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Everything posted by retarius

  1. The UK needs to hire these cops
  2. I had there vaccines in Sept 2021 and had a confirmed case of COVID (very mild) in May 2022. I took some medicines prescribed by the hospital, but no anti-virals. My fatigue symptoms and very severe brain fog started in the fall of 2021 i.e before the start of the COVID infection. I continued downhill in symptoms when I went to Bumrungrad for treatment in early 2023. The test I saw advertised in the US was called a 'spike protein test' in the headline of the ad, which is why I was interested in it. I have gone back to the website where it was advertised and unfortunately the ad is no longer there, but searching for spike protein test brings up a test which is indeed a test measuring antibodies formed rather than the spike protein itself, and not much use to me. I live in outside BKK, but use hospitals in the Bangkok area as I am very unhappy with the quality of doctors at the hospitals where I live. I don't want to get sued by mentioning the town or hospital. I use Bumrungrad usually but am will to explore other hospitals if there are good neurologists there. My aim would be to have less daytime fatigue and a smaller cognitive deficit or as expressed as activity (to be able to drive again and to exercise).
  3. Many years ago I lived in a supposedly upscale apartment building in another country. I was the only white person and everyone else was Chinese. It was pretty bad. The Chinese spit a lot and the stairwells were filled with spit ejected by these folks. Accompanied by that Chinese people seem unable to have a conversation between themselves without yelling or closing doors without slamming them whatever the time of day.
  4. These school vehicles are always impeccably maintained so there is no chance it was mechanical error. It must have been a poor road surface that woke the driver up too late to avoid the tree.
  5. What else is she supposed to do with the trash in her car? There are no waste bins about are there?
  6. I didn't know there was a global police force. I thought, naively that each country had its own racist police force like England has the Met and the West Yorkshire Racist Police Forces. This simply sounds like more racism to me. Why go after Nigerian mafia when there are plenty of white gangs from the Ukraine and Albania operating in the UK.
  7. This is the exact reason why I won't buy any EV car or vehicle. Suppose I am driving home from work and a Tesla driven by a foetus smashes into me?????? Who am I supposed to sue if I am dead or injured. And who will pay for the new battery in my car???? Answer me that! Do foetuses have money? Do they have licenses and are they even insured?
  8. Racism pure and simple. The UK has always been a racist country.
  9. I disagree. I hope the issue tears the EU apart and makes politicians of the future respect the people's wishes instead of their arrogant authoritarian impulses. The EU is definitely not any sort of democracy and has no moral values worth talking about, except their attitude to genocide of children, which they simply don't care about and supply the arms to carry the hypocrisy out.
  10. It is simply an alternate viewpoint being expressed by people who had no say in the migrant and crime issue. It conflicts with the extremism over illegal migration by the German government started by Merkel.
  11. Make a bonfire and burn this weed of the devil.
  12. Use fine grade sand paper then have the local body shop respray for the affected area.
  13. We have had one for years. The police come very promptly when you call the special number they give you. Plus you form a special sort of relationship with the cop who organises the red box. The cops come twice a day at different times. The only downside if that our dogs go mental if they come late in the evening. We are 15 km from the police station and the service is twice as much as when we were in town and less than 1 km from our house. I think it is a good program. We had two attempted break ins when we had no box (one successful); but have had none since we had the red box fitted. I don't drink and drive so can't comment on the lack of enforcement.
  14. Simply don't tell immigration about the new address.
  15. I am in no doubt the man is lying about his wife's emergency. If it was an emergency he would have driven on. He's a hot head who needs deporting, the kind of American that ruins Phuket for everyone.
  16. No the English love road rage too. But it is associated generally with Audi and BMW drivers. Violent idiots, in other words, who think they are more important than you and should be allowed to pass you at high speed.
  17. Thanks Khun LA. I have tried nattokinase last year for a couple of months when I was really in bad shape, and indeed I have some upstairs bought in Japan. I also tried last year NAC (N-acetylcysteine) that binds to the ACE2 receptors at the same time. Compared to before having the vaccines, I am left with a large cognitive deficit, extreme fatigue and day time sleepiness. The cognitive deficit shows up in things like puzzles. I used to do crosswords since I was a teenager, and sudoku every day. Now I cannot do any cryptic crosswords, not even one clue, and can do only the easiest of Sudoku. Plus my short term memory is awful. The fatigue prevents any meaningful exercise and sleeping in the day means I don't get a good night's sleep. My range of walking, in warm conditions, is about 100 metres and my wife is trying to get me into a wheelchair that I am resisting.
  18. Go Tom Tug-a-lump-off-himself-in-the-Parliamentary-toilets. Brilliant idea, maybe the military could use the migrants in small boats as target practice. Have Tories ever thought of leaving the ECHR that the useless wastrel Winnie Churchill signed its up to. Why do we never have referendums on key policy matters like whether we want to be multicultural and woke, and whether we want human rights at all.
  19. I just love these 'pointing' photos. They really clarify and bring home the message of the article. Well done. 🙂
  20. Shameful, but sadly unsurprising. What is surprising is that these Cessna's and small aircraft are not dropping out go the sky like flies. When you find a half-way decent builder or repairman here you hang on to him and shower him with gratitude and bonuses.
  21. I suspect I have long COVID or a reaction to the mRNA vaccine. Thai doctors will not go near this possibility, refusing even to speak about it. I've had diagnoses including stroke (eliminated by MRI) , OSA (I've had OSA for 20 years and have no idea why 2 weeks after I got the second shot of vaccine, I developed such terrible fatigue, that I could not continue at the gym, after 15 years of attending daily) and early Alzheimers' (I have loss of hippocampus tissue and loss of cortex much greater than is usual for my age.....plus strong family history of dementia). In the US there are ads for 'spike protein tests' and I am wondering if anyone knows whether such tests are available in Thailand. Thank you for your help. Please PM me if you know of anywhere in Thailand offering this test.
  22. When you gotta go.....I wonder if he washed his hands before serving food?
  23. Not only that, but a person named Tim Walz has never been elected VP.
  24. Is Prawit still in the Cabinet?
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