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Everything posted by retarius

  1. How about 'outside Thailand?'
  2. Quite right too. Victorian laws are the best.
  3. Isn't not about time they got these poor chaps out?
  4. In the immortal words of Ronnie Raygun......the most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, I'm here to help you."
  5. Tell the ADTEB to get lost.....we want freedom from TV licenses.
  6. You know, I think China is responsible for the rainy weather we have been having lately. They hate Thailand being so successful and are pushing the rainy weather into Thailand.
  7. And Ukraine's history is replete with scientific innovation. When looking for the midden heap, simply follow your nose and go to Ukraine. You might be lucky and meet some nazis from the Above battalion.
  8. For not getting the business.....but called, you know, a threat to national security (no further information given). They are already looking at Thailand as a Currency manipulator.
  9. tf, course, They have a hybrid option. Toyota decide years ago that Evenly were not going to be viable and invested solely in hybrids. They were the only company to do so, and now all the other manufacturers are playing catch up.
  10. Doesn't everyone promise this....and has anyone delivered.....remember "We will reduce migration from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands, no ifs, ands, or buts" David Cameron circa 2010. Well, what happened? Migration went up from net 300K to 500K. And recall the massive net immigration we had was due to Labour policies from 1998 to 2010, and caused net migration to 300,000. My prediction.....LABOUR will do NOTHING about this problem.
  11. I very much doubt it. The US will threaten sanctions.
  12. Any pharmacy has them. You buy the test kit and the testing strips.....the kit comes with a finger pricker usually. My brand is an Accu-Check made by Swiss company Roche. I can't remember what the kit cost, but it is not a lot. The test strips are about 500baht for 25....and it is the razor blade trick....cheap shaver, expensive blades. PS you have to understand what you are reading as well. Units are different here, which follows the US standard rather than the metric British system. The meters here present the results as mg/dL. Testing fasting in the morning the result should be less that 100 mg/dL in non diabetics. After a meal the reading should rise to less than 180 mg/dL as the glucose gets into the blood and after 2 hours or so, should return to normal in non-diabetics. Your doctor can advise targets in diabetic patients.
  13. I abhor Thai food and go to Pattaya mainly for Euro style food. Soi Buakhao has some great bars. I don;t drink so the attraction is food, and I am a bit old for the ladies.
  14. So this is travellers from Africa, irrespective of race? Good move Thailand, get ahead of the monkeypox curve.
  15. Any pharmacy has them. You buy the test kit and the testing strips.....the kit comes with a finger pricker usually. My brand is an Accu-Check made by Swiss company Roche. I can't remember what the kit cost, but it is not a lot. The test strips are about 500baht for 25....and it is the razor blade trick....cheap shaver, expensive blades.
  16. They have been talking about this for decades, a move to Khao Yai.....they probably had committees and sub-committees studying it, but, as is commonly the case in Thailand, so action has been taken
  17. It couldn't happen to a nicer place. My God but I loathe Bangkok...it is an evil, smelly, dirty, hot toilet that you feel sick even taking a dump in. I read yesterday in the Guardian about Antartica where and iceberg the size of Britain cleaved off and is melting. They said it would raise sea levels by 10 to 30 feet (which I don't believe) but even a 5 feet rise would re-contour the coastlines of the earth. So gingers crossed that a modest and slow rise in sea levels to wipe this vile and evil travesty of a city off the face of the earth, and a let's have mass exodus of people to the North and North East so that house prices go up.
  18. I have owned a number of Benzes in my life from 1986 until 2006. The early models were pretty much way better than other cars on the road, better built and classy. But over the years Toyota have overhauled Benz and their quality has fallen dramatically whereas Toyota styling has grown better and better. For me the Toyota Crown Royal Saloon is the best looking and most luxurious car in the world for its price. I cannot understand why Toyota don't sell them globally.
  19. Best looking hi-vis cyber truck on the road.
  20. After all these years, I'm still trying to work out why anyone uses Zurkerbrurger's Face Book. Yesterday he admitted that Facebook censored all COVID posts that were not approved by the government. Great service Murk Zuckerbergy.
  21. I'd like to see permanent police crackdowns on corruption in politics, in justice, in the police force and in the Constitution Court and Electoral Court; and on all crimes of violence. For me they can happily deprioritise crimes like "working illegally as a tour guide," especially as such crimes are easily solved by corruption...kill the corruption in the police and these crimes will disappear.
  22. With bits and pieces falling off trains and lines on stilts in Bangkok and now this, my excitement at the propsect of riding this high speed train has wilted.
  23. This cases shows that there are no double standards in Thai justice. Thaksin never spent a night in jail and neither will the Boss (note how offensive is his nickname to fans of Bruce Springsteen?)
  24. I built a huge house (but it only cost 200K dollars). I think it is better to rent as the housing market here is illiquid and it is difficult to get your money out. I'd like to move somewhere away from Thailand and just come to visit here but I have sunk money in house and land and don't want to just walk away from it. Also houses here depreciate as opposed to appreciate as in many other markets. The other thing I have noticed is that housing stock deteriorates very rapidly indeed in this climate, so that lovely home you tenderly build, looks like squatters live there 3 months after you move out.
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