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Everything posted by retarius

  1. Managing currency rates is against America's rules. Thailand might find themselves having some problems with the US and ability to trade if they act to reduce the Thai baht and increase their surplus in trade with the US.
  2. At the moment it is extremely poor value for money. Inflation was used as a mechanism to raise prices and now prices of imported goods are going to go up again because of the high baht. Compared to other Asian markets I don't see any bargains in Thailand. Hotels were cheap (very cheap) but the last time I stayed in a hotel it was 3500 baht for nothing special (except it was clean). Labour was cheap.....we have 3 staff and I pay 400 a day each, I like to pay a little above minimum, but we are away for half the year so I am paying wages and don't know what work I am getting for the money or whether we could make do with 2 people. I eat western food....I hate Thai food with few exceptions....and western food is very expensive....cheese is ridiculous, steaks are pretty vile (tough as leather), pork and chick good and reasonable. Fruits were cheap but have crept up in price in the supermarkets such that we but fruit on the markets now. I should add that I have not been to the UK or US for a few years. The last time I went was in 2019, before COVID....I could not believe the prices for clothing and especially food. The only reasonably priced grocery was in Lidi or Aldi, I might have a heart attack next time I go there.
  3. I never understand why Thais like interlocking pavers for sidewalks (pavements). They look beautiful then a cement truck comes along fully loaded and wants to park to go in the 7/11, so drives over the kerb and ruins all the overlocking pavers. So that instead of a nice smooth pavement, you have a trap to trip over and smash your head on the pavement.
  4. What to say? Tragic loss of life and a bag of scum driver who runs away to get a fire-extinguisher? What about evacuating the kids first. Hang the bastard.
  5. 1) You can buy a re-entry at the airport. 2) If you intend to go 'home' just once a year a single re-entry purchased either with your visa or renewal, allows you to go and come back. 3) You do not need to worry about 90 reports if you are out of the country.....when you come back you get a piece of paper for 90 day reports dated 90 days after you enter Thailand. 4) Do not be absent from Thailand when your annual renewal of the visa is required, if to are out of the country, you will have to start from scratch to get a new visa. 5) Multiple entry, as the name implies, means you can go and come without buying a re-entry at your local immigration office or the airport. There is no limit on the re-entries, but the ME is, I think, twice the price of the SE ie 3800 baht for ME and 1900 baht for single re-entry. No point wasting money if you will not be travelling outside Thailand a lot, IMHO. I always buy the ME as I am at the age where everybody seems to be dying and I might get called home to attend the funeral.
  6. Moroni, the smallest person in politics. But she is hot, hot, hot....seducing both Rishi and Kier in minutes. She made them feel special while Uk women sneer at them. She's probably a witch and casts spells on people and she would probably be burnt at the stake in medieval times, now we make her Prime Minister of a (formerly) fascist country. What is it about all these women in the EU from Ursula on down....all fascists.....the Baltic states, ugh?
  7. Sadly it is, especially on fast roads. It freaks me out. Minivans used to be a real scourge on fast road (and coaches) driving 2 inches from your back bumper. I take my foot off the gas and slow down slowly.
  8. AI writes it, it seems.....I'm sure AI knows what a gruelling job electronics buying is.
  9. Aussies are always causing trouble when they are beered up.
  10. I'm already enlightened.
  11. It is very common with niacin. Try to get an extended relief for your wife.
  12. What they're building a postage stamp sized data centre?
  13. I'm waiting to see if abolishing the taxes makes wine any cheaper for the consumer.
  14. Yes not is beneath meat to eat the crap from the street....it's dirt and taste that I can't abide. If you are too poor to eat decent food, go ahead eat that vile brew that would be closed down in a second in US or Uk for hygiene violations.
  15. I won't eat that <deleted>e either
  16. You know I have never eaten any street food while I am here. I wonder where the vendor washes his hands after he has been to the toilet. I can't see can't clean toilets anywhere except malls so I'm assuming he does his business in some filthy market toilet.....so no thanks to food handled by him/her.
  17. Will; drive up the prices of medicines in Thailand. The Thai government must do two things 1) develop the ridiculously priced generic market for multi source products....but from China/India from FDA inspected plants 2) stop pharmaceutical being exported to keep prices down (Thai made products as well as import for re-export.)
  18. Most key inventions are disputed.....look no further than the hate match between Isaac Newton and Liebnitz. I will say that I think the US claims all the inventions when in fact they develop technology for profit.
  19. Nice. I love to see overstaffed garbage bags when I am on an overly expensive vacation.
  20. NO. But I do like to look at beautiful women....but no chat and no touch.
  21. My view is that it is a nanny state law. Idiots deserve what they get.
  22. I've seen car sales from around the world for Q2 and YTD. Looks like EV sales are crumbling, but hybrids are growing like crazy. Maybe Toyota made the right call. Hybrids are not even new tech, the Prius is years old. My son had one in Miami and said it was fantastic.
  23. It doesn't have a world class tourist image to protect. It is s stinging poo hole
  24. I have had the same experience but it was back in about 2010, but without the MTL. My wife was friendly with the bank manager. The other card that comes with the wisdom card still gives you free admittance to a lounge at Suvarnabumhi. When it came out the wisdom card was great, you had a special coffee and snacks area and special parking, plus jumping the queue. The old KTB bank that merged with the military bank gave my wife and I a credit card but the limit for the wife was paltry.
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