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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. How is exposing somebody who copied his work considered threatening Thai Society?

    Because so many Thais live off the intellect of others, seeing that it's all fruit for the picking. I have had to speak, ever so sensitively, to a few Thai friends on Facebook, who have used my artwork and photography to promote themselves. Some have come back with sincere apologies, others being very defencive, and denying any wrong doing. Those behaving defensively, are as though shaking their heads, hoping the problem, and me with it, will simply go away.

    The inability to admit error and correct the situation, let alone apologise, is not only a Thai failing. Hell, I lived in Norway nearly 20 years. I was privy to some goings on inside a development department at Ericsson, where I came across Norwegians who simply could not admit error in any of their work, and would sell their mothers rather than face the music. However, intellectual property would be safe once published.

    This failing in Thai culture, as we perceive it, needs to be addressed in school curricular from an early age, but not in our lifetime, I suspect.

  2. Most likely such people are mental disabled. I hope he get home well and will seek professional help.

    Many Norwegians depend on this - essentially someone else to take responsibility for them. ... the 'kommune'. The community city council.

    (I lived ther nearly 2 decades)

  3. I eliminated the 180 Baht fee by opening a Citibank account in the home country.

    The exchange rate Citi gives me is within a Satang or two of the rate given by xe.com and there are no fees charged by either my home branch or the Bangkok branch. Problem solved.

    I also opened a Thai bank account for convenience, because there are very few Citi ATMs around. They do have 'partner bank' arrangements for Thai Citi card holders for free cash withdrawals.

    So I withdraw mothly amounts from Citi, and deposit in the Thai Government Savings Bank for safety, and access to their ATMs.

  4. facepalm.gif

    can't fathom why those on this forum compares world geography knowledge between a state level multi-million dollar professional English language tabloid company with an underprivileged girl from E-san "Thai wife" or a Thai taxi driver who just returned from his paddy fields?

    Perhaps you should invest in a ten-dollar English language course, so that some day you may be able to write something that makes sense.

  5. I was obviously considered for a mugging as I came out of Bangkok Bank Emporium branch yesterday. I was in there about 30 minutes, came out and headed to the BTS staircase by Benjasiri park carrying a bag with my passport, bank book etc but no cash. As I was walking underneath the stairs to go up I noticed some shifty looking local guy was following me about a metre behind me, I sensed him so I stopped to let him past me. My girlfriend commented that he looked pretty dodgy and I agreed so we waited a few seconds and carried on. He was waiting for me at the bottom of the BTS steps. As I approached he moved out into my path so me and the gf both stopped and just looked at him (we commented/joked later that we both had a defiant/aggressive expression of "well come on then, if you're going to try and rob us then get on with it").

    He stared at us a couple of seconds and turned his back and jogged off into Benjasiri Park. Very dodgy, almost certainly waiting outside for someone to leave the bank.

    Not sure what happened to this guy on Asoke, but don't assume if you're doing nothing wrong then nothing will happen, especially in the current economic climate.

    Dressed, or actually 'undressed' such as he is in this photo, is hardly "doing nothing wrong" .. he's a scumbag in the country with zero respect for anything.

  6. This is not just a one-off, but is indicative of widespread ignorance in the USA. It is a shock to discover really how little is their knowledge of geography, and therefor world history. I speak of the masses, not the elite, educated, worldly minority.

    Republicans feed and milk the ignorance to stay in power.

  7. Amazing how laziness goes out the door when some cash is waived around. This despite holding possibly crucial evidence that can catch this madman.

    My years-in-Thailand, cynical mind instantly concocted this scenario:

    Tuk tuk driver comes forward immediately after the blast, speaking to the first cop he sees, .. the cop, being a seasoned opportunist, ...

    Cop: "Shut up for now. There will surely be a reward if we wait."

    Tuk tuk driver: "We?"

    Cop: " Yes. When you get it, we split it. OK?"

    Why don't you lay off the police they are working their butts off right now

    "working their butts off" ? .. no doubt some are.

    But with the smell having strong hints of Shinawatra's Red Shirts, I would not be expecting the best policing across the board. Their loyalties are not exactly where they should be.

    How many assassins, murderers were apprehended during the protests last year?

    How helpful were the police?

    You tell us ...

  8. Amazing how laziness goes out the door when some cash is waived around. This despite holding possibly crucial evidence that can catch this madman.

    My years-in-Thailand, cynical mind instantly concocted this scenario:

    Tuk tuk driver comes forward immediately after the blast, speaking to the first cop he sees, .. the cop, being a seasoned opportunist, ...

    Cop: "Shut up for now. There will surely be a reward if we wait."

    Tuk tuk driver: "We?"

    Cop: " Yes. When you get it, we split it. OK?"

  9. Once back in China:

    1. A quick blood test

    2. Bullet in the back of the neck

    3. body parts industry

    .. oh of course, some sort of cursory court hearing to make it legal.

    In Thailand:

    The police can say "Case closed" on the first bombing.

    When the real culprits attack again, the police can say the incidents are not related.

    Round up a few more to send off to China - another case closed.

    (Sh*t .. have I been here too long?)



    the water is not from Vietnam - the most -

    so why shoud Thailand not take also their part;

    PM Prayouth go ahead !!

    Take the amount what belongs honestly to Thailand;

    Voietnam Cry that get salt water in the river,

    this is of that the sea level is rising,

    and all countries which have river to the sea facing same problems !!

    "Take the amount what belongs honestly to Thailand;"

    It should be:

    "MANAGE the amount what belongs honestly to Thailand, without ruining neighboring Vietnam."

  11. 1. I have nothing to hide, so it doesn't bother me .

    2. They must do whatever possible to eliminate security risks, both on board and to assist in the apprehension of jerks on the run, or jerks coming into the kingdom to do no good.

    3. When I see the shitbags coming into Thailand, I wish the authorities would screen in many more ways, .. even just 'filter out' the obvious scum, telling them to get dressed before approaching the Immigration desk. And if they don't posses respectable attire, turn them back.

    4. What's pathetic is a smartarse bunch of farang complaining about 35 Baht fee, when you are here, for what?? ... and flying how often? Daily??

    When someone falls foul of the law, you are the first to burp, then complain: "Why don't they .... blahh blahh bloody blahh

    Get a grip!

  12. 48? Hard living makes him look 60. Will get worse in jail.

    Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

    He looks older than me, and I am 66 now.

    My god, there is so much foreign scum on the streets of Thailand. It's no wonder there are those who want to toughen up entry regulations.

    I wish this sack of sh*t could be removed forever. But I guess this would mean he'd be back in Australia , as a defecation on society there.


    Many will have noticed this sign on the railway station at the border with Malaysia.

    Note the lines:

    ... /





  13. I must have misunderstood. I can't understand all the fuss. It has nothing to do with me, the tourist. It's for the guest houses and hotels. In CM my GH photocopies my passport and then it is their problem. In the old days the cops came round regularly to collect.

    I remember years ago it was like that in Europe. I am thinking of Sweden and France in particular. If you were not in a hotel then it was up to the person to declare themselves. I didn't in Sweden and got myself landed with a charge of spying (for the Russkis)

    How long ago was that reporting in Sweden? It must have been during the tense years of the Cold War. I've been staying at various places all over Scandinavia since the 1980s and never encountered such a thing, or even heard anyone mention it. Places I stayed were in regions of Norway, Sweden and Finland with Russian borders.

  14. What other countries do this?

    So if one is travelling around and visiting friends?

    It's just crap, their whole sickening approach to the presence of foreigners.

    Really, who does this benefit, apart from the useless rubber stampers?

    Bloody hell, the Philippines are looking better every day.

    1. None of this "90 day reporting" nonsense.

    2. The equivalent of 500,000 Baht instead of 800,000 in the bank for retirement visa

    3. Access to the money after 6 months to do whatever you like with it, provided it is used in the Philippines: open a business, invest in whatever else, including the purchase of land to build a house ...

    4. Once you have the visa, you have it for life, and are free to come and go as if it were your home country.

    Hey, now THAT sounds like a retirement visa .. Real retirement.

    People having to report your presence if staying overnight?? .. go shove it.

  15. I would turn this around and check the history of the person/people inventing this finger pointing.

    There have been politicians, closet homosexuals, who have been outspoken in a very public, homophobic way attacking gays, later to be found out, in stead of 'coming out'

    And remember this? Rolf Harris, the once celebrated entertainer in a video clip talking to children about people improperly "touching" them. Here he creates the image of 'parental concern'. For those who don't know, he now languishes in prison for his long history of sexual assault, most of that on vulnerable young people.

    Always take a good look at the accuser, before rushing to form a lynch mob. ;-)

  16. Porn sellers, scammers, drug pushers in the streets .. of whatever city, recognize their target from a distance. Only once did a guy at Pantip come anywhere near me, then smiled as I somehow indicated by way of demeanor, or whatever, was not interested. I wasn't rude to him. He just knew I wasn't on his wavelength and smiled.

    Sex tourists come on TV and love to pontificate, with great authority it seems, with enough opinions to fill a Satan's bible. .. ranting on about this, that and the other girl, what should happen to them etc.I am neither customer nor voyeur, so on the rare occasion I need to navigate through a 'hot' district, nothing even rocks my boat.

    My point being: If you're 'in the market' for something, you'll see it.

    I have had good service from the repair people at Pantip, having gone back to them often. They will surely have a place at the new Pantip. If not, it will be the management's folly. Because they will go elsewhere, and like others, I will find them. I have kept their contact numbers..

    Pantip reflected Thai society, from the high end Apple store on the top floor, to the market-style kiosks on the ground floor. It was all there, something for everyone.

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