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. I couldn't care less what you believe or not. Keep on running away from challenges and being treated like a door mat.
  2. Stop occupying other people's land would be a good start.
  3. Sorry to disappoint you, I am happily married with a wife who owns several businesses and I work during office hours. I am not running away for anyone or feel the need to leave the country because of a problem with a couple of Thai people. Unbelievable how scared some people are.
  4. Jail the muppet, he never will learn to behave.
  5. Try to let her text you where she admits being with other man. This will help you to get a good divorce. Start the divorce proceedings as soon as you are in the country. No need talk to her, she is a cheat and it will only get worse. Need the divorce before she starts taking out loans.
  6. Do you speak / write Thai? What is the subject that you think is important enough for him to be bothered with?
  7. Mandarin The Many Dialects of China | Asia Society
  8. There is no "online application for 90 days application" It is online 90 day reporting.
  9. If you are as rich as you claimed to be, you could have bought a proper phone at the airport.
  10. Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. Time for others to learn Chinese too.
  11. Almost 23 years in the Netherlands and no problems at all. Same-sex marriage in the Netherlands - Wikipedia
  12. Stop trolling with fake posts and the stalkers will walk away.
  13. Quite a few non-Thai people on this forum have shown that their education was a waste of money.
  14. Best to have a look at the schools there first, price / quality wise. Then look at what sort of housing there is near the school. These 2 things will most likely be the most expensive parts of life there. Another factor will be do the kids want to move, do they have a lot of friends where they are now, do they make new friends easy?
  15. Here some possibilities: Why Is Colorectal Cancer Rising Rapidly among Young Adults? - UConn Today
  16. https://www.godisimaginary.com/ read this for a bit
  17. Here is your proof: God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs
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