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Everything posted by retarius

  1. Wise words from a proven leader ???? Dump songkran.
  2. I guess he was too honest.
  3. Gee ya don't say? The incredible shrinking sentence. Some noses out of joint, no doubt.
  4. I am always suspicious of this sort of management-speak designed imho to obfuscate rather than illuminate. Eg "These encompass building resilience, fostering flexibility and innovation, promoting intergenerational dialogue, rebuilding trust, emphasizing continuous learning, and adeptly managing both short- and long-term leadership strategies in diverse organizations." What on earth does it all mean? And exactly how do you build resiliency? To me it is not implementable. And Thai performance over the past decade has not really been very inspiring. We see declining exports, decreasing FDI, companies moving to Vietnam, and massive government borrowing for white elephant schemes, for example like high speed rail where if you just put a decent 50mph railway in and a few express trains, could be done at a fraction of the cost. The economy has been artificially maintained by high Government spending. And now Sretta's policy is full of crazy give- aways. Maybe they can excel by having 'diverse organizations'.
  5. Good luck Bob.
  6. There is a gay centre in Manchester UK, one of the streets is named Canal Street and some witty wag has erased the 'C' from Canal and the S from Street making...
  7. Not much good happens in Pattaya after midnight.
  8. More nuttiness from Thailand's finest brains. You don't like ex-pats anyway, why would trannies be any more welcome as retirees.
  9. I am well aware of what paedophila is. It is a psychiatric term that came in to popular usage. It is defined differently by psychiatrists and in the law and popular usage. Psychiatry defines it as a mental illness where there is sole sexual interest in pre-pubertal children. It is not a crime, unless the fantasies are acted upon. Common popular usage in the MSM and elsewhere, defines it as sex with minors below the age of majority. Age of majority varies from country to country. In the UK it is 16, in the US it is 18 and in Thailand I believe it is 20. The guy is American, it is a crime in the US for a US citizen to have sex with a minor. The crime is statutory rape and carries a seven years sentence. They are aka sex pests and have to report to the police where they are living or sign the sex offenders register. The crime is often popularly referred to as pedophilia and the convicts are referred to as pedos or pedophiles, and this includes anyone having sex with minors irrespective of whether the minor was pre-pubertal.
  10. Maybe the landlord simply didn't want to rent to a dirtbag, a criminal or someone likely to not pay their bills. Credit reports are used in developed countries as a proxy for this questioning./
  11. Well I suppose money and fame are not enough for some people. The desire to act out paedophilic fantasy is strong in some folk. I wish him all the best in Thai prison, maybe he can get a GoFundMe page?
  12. I self insure. The law was enacted to line the pockets of insurance companies. I will not contribute to insurance scammers' profits.
  13. Isn't anyone following the war in Ukraine? Drones are really easy to shoot down if you have a radar system and a gun. This is a vehicle for doing reconnaissance over borders, meaning spying for the purposes of invading.
  14. Defending clients that you don't care for is not 'dodgy practice'. How about you document the ridge practices of his, with some reputable links.
  15. I'd favour new luxury cars for everyone (limit of 15 M Baht)....oh! and new houses for all, forgiveness of all loans from loan sharks, and free holidays abroad for everyone, with spending money included. And make sure you include expats with O v visas (retirement or marriage) in the 'all' people. We are not unhuman or subhuman and are part of the human race.
  16. There is a disconnect here. How is buying weapons from abroad going to help GDP growth. I'm not aware of any major weapons manufacturers here in Thailand (please correct me if I'm wrong on this). GET rid of conscription first. Ruining young men's lives and using them as slaves for generals is bad news.
  17. Good news from my perspective. Not such good news for Thaksin haters. Hating takes up so much energy, do y'all drink gallons of Red Bull everyday to keep your hating energy level up?
  18. Marvellous. Don't do anything at all about the problem, but invent a medicine that won't work. Genius.
  19. Thank you for clarifying this. She still won't get it, we have no stores within 3 KMs
  20. Can you share with us where you live?
  21. My wife is compiling about this. She says poor farmers are basically excluded from the scheme because they live more than 4 kms outside of towns (like we do).
  22. Nonsense, this scheme will mire Thailand in debt for no good reason apart from legalised bribery of the electorate.
  23. I've thought about this overnight, and still don't understand the benefit of putting it in the air instead of just digging a canal. If it is about land usage and buying land, kicking folk off land etc but if you put it in the air, you still have to buy the land underneath and no one could live there, so there's no saving. This will be mad expensive to build and to operate, meaning increased costs for ships to use it. I am assuming that sea level is the same in the Gulf as in the Andaman Sea so you will have to pump up vast amounts of water to fill the damned thing. Makes no sense to me. Will someone please explain any advantages the land bridge might have. Thank you all.
  24. I'm sorry I don't have a link, this was in the 1960s and I was quite young. An MGC looked like an MGB but had a huge bump in the bonnet to accommodate a significantly more powerful engine. Apparently the engine was too powerful for the car and the thing went like a rocket, but it was rear wheel drive and didn't hold the road well. They stopped selling them in the early 60s but there were a few around. As chance would have it, a neighbour of mine had one (in the US in 1980s). I tried to buy it off him, but he wouldn't sell. My MGB in the US had an 1800 cc engine and it felt very fast for such a small car, particularly as you were so close to the ground. For me it was just a hobby to fix it up and drive with the top down in the summer months. It's funny when I was still a kid I could strip and engine down, replace the pistons, big ends and so forth, now I look under the bonnet and don't know what anything is any more. Progress, I suppose. All electric cars will need to go back to the dealerships for servicing, but I still pine for the days when I used to gap the spark plugs and points and bleed the brakes. Good times.
  25. The old MGs were British Leyland vehicles which were extremely poorly designed and of excitedly poor quality. The MGC had to be taken off the road because it was a death trap.
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