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Everything posted by retarius

  1. If someone "offered me" a Master's Degree and I didn't have to attend school, take any exams, write any dissertation and so on, I would start to think that the 'qualification' was, in fact, bogus. Using Occam's razor, I have little sympathy for the fellow.
  2. I can't really think of any. I think she is one of those people who is superficially OK, but when you get to know them are sharp-elbowed, vile poison. I suspect that the current good showing in polling will diminish as Americans learn more about her. Almost all of her staff left her when she was VP, which is not a good sign at reading people, picking talent or keeping talent.
  3. Why do you care....it's only a car....and a second hand one at that. It is easier to put it in her name and to buy a better (new) one if you split up.
  4. Who Netanyahu and Hitler? Surely you can't mean Prawit.....what 'stain on humanity' has he left?
  5. It is stimulating the economy. Watch the guards carefully and you will detect the economic stimulation of employment, even very low energy employment. Don't security guards play a useful in being "employed", as opposed to unemployed? Each on earns more a month than the digital wallet will ever pay out, and earning such a paltry amount will be sure to send it to the last baht (at least the stuff not owed to loan sharks).
  6. Why would anyone need it unless you are a gay male or a ladyboy?
  7. Helicopter money? They would be better off investing it in improved infrastructure or sending bright young people abroad to study and get a decent education.
  8. I arrived back recently from a first world country. Driving past Bangkok, one can feel the modernity and the recent massive investments in infrastructure, commercial and office building and residential condos and resorts. Drive past Bangkok, and the place really becomes 3rd world and looks like a dump, a filthy dirty dump. Why does no one ever clean a truck, they are all filthy? What this with throwing garbage wherever you happen to be? What's this with building a home, a shop, a row of shop houses, an office building a warehouse, and then never painting it again, never maintaining it, just using it until it is unusable any more? I cannot explain these filthy attitudes....actually I don't want to live in filth all the time. And yes, I am thinking about moving.
  9. Like everybody else, I have no idea what will happen when the new taxation schemes come into effect. I have a high risk of having to pay a substantial sum if the authorities really mean what they say about worldwide income. So I decided to become non-resident for tax. I am lucky that I have a second home so it is not expensive for me to sped time outside Thailand. I have decided to move quickly and act this year....the reason being that although I do not owe anything this year (although I do expect to have to fight hard for a zero tax rating), I don't want a tax form on file, and then questions asked next year about why I haven't filed for 2025. When the details of how the taxes will be collected and operate (probably some time in 2026) I will make the decision to0 be a tax exile or not.
  10. This is what the democrats will bring in nationally. No perp too awful or violent to spend time in jail.
  11. If someone has no visible means of support, it often means they are dealing drugs.
  12. I don't know who is going to win. Often the 'October surprise' can affect the result when it seems certain.
  13. How about cancelling the taxes on ex-pats? We'll all like you then.
  14. No measures are any good UNLESS you severely sanction the employers who hire the illegals.
  15. Something tells me you don't like the guy much.
  16. Great pic, especially on the beach....they make a lovely couple.
  17. Those curves again, causing accidents. Why can't the Thais build roads without curves?
  18. She should make the funeral vendors wait for their money. You know she will never pay the money back.
  19. He is the advisor, what need is there for another one?
  20. Deport the scumbag. Not even on remand in jail?
  21. I did it a few times ages ago. I used Kasikorn. Fortunately the money in the account was all transferred from foreign banks. Took a hour or so with a clerk who did not speak my language, but went through without a hitch.
  22. One wonders whether the hoteliers are planning to pass the incentives onto customers in the form of cheaper rooms. No? Thought not.
  23. If you want America to lose its premier position in the world, you should vote for Harris. She is dumb as a box of hammers which is why she won't debate and wants the questions up front. She will make a series of bad liberal decisions that will flood the country with more and more criminal migrants, will mire the country in debt and increase the deficit dramatically.....with 5 trillion deficit; 45 trillion national debt she will be the death knell of the dollar.
  24. Good idea....stop these corporate thieves.
  25. Without knowing how the polls were commissioned, what the methodology was, and how the questions were framed you can tell absolutely nothing about polls results, nothing at all, nada, zilch, niente,...
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