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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. In the Bar areas in Pattaya they don't care. Witnessed (many years ago) a couple in evening attire going to a fancy party walking from their hotel to a taxi which was parked just across the road from the hotel. They just said no and many people were oke with it and didn't throw any water, but some ....... drunk farang unloaded a WHOLE bucket of water on them. He was then punched to the ground by the guy!
  2. I had the same they shorted out the Board on aircon compressor. Estimate is around the 5k Mark but fortunately it's covered under Warranty. They will come tmrw to install after almost a week without aircon ????
  3. I sent several very important docs back to my lawyers and banks and all have arrived with Fedex. Only stuff send via regular mail did not arrive, still waiting for a bank authenticator, looks like a calculator but it isn’t
  4. I agree with the silly money but what if none arrive? He will loose his benefits and thus loose much more IMHO.
  5. Pay some extra and send via Fedex or DHL, all the docs I have sent via them have always arrived.
  6. Wow very helpful @Crossy appreciated.
  7. Not for Pattaya it isn't. Pattaya main days are 18th and 19th. Mayhem then on these days. I hope you are not flying out on those days you will have to leave very early because traffic is grid locked. (pre-covid times that was)
  8. Where did you buy the 1st one? Are they still in business?
  9. I have a question regarding limiting the export on a Sofar inverter. so if Anti-Reflux (AFR) is on and Watt is set 0 export is disabled. This prevents Export. Correct? but if I limit it to 500 W (with AFR ON) how long will it take for the meter to go back 1 unit if on the meter it says 400 Rev per kW if the inverter can pump out 500W (full sunshine for exmple) our current GTI pumps put 200w(ish) and the meter isn’t going backwards very fast (even without demand in the house). edit: is there a limiting factor on how fast a meter spins backwards?
  10. absolutely. I hope my full solar is running then so I can have a usage of around the 60 mark from PEA, but that will still be a 3-400 THB bill (if Ft increases that much)
  11. Read more about the Ft increase here but you need to follow the link in that post (This link has all the details) https://www.thaipbsworld.com/service-fees-for-household-and-small-business-electricity-use-to-be-cut-jan-apr/ to read about it, because the AN post writes about the decrease in service charge but NOT about what is going to hurt and that is the massive increase in Ft (per UNIT) (which could be as much as 2 THB PER UNIT)
  12. Here our latest bill If using Energy charge only we come at 3,25 THB per unit. (344.33 THB / 106 Units = 3.25 THB) If using total price we came out at 3.88 THB per unit (410.91 THB / 106 Units = 3.88 THB) (previously I wrote 3.87 but did not ROUND it up )
  13. The price I wrote down is the TOTAL (inclu everything) price and that price divided by the units used. Will post a scan of my latest bill later on then you will see (more usage but lower price per kWh then you). If I only used Energy charge (344.33 THB that would mean a price per unit (106 units used) of also 3,25 THB (same as you) Ft= Fuel Surcharge, and as you can see you got a discount (because lower then 300 units used (sliding scale it is) Original Ft = 53,26 but discount of 52,46 Edit: Ft discount will stop after the Nov - Dec period and that it will be increased (AFAIK) massively to maybe over 2 THB per UNIT. (and no discounts, but nothing definite YET)
  14. This period is the last (Nov - Dec) where the discount is active. Dec - Jan bill will see the massive increase in Ft.
  15. We just stayed in our Condo and had Motocycle guys do our shopping or went late in the evening. Since moving upcountry I DON'T miss that period of living in Pattaya 1 bit
  16. Pattaya it always starts in the Bar areas around the 10th and last day has always been 19th. No one knows yet, it's still over 5 months away.
  17. Yes, but I would prefer the Cooler weather when I have a NO working Aircon (which is since last Sunday).
  18. Update: My Wife called Daikin yesterday as they have been awful quiet. Got news that they are waiting for spare parts and they are coming tmrw (Friday) in the afternoon. ???? PS: Where is the cooler weather when you need it ????
  19. We used 106 units amounting to 410.51 THB but we paid less per Unit then you, 3,87 THB per unit. So low usage have HIGHER THB per unit prices because of the added charge of the VAT / Ft Charge / Service Charge . For example Sept - Oct, 155 units price 587.71 THB price per unit 3.79 THB
  20. Class 10 or UHS-1 (and up) SD cards are best for Dash Cams, because they are fast in writing. Example: https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/memory-cards/sandisk/32gb-ultra-microsd-memory-card-sdsqunr-032g-gn3mn-p053753/ or even better https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/memory-cards/sandisk/32gb-extreme-micro-sd-100mb-s-class-10-no-adapter-sdsqxaf-032g-gn6mn-p049926/
  21. When we lived in Pattaya we used this one. Dental Care Center on Pattaya Klang road https://goo.gl/maps/nfPmnzcxib9eVkRa9 Very good but very busy and not that expensive.
  22. So if I understand correctly, there were 836 Cars available and they were gone within 2 hours? And the total reservations came up to 1598 Cars and took 8 hours. Impressive. Any idea on the price?
  23. I guess you have never been to Makro and a tradesman pays his bill (5k THB) with lots of 20's and even 10 THB coins ????
  24. And an EV in this case will help of course, but not for deliveries to Shops (Makro / Big C etc etc), I have never seen a 30 Ton Truck that runs on Electricity. Thus prices of goods will most certainly increase even more.
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