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Everything posted by retarius

  1. Why on earth would you put a press release out about sending a letter of enquiry?
  2. Sometimes pride comes before a fall, my friend.
  3. Let's all hope you and your daughter don't burn to death in a battery fire.
  4. This is the appeal, so he was previously found guilty of murder by a court, and then granted bail for his appeal. When will this madness stop? He is out roaming around without having to report to a police station every day, able to interfere with witnesses...insanity. Brings to mind five cops who were given the death penalty for murderous activity during the Thaksin era. They tortured and killed a 17 year boy who was suspected of drug dealing. Anyway these convicted murderers under sentence of death were bailed by the judge and were free to distress and harass witnesses. In the period before the appeal, the key witness in the case died, I think not under suspicious circumstances, but without her, the cops won the appeal. Who on earth gives bail to convicted murderers. Absolutely shameful injustice.
  5. Yes, of course it does. NOT. Would any other sick prisoner get airlifted to hospital? Because they were too hot and wanted AC? No they wouldn't. Stupid comments, pouring oil on the flames.
  6. Maybe, just maybe, something good can come of this. But Hi-so Thais and politicians will have to accept that this cannot be dismissed as the 'one bad apple' theory, but that this corrupt behaviour is widespread and occurs in almost every small town, village and province in Thailand. Kamnan Nok is Thailand.
  7. If I were you I would show more respect for the laws of the country and not overstaying when you come here. You give farangs a bad name.
  8. Wifey told me that Kamnan Nok is only in his 30s and is worth over $100 million US. Surely he did not manage this without some help? 7 Billion baht is about $210 million US, so he has excellent profit margins. He also looks, to me, more like he is in his 50s than in his 30s. I hasten to add that wifey doesn't excel at mathematics, so I am not claiming what I say, second hand, is true. But what an idiot to throw his life away because he got angry?
  9. I am diabetic and hate the bread in Thailand. There are very few places one can get any decent bread and it is all laden with sugar. When I first came here a million years ago, for a short while I was able to get great German wholewheat bread. Delicious, heavy, filling bread with no sugar. Sadly the shop closed down and has never been replaced.
  10. And you can surely believe everything that comes out of the White House, can't you? You could stake your life on what Honest Joe Biden says. Honesty that's Joe's middle name ????
  11. To be honest, I'm not sure that enforcing price cuts is the way to solve inflation. But this government has really impressed me with the committees and special panels they have created. Who would have thought of creating committees to solve problems, not me that's for sure. Anyway, if they cut prices for me and other really poor people I will be over the moon,. Thank you Phumtham ????
  12. Hope she's better than Gina Raimondo.
  13. I pay my staff more than 400 baht a day. Can I cut their wages then down to the minimum wage? It would save me big time ????
  14. No nepotism there. Strictly on merit and no brown envelopes changed hands. I'm so glad she is in Anutin's department, and so glad Anutin is the key figure in the government ???? He's just so wise and totally unaffected ????
  15. Oh! Great Plan. Create great a new committee. I would never have thought of that in a million years how innovative, we are obviously in good hands with this new government ????
  16. Great plan, but here I was wanting a sub-committee to be formed....and all I got was a lousy Special Panel
  17. Overthrow what democratic system? The people who overthrow democratic systems are the army who mount coups every few years.
  18. Personally , I always go for tyres I have actually heard of, preferably the brand that was on the vehicle when it was new. Price is a secondary consideration.
  19. I doubt that Thai Air will be among the airlines that I will consider for a very long time.
  20. I always assumed that this guy had some enemies in high places that could block his progress. I tend to like people who have enemies in the establishment. I hope he gets it.
  21. So the mere fact that you, Pichit, do not believe the doctors statements about Thaksin's health, when in truth you know absolutely zero about his condition and seriousness of it, entitles you to campaign to have him put in an unsafe prison environment should he actually be ill. Your hatred knows no bounds at all.
  22. I was in the exact same situation. I had to take a test for the motorbike license but not for the car, but there were computerised written tests for both. It was some time ago. I never bothered renewing my motorbike license and have never had a problem driving the bike which a 160cc Honda.
  23. Bravo MF. Keep up the excellent work. Nail these corrupt people.
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