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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. He will stand forever, and will win the next, and next, and next election.

    He will be our PM until the day he dies.

    Well said - he also has many Farang votes (if we could) as he understands both West and East and a lot in between. Right now despite the PT stupidity of more wasted time and energy, he is strong and showing he is a survivor. He has many well wishers and a lot of support. :)

    Well he hasn't much support from the foreigners with some better education and seen critical be almost all foreign media.

    but, okay, in the international community of beer bar patrons and Thaksin haters he has bigger support. They also don't like election days, but for other reasons than Abhisit, they cannot vote and cannot buy beer.

    And how would you know a person's educational level?

    Are they able to spot the irony in the comment 'He will stand forever, ...'?

    Are they concerned about the recent death or not or even happy about it?

    Are they concerned about the media censorship or not or even happy about it?

    Are they concerned about the arrest of academics or not or even happy about it?

    Are they concerned about the restriction of civil rights or not or even happy about it?

    The way people talk and argue, that gives you some conclusion about a person's educational background. And the way they ask questions too.

  2. Agh well Abhisit just survived the censure vote comfortably


    old Samak got 280 votes of confidence, Abhisit got 246. only 6 more than half of the seats the parliament has.

    +60 over against. It isnt a comparison. What Samak got in days of yore is irrelevent. It is a comfortable win in parliamentary terms in any country however you want to spin it. The coalition will be happy with this. The variance across ministers was only ten with a +40 being lowest versus against. In any country a majority of 40-60 is comfortable in anyones terms

    We should now see some stability in government for a while

    'comfortable win, 'in any country' - now that is a spinmeister twist.

    well, what counts is what the common people on the streets of Thailand will think about it.

    They know Khun Somchai got the votes of 298 MPs to become the PM (Samak 310 MPs), Abhisit has the support of 246 MP.

    Comfortably for the power clinging PM himself, but will the reds shirt accept that argument it is irrelevant how their favorite team once did?

  3. I wonder - how many people on Thaivisa have not been asked by a policeman for a payment?

    In eleven years I have never been asked. I have been stopped for speeding and told to go away and behave myself, with a smile on his face. Another time I was stopped and the officer finished up looking at a map with me and practising English.

    I also wonder how many people complain about corruption yet are happy to use the system when it suits them. For example, deliberately break the curfew then bribe an officer rather than go to the police station overnight. Eaier to pay 200 Bt than wear a helmet when riding.

    I know someone will reply to this post but before anyone says that I am condoning corruption read this post carefully. I do not condone it, I am merely saying that I have never been asked, and those who complain may be happy to pay than go through a lot of bureaucratic hoops.

    same here.

  4. What a nonsense and deep yellow propaganda BS.

    How could an election justify the "crime of the Temesak deal"? That are two separate things. Over the PM and the party in power decided the electorate, the people. Over criminal offences a court.

    From this time comes also the Thaksin words that 'he cannot allow mob rule'. His answer to the mob was to let the people decide on the ballot box.

    Look what sparked the protest of the Red shirts.

    But Abhisit is scared of the ballot box because he knows he would never win if the people decide.

    Thaksin politicized the Themasak deal. He had his foot in his mouth and became over confident! Thats exactly the moment where het started thumbling down!

    And thats not yellow propaganda, thats just an opinion.

    Abhisit is not afraid of elections, he offered to have early elections. Rejected by people with similar thoughts as you seem to have.

    The antiThaksin propaganda politicized the Temasak deal.

    Abhisit boycotted the april 2006 election.

    And his offers you cannot trust, he promised an earlier election allready over one year ago but that never became true.

  5. He will stand forever, and will win the next, and next, and next election.

    He will be our PM until the day he dies.

    Well said - he also has many Farang votes (if we could) as he understands both West and East and a lot in between. Right now despite the PT stupidity of more wasted time and energy, he is strong and showing he is a survivor. He has many well wishers and a lot of support. :)

    Well he hasn't much support from the foreigners with some better education and seen critical be almost all foreign media.

    but, okay, in the international community of beer bar patrons and Thaksin haters he has bigger support. They also don't like election days, but for other reasons than Abhisit, they cannot vote and cannot buy beer.

  6. Wasn't the April 2549 election hold because of the street protest by the PAD?

    You have to go back and look at what sparked the protests to find the reason for the election. Thaksin had broken laws in the deal selling Shin Corp to Temasek. The PAD were on his back about it and he wished to both shut them up and ensure that his power was so overwhelming and far-reaching that there would be no danger of him facing any legal procedings. That's why he called an election; because he knew that if he should win, he could achieve both those goals. You might think that endorsing crime is a good and justified use of the ballot box... others do not.

    What a nonsense and deep yellow propaganda BS.

    How could an election justify the "crime of the Temesak deal"? That are two separate things. Over the PM and the party in power decided the electorate, the people. Over criminal offences a court.

    From this time comes also the Thaksin words that 'he cannot allow mob rule'. His answer to the mob was to let the people decide on the ballot box.

    Look what sparked the protest of the Red shirts.

    But Abhisit is scared of the ballot box because he knows he would never win if the people decide.

  7. Still no answer from all you government allies as to what the alleged evidence is

    When asked the same question the best that Korn (the Finance Minster) could manage in an otherwise quite reasonable interview with the BBC was to laugh and mumble "every Thai person knows it". Somehow I can't quite see that making it as convincing evidence ....

    You and farang can maybe get together and tell us where we can pick up a news paper or What TV station we can tune into that lays all the evidence out that they have against terrorists while they are still out of jail

    Please hurry we are waiting with bated breath. :)


  8. Kasit isn't an issue :) The PAD isn't an issue.

    Kasit isn't the issue, obviously. The issue is Thaksin. But Kasit, as FM, is leading the extradition request and the communications with foreign governments. And I don't think it will go well with countries who had to send airplanes to evacuate hundreds of thousands of stranded tourists, because he thought he was "having a good time".

    Nope -- they will look at the merits of the case (warrant) ... does it meet the prima facie requirement for a trial? If so they will move ahead with it. Most people won't have a clue who Kasit is .. and would care less. The word TERRORIST will be enough if they present evidence.


    You mean Interpol or other 'foreign countries' will be impressed if they write the word TERRORIST in all caps and immediately extradite Thaksin?

  9. Is it just me, or is the government completely destroying the PTP in this censure debate. Hard to argue with the truth - even though Jatuporn tries and tries.

    Looks like Mr Rivers has stolen their thunder.

    Now why would armed red shirts dress up in military fatigues while hanging around the skytrain...? What could possibly be the reason for passing themselves off as military personnel...?

    Terrorist don't wear only military fatigues but also civilian clothes while hanging around with the security forces.

  10. Over the last 2 or so years, I must have read this headline in various forms about 30 times. e.g. Thai government to request extradition of Thaksin from UK/Dubai/Montenegro/France/Cambodia or Thai government ask Interpol to arrest Thaksin.

    However each and every time the headline is followed by a statement about a week later "The UK/Dubai/Montenegro/etc government has received no extradition request from the Thai government" or "Interpol has received no request for the arrest of Thaksin Shinawatra from the Thai government."

    How many times can they cry wolf? Unlimited times, it seems.

    But it never gets boring.

    against all odds some totally Thaksin obsessed board members will still believe this and their hope that Abhisit will bring Thaksin back gets refreshed.

    its fun to watch them and see their reaction when you try to explain the truth to them.

  11. Wake up ball park, Don't blame Thaksin for that. This is the governemnt officials in office. The current PM is just as guilty, he operates the same as Thaksin in that sense. He is the one who turned around the refuguees from Thailand and left them on a boat. In fact in a BBC interview, he made serveral racial statements that he thinks the refuguees should not be in Thailand because they are illegal immigrants. How heartless, MR. British educated PM. If he was running for office in Britain and made this statement he would not be in office. In fact, Thaksin was more foreign investment friendly compared the current PM and the red shirts with Sonithi, which he is very anti-foreigner.

    i guess in your last sentence you mean the yellow shirts. But otherwise you are totally right with your comments.

  12. Lovely how "The Nation" finally finds an article that matches their agenda and then publishes it. Shame on them. What a pathetic excuse for a newspaper!

    Yes if anyone publishes an article which is negative to the beloved leader, shame on them!

    Doesn't make the article any less true though.

    The larger point is that there have been DOZENS of excellent articles in highly respected international political magazines such as Newsweek, The Economist, as well as the biggest international newspapers, and somehow the Nation missed all of them. :) (As has this forum, as a result, where almost all official news content comes from The Nation. Oh yes, and the Phuket Gazette.)

    No one is forcing you to read The Nation, The Phuket Gazette or this forum.


    And no one is stopping him to voice his opinion on The Nation.

  13. Lawyers are not known or normally recognized for their defense of the innocents, but some seem to have the perchance to represent people who are not accepted by that part of society and their peers who can see through the disinformation, smokescreen, and BS thrown out by themselves and their clients. Everyone is entitled to legal representation and those who represent the guilty (as per witnesses, irrefutable proof, etc will normally concentrate on a plea bargain etc.) Those that follow the Spin Doctor routine that seems to be a popular defense/offense are probably as egotistical, self servicing, delusional hypocrites as are their employers. The sad part is that the guilty parties they represent will more than likely get their just due, while those that are licensed to pollute the legal system will be allowed to continue their parasitic ways.

    Just another group who if constrained/monitored by a nonmember, unbiased group could be improved several fold.


    pathetic rant against lawyers.

  14. If human rights would be your concern you would be maybe better informed, but your interest are only propaganda and a hate campaign.

    I call this insights, or is it a two way mirror u using?

    Why u guys bring up those hr issues, when at the time this fugitive has handled any of these issues iron fisted-

    it seems to me always like: "Well those too, look, look...they did it too...!"

    simply to wash the blood off their very own hands - YUK!

    It's HIS style, not style, but blunt "Shut up moves like: "The UN is not my father!" :)

    Anything he does looks like a copy script from "The Art of War"....

    turning the arrow around against those who fired it.... very movie like...

    I wonder when this will backfire... maybe he is building his very own trap right now!

    Trying to defend ones very own wrongdoings with that of others is pretty cheap and petty - isn't it,

    but then has he ever had format or any style at all?

    What should one expect of a former countryside projectionist turned a multi billionaire?

    He may change his wardrobe, his image, buy Louis Vuitton bags for his daughter, wear Patek Phillipe watches and drive an Aston Martin - but the very INSIDE remains the same forever!

    A sheep skin doesn't make a wolf a sheep - does it?


  15. ... the puppet master behind the proxy government responsible for the Rohingya and Hmong repatriation policies, ...

    Would you care to explain?

    As far as i know the ugly treatment of the Rohingya boat people happend under PM Abhisit. The 'repatriation policies' of the Hmong are agreements between the Junta Government and Leaders in Laos, Abhisits best friends.

    Tak Bai, Krue Sae was an army job, the dissapearing people probably too, the same people who helped Abhisit last year with paper bullets and this year with killing terrorist in Bangkok.

    How can anyone be seriously arguing over what each side has supposedly done or not done when they don't even have the basic facts? Maybe if you actually lived here in Thailand you'd at least get an appreciation for what is happening now, what has happened in the past and how it is interrelated.

    We get all these clueless people coming on here spouting lies and distortions, thinking the Rohingya situation suddenly popped up one morning in January 2009, and the Hmong repatriation was planned later that year. News for you all, the policy to "dispose" of the Rohingya was made by the PPP government in 2008, as was the agreement with Laos to send back the Hmong. They were the policy of the Samak government, perhaps the only real policy that illegal puppet administration actually made, spending the rest of its time trying to bring back a convicted criminal, cooking up a storm, lying in court, and playing hide and seek with reporters and pro democracy demonstrators. The Abhisit administration had been in power for around a month when the Rohingya situation blew up, and dealt with it immediately. Who knows how long it had been going on for under the Samak and Somchai governments? To its shame, the current government did not halt the Hmong repatriation, but then, unlike the red side I'm not going to whitewash everything this government has done. However, there is no doubt whatsoever that the current government was honouring (if honour can be used here) an agreement made between the Laos dictators and the Samak government.


    Nice try to back up your smear campaign, but the basic facts are the ones below, the agreement was made by the Junta government:

    Back on November 17, 2006, the Lao government had closely coordinated with Thai police in Bangkok orchestrating a police raid targeting this group of UNHCR-recognized refugees. They were later transferred to Nong Khai immigration jail where they have lived ever since.

    The group targeted includes witnesses of an April 2006 jungle massacre in which Lao troops reportedly killed 26 Hmong civilians. This is a very delicate matter with the Lao government who continues to deny that such attacks take place. This is due to the fact that these jungle Hmong are remnants of the CIA’s secret army who fought against the Lao communists during the Vietnam War.

    On December 19, 2006, the Lao and Thai governments signed a bi-lateral agreement to deport these Hmong refugees back to Laos.
    Although this would be in clear violation of international refugee law this is what the Lao government continually uses to justify their return to Laos, and that no third-party interfere in the matter.

    On 18 May 2007, Thailand and Laos signed the Lao-Thai Committee on Border Security agreement which provided that Thailand will deport any Lao Hmong asylum seeker upon arrival.
    On the basis of the agreement, Thailand deported 31 Hmong refuges to Laos on 25 May 2007, and 163 more on 9 June 2007. Neither the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) nor any international human rights organization has been given access to these refouled refugees. Hence, their whereabouts and conditions after refoulment are not known.

    If human rights would be your concern you would be maybe better informed, but your interest are only propaganda and a hate campaign.

  16. The war on drugs allowed others to claim a huge slice of the drug trade far bigger and more valuable than they had before. The ramifications of the poltical allegiances of this are still felt today.

    It removed some players and allowed others to take over the networks.

    Ever wonder which uniforms the winners were wearing?

    Ohh, the conspiracy experts and insider. What you say, is it possible that our hero Seh Daeng was killed because he knew so much about the War on Drugs

    According to the court's ruling, Major General Khattiya,
    better known as Seh Daeng
    , has been sentenced to six months in prison
    and fined 40,000 THB with one-year suspended jail term. He was accused of
    defaming former National Police Chief General Sant Sarutanond
    during the press interview by blaming him for the violence and
    his involvement in the extra-judicial killings related to the war-on-drugs
    in the far South in 2004.


  17. Even Jacques Verges would not defend him.

    I am sure Abhisit will be able to find another good lawyer if Jacques Verges will not defend him here.

    There's always a lawyer available for whom moral stance is not an issue.

    High end abulance chasers with the scruples of a mongoose,

    and a personality subsumed to residing in purgatory indefinitely.

    You should not judge a lawyer by his clients. Only small brains and simpletons do that. Even the worst criminal deserves the right to defense with the help of a lawyer.

  18. I have often thought that Mr T could end up in front of the court in The Hague but as a defendant. I agree with another poster that the Dems have a lousy PR machine, they seem to be living in the stone age when it comes to PR.

    PM Abhisit spends sh*tload of money when it comes to PR. His office is one of the biggest advertiser in Thailand.

    Ranking PM's Office ad spending by government, the result is:

    Surayud/CNS (2007) 1,090 million baht

    Abhisit/Democrat Party (2009 est.) 978 million baht

    Thaksin/TRT (2005) 795 million baht

    Thaksin/TRT-Surayud/CNS (2006) 787 million baht

    Samak & Somchai/PPP (2008 est.) 712 million baht

    Thaksin (2004) 561 million baht

    Spending per month can fluctuate (possibly affecting the quarterly estimate above for 2008-9).

    Also note that ad spending is only for the PM's Office and doesn't include other ministries, agencies, or state-owned enterprises.

    read the full article, to see where the numbers are coming from and how they haw been established.

    Stone age like are his human right records, blaming reds as communist, the media censorship, blocking websites, arresting professors from universities, killing protesters. and the way he thinks he can get away with it.

  19. ... the puppet master behind the proxy government responsible for the Rohingya and Hmong repatriation policies, ...

    Would you care to explain?

    As far as i know the ugly treatment of the Rohingya boat people happend under PM Abhisit. The 'repatriation policies' of the Hmong are agreements between the Junta Government and Leaders in Laos, Abhisits best friends.

    Tak Bai, Krue Sae was an army job, the dissapearing people probably too, the same people who helped Abhisit last year with paper bullets and this year with killing terrorist in Bangkok.

    Tak Bai is widely attributed to Thaksin. To summarize Thaksin's "defense", he basically said the killing is good, if you don't understand it just go away.

    Yes, Thaksin was at this time the PM. If you want frame him simpleton style, why you don't blame Abhisit for the Bangkok rally massacre?

    There was an investigation and a fact finding committee. Khunying Pornthip took part in that investigation.

    long read:


  20. That doesn't mean that these 1400 are totally innocent victims that where killed in the name of the 'War in Drug'. These death where just wrongly added to statistics filed under drug related crimes.

    The number of somewhat 2500/2700 is just the total number of violently death that occurred during the months of the war on drugs. The 1400 have been killed for other reasons, the normal crime that happen day by day in Thailand.

    The number of death from the hand of police, law enforcement officers is much much more lower than 2500.

    But 2500 looks much better if you wanna make propaganda against the regime.


    From the Human Right Watch.


    In October 2003, Thailand’s foreign minister told the U.S. State Department that 2,593 homicide cases had occurred in the country since the previous February, more than double the normal level of about 400 homicides per month.15 On December 15, 2003, after the end of the first phases of the campaign, the Royal Thai Police reported 1,329 drug-related homicides (out of 1,176 separate incidents) since February, of which seventy-two (in fifty-eight incidents) had been killed by police. More than 70,000 people allegedly involved in the drug trade were arrested.

    There were death during the War on Drugs and there were extrajudical killings and there are still ongoing investigations, no-one is denying that here.

    But these numbers of around 2500/2700 counting all cases of homicides during that period.

    A statement like "War on Drug = 2500/2700/3000 killing by Abhisit regime" is clearly not accurate.

    People still repeating such claims didn't spend much time to inform themselves on that matter or keep repeating these figures only for propaganda purposes.

    Quoting Thaksin's Foreign Minister as a credible source for truth. :)

    SRJ, be careful in Thailand with its defamation laws.

    Statements, claims and blames about the War on Drug can even bring to prominent and beloved members of the society a jail sentence.

    Outspoken army officer gets 6-month jail term for libel

    BANGKOK, 15 December 2009 (NNT) - The military tribunal has resolved to take legal action against
    army specialist Major General Khattiya Sawasdipol
    on libel charge.

    According to the court's ruling, Major General Khattiya,
    better known as Seh Daeng
    , has been sentenced to six months in prison
    and fined 40,000 THB with one-year suspended jail term. He was accused of
    defaming former National Police Chief General Sant Sarutanond
    during the press interview by blaming him for the violence and
    his involvement in the extra-judicial killings related to the war-on-drugs
    in the far South in 2004.

    The army specialist agreed to pay the fine of 40,000 THB and would seek an appeal against the court's verdict in 15 days.

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