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Everything posted by retarius

  1. US total hypocrites......the Russia theory was totally debunked. And yet the US interferes in everyone else's elections. Now they are interfering in Georgian and Moldovan elections trying to rig them so that they vote to join the EU.
  2. I hope Trump wins. Harris has been a key member of the conspiracy hiding Biden's dementia. What a crime it is to hide his obvious dementia from the public and to avoid invoking 25 th amendment. She's a liar, simply put, a bigger liar than Trump. I was not the 'border czar'....filthy liar it was in all the newspapers....and you let in 10 million people, a significant proportion were criminals and gang members; your husband is a wife beater; your brother in law stole B4.8 billion from the DOJ secret fund. Tell us all what you have actually done other than shagging Willie Brown. Your resume has zero successes in it, you just jump on bandwagons like BLM.
  3. Check you facts, Trump was not convicted of rape. Read the law and the charge.
  4. I just poo in the sea.
  5. Maybe that is the reason why the SS do such a lousy job of protecting him. I think the story iOS about 6 years old from when the SS stayed at his hotel; in Washington.
  6. We had lots at one time, but beetles climb up to the crown and eat it, killing the tree.
  7. I hope he does and has them locked up. It is a scandal the way they have gone after him for next to nothing crimes while they ignored Hunter's lap top for years.
  8. These Ponzi schemers prey on greedy people. I have little sympathy with greedy people, even if they are naive and credulous.
  9. Blood is thicker than water; but money is thicker than blood.
  10. Except the ban will not be "enforced" will it. The police keep a very closed eye on village stores selling liquor.
  11. Good idea, seems neither farangs nor Thai hold their liquor very well.
  12. Thailand has become poor value for money. Unless you smoke heavily, drink heavily in pubs, and eat Thai food, it is very expensive.
  13. So they've inspected every bus in Thailand in 2 weeks? I don't believe it.
  14. I'm actually looking at somewhere for the wife's money....security a must for when I am no longer here. I have provided for her, but have little or no growth which it sitting in the bank making 1.5%. I am certainly sceptical of the stock market and am doubtful that it isn't all rigged just to benefit the mega rich. A sad state of affairs.
  15. Better Vance in the White House than Kamala. Imagine Walz, who has that horrible pervert look, and whom I certainly would let babysit my kids, in the White House. Sniffing hair would not be the issue....far more serious things would be amiss.
  16. They are unwatchable because they are influenced by Woke, Hollywood and the CIA who review all scripts. I don't go to the movies any more because of it. I'm not good with remembering movies but the last good ones I saw was American History X starring Edward Norton, and Monster's Ball. Sadly book shave good the same way. Most authors are women, often black, and most heroes are women, often gay. I am bored to tears with reading this <deleted>. I avoid female and black writers now wherever possible. Hitting the publishers in the pocketbook is the only way to them make them rethink this woke nonsense.
  17. Stupid lie from the OP. Putin, Kim nor Orban are even on the ballot. How on earth can a vote for Trump be a vote for these great guys. And I I would take that trio over any 3 NATO leaders, all of whom are retarded.
  18. She's on the way down....another 2 points down next week and then 1% before the election....ie the idiot child is dead in the water.
  19. It might be neck and neck....but you have the distortion of the electoral college to consider....and that Trump's ratings have improved recently whereas Harris's are on the way down. This often happens in the month prior to the elections....look at the Clinton plowing numbers.
  20. I guess last night's word salad interview with Harris and Fox will cause her ratings to surge....NOT. She couldn't answer a single question. America haters are really hoping this idiot wins.
  21. Go Trump, make the OP cry into his beer on November 6th.
  22. I'm sure not having to fill in this tiny form will result in tens of millions of extra tourists.
  23. Funny name for a drug dealer, Vivienne Westwood.
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