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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. The photo shopping in Paris where taken by another customer in the store. than it made it to the frontpages in Thailand. 'Thaksin exposed'. Do you think that was a set up by Thaksin, 'leaked' by his PR team? same as the death rumours and so on? so hat the evil master mind has an alibi?

    The "international community" of patrons of the beer bars in thailand maybe think it is proven that he is the terrorist. for them Thaksin could do whatever, they always will twisted somehow that he is guilty of everythink.

    get real.

    Am real, but not invested in the story.

    If you believe such trite, oh, just a passer by snapping a photo that now becomes his lawyer's main line of defense, then I have some websites for you to read.

    Edit: bold portions of quotation highlighted by poster for emphasis and to maintain quotation in context.

    his lawyers main line of defense? where did you get that from?

    about the photo:

    A Thai residing in Paris was quoted as saying that on 15 May, her Malaysian friend had caught and taken a few photographs of Mr Thaksin while shopping with one of his daughter, Ms Paethongtan, in the mentioned shop in a relaxing mood. The lady said her friend was trying to take more photos of the ex-premier but had been obstructed by his guards.

    18 May 2010 (NNT)

    Cybercitizens have attacked former ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatara on web boards as photos of him shopping in France spread like wildfire on the internet.

    The pictures, taken by a Thai expat residing in France showed Mr Thaksin shopping in a Louis Vuitton shop in France's upscale shopping avenue, Champs-Élysées. Mr Thaksin was seen to be smiling, in the store with his daughter Praethongtan Shinawatara. The photos were taken on 15 May 2010 and the National Broadcasting of Thailand (NBT) was the first to retrieve the images.

    19 May 2010 (NNT)

    and you are now saying that the photo and the 'news' about his shopping tour in Paris made it to the Thai TV, the newspapers and the internet 10 days ago was all well planned by Thaksin himself so that he has an alibi for the upcoming terrorism charges?

    and you have websites? cool!!! have a link too? please post, i like lunatic conspiracy theories.

    I like cats. Now that you are a born again internet believer suggesting we should just believe that which we read, from the very same article comes this----

    Meanwhile, Mr Thaksin Shinawatara's financial accounts have been frozen by the Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) as he is linked to being a major funder of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) demonstrations in the Thai capital since late March 2010.

    Good article or not?


    so what? talking now about something different?

    my initial comment was on The Nation line that Thaksin had disappeared and that was the reason for the death rumours. BS, Thaksin was there, present with his facebook photos for example. But these photos were declared to the work of photoshop by those who believed Thaksin is dead or terminal ill or by those who wanted to believe, wishful thinkers or people who just spreading lies or making money with selling BS to believers and simpletons. it turned out that this rumour was BS.

    Thaksin is alive and was shopping in Paris. Thaksin haters had a field day and twisted into their smear campaign.

    and now you want telling me that all the silly rumors and BS stories are arranged by Thaksin himself.

    but what has that to do that the CRES has frozen his bank accounts and accusing him of being a terrorist? That don't make any BS about Thaksin death or that arrange all the rumors believable.

    btw. aren't Thaksin financial accounts frozen allready since the Junta government came into power with a putsch? or is that just another dirty trick of Thaksin just like the photo from the LV store?

  2. 'Livinginexile' wanted to see videos of dudes with automatic assault rifles. This is one. They exist. Clearly you can see - it is not only the army or the security forces that are equipped with such kind of weapons, there are also the unknown forces that fire around with assault rifles. The dude in the video is probably one of the terrorists who shot and kill the people.

    Ok. Thanks for your explanation. It is certainly plausible.

    There are other equally plausible explanations for that video. It was announced multiple times publicly that the government had placed undercover 'spies' amongst the redshirts. If one of those military spies was doing recon and scouting, it would make sense that he would meet a team of soldiers to lead them to a suitable location for an operation. In this case he would need to carry weapons for protection while working with the uniformed soldiers. Later he would discard his weapons and blend back in with the demonstrators to do further recon work.

    Part of the the problem is that we see many video clips, but they are without context. The camera can only point to one place at a time and so we are left guessing as to what the real circumstances were. This forces us to speculate. This speculation will lead most people to make conclusions that are in line with their own biases. I am including myself here too. It is an undeniable fact that two rational and highly intelligent people will look at the same evidence and come to very different conclusions.

    of course the undercover spy only fires his rifle when he have a chat with the security forces who defending their lives. when he goes back to the red shirt camp he is all unarmed and does no harm and nothing wrong at all.

  3. @intothefuture i agree with you on many of your points, it just makes me feel really frustrated to see, over the past few days, people coming out with utter garbage, about red snipers shooting innocent people, targeting journalists, targetting medics....its just bullshit propaganda. and its not backed up by any evidence....because of the catastrophic way these protests ended, it seems to of allowed people to dehumanize a whole swath of society. I understand people are angry about the burning and looting,, but please....the people who did that have ensured the red shirt movement now lacks any real credibility, shame for them, as 99% of them had genuine peaceful and justified reasons to protest. If some people are so desperate to spin this situation that now the red shirts were shooting their own people in the temple, or shooting medics....even in a thread which the OP states the opposite as being the case, then they are spinning too far. No one side came out of this with any honor.

    i disagree with your point about central world. if you have videos and people making speeches saying they are going to burn the city down. and you have tanks, and the protest has ended, i cant see why they couldnt of parked a couple of them outside the place and ensured it wasnt torched. They must of had intel that it was going to happen, and if they didnt then thats pathetic too. All i have seen in the past week is a series of unpleasant blaming and propaganda excercises, all of which is succesfully deflecting from the real tragedy - 75 civilians were killed, and 5 soldiers were killed. for all their massively armed black shirt terrorists, thats a pretty large discrepancy of casualties, and the fact people are trying to spin it just makes me fear for the future of the country. On these various boards over the past few days, you get the impression people are happy with killing and they want more. its sad, really sad.

    Thank you for some clarity of thought and some understanding of the larger implications.

    Another posters analogy to Beirut might sadly prove correct.

    Regardless of the opinions of the many posters here who seem to delight in death, destruction, insult and provocation, the next few months / years will probably be very bad for Thailand.

    Nobody I know is optimistic and all agree that the recent disasters were avoidable.

    The Govt is now admitting that hundreds of dead would have been acceptable !! ( source Time magazine( may 27th ) and the other Eng lang. paper.


    here is the link to The Time magazine article


    the first paragraph:

    This week's most depressing statistic comes courtesy of an unnamed Thai government source quoted in the Bangkok Post. The source reveals that the military had been willing to kill "between 200 and 300 people" and injure "several thousand" in its operation last week to storm the Red Shirt protest site in Bangkok's commercial district.

    there is still a little difference between "The Govt is now admitting..." and "unnamed Thai government source quoted in ..." that sounds more like a leak or whistleblower or something in between that and an official statement.

    and now, how much we can trust in the officially confirmed death toll?

  4. The photo shopping in Paris where taken by another customer in the store. than it made it to the frontpages in Thailand. 'Thaksin exposed'. Do you think that was a set up by Thaksin, 'leaked' by his PR team? same as the death rumours and so on? so hat the evil master mind has an alibi?

    The "international community" of patrons of the beer bars in thailand maybe think it is proven that he is the terrorist. for them Thaksin could do whatever, they always will twisted somehow that he is guilty of everythink.

    get real.

    Am real, but not invested in the story.

    If you believe such trite, oh, just a passer by snapping a photo that now becomes his lawyer's main line of defense, then I have some websites for you to read.

    Edit: bold portions of quotation highlighted by poster for emphasis and to maintain quotation in context.

    his lawyers main line of defense? where did you get that from?

    about the photo:

    A Thai residing in Paris was quoted as saying that on 15 May, her Malaysian friend had caught and taken a few photographs of Mr Thaksin while shopping with one of his daughter, Ms Paethongtan, in the mentioned shop in a relaxing mood. The lady said her friend was trying to take more photos of the ex-premier but had been obstructed by his guards.

    18 May 2010 (NNT)

    Cybercitizens have attacked former ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatara on web boards as photos of him shopping in France spread like wildfire on the internet.

    The pictures, taken by a Thai expat residing in France showed Mr Thaksin shopping in a Louis Vuitton shop in France’s upscale shopping avenue, Champs-Élysées. Mr Thaksin was seen to be smiling, in the store with his daughter Praethongtan Shinawatara. The photos were taken on 15 May 2010 and the National Broadcasting of Thailand (NBT) was the first to retrieve the images.

    19 May 2010 (NNT)

    and you are now saying that the photo and the 'news' about his shopping tour in Paris made it to the Thai TV, the newspapers and the internet 10 days ago was all well planned by Thaksin himself so that he has an alibi for the upcoming terrorism charges?

    and you have websites? cool!!! have a link too? please post, i like lunatic conspiracy theories.

  5. How much weight his "disappearance" - which sparked his "death" rumours - will have on the international stage remains to be seen.


    Wasn't there a lot of photos of Thaksin posted on his facebook page, twitter comments and even a video with reporters in Montenegro. Thaksin telling the public where he is and what he does at the moment.

    But the photos where declared to be products of photoshop, the video must have been from long time ago, twitter statements fake and so on and so on. you could read about it in The Nation.

    Why do you think Thaksin was doing that? Quite an effort. Especially taking a shopping trip to Paris precisely before the burning of Bangkok began. Now he's telling the international community "See, I was in Paris shopping, so, I'm innocent". Less than one in a million Westerners will buy such arguments.

    The photo shopping in Paris where taken by another customer in the store. than it made it to the frontpages in Thailand. 'Thaksin exposed'. Do you think that was a set up by Thaksin, 'leaked' by his PR team? same as the death rumours and so on? so hat the evil master mind has an alibi?

    The "international community" of patrons of the beer bars in thailand maybe think it is proven that he is the terrorist. for them Thaksin could do whatever, they always will twisted somehow that he is guilty of everythink.

    But the real international community, the sober state official, diplomats and media dudes aren't so easily convinced by this silly logic of the arguments and conspiracy theories and bar talks of the true thailand 'experts'.

    get real.

    edit: added PS

    PS. please follow this board rule:

    30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

  6. How much weight his "disappearance" - which sparked his "death" rumours - will have on the international stage remains to be seen.


    Wasn't there a lot of photos of Thaksin posted on his facebook page, twitter comments and even a video with reporters in Montenegro. Thaksin telling the public where he is and what he does at the moment.

    But the photos where declared to be products of photoshop, the video must have been from long time ago, twitter statements fake and so on and so on. you could read about it in The Nation.

  7. Maybe. Maybe not, but there are plenty of videos of the blackshirts with automatic assault rifles and grenade launchers, so it does not really matter all that much. :)

    Ulysses, could you please give us a link to these "plenty of videos of the blackshirts with automatic assault rifles and grenade launchers"?

    I just havn't seen any! only a couple of grainy videos of protesters with one or two hand guns.

    Proof please :D

    this is one if the most revealing one of all the plenty of videos of some whatever shirts have been spotted with a weapon

    Between 0:11 - 0:19 you can see a person in civilian clothes, t-shirt and shorts, armed with a rifle and probably also shooting. Similar to the clips with a sighting of one of the 'terrorists'. But the problem here is that he is together with regular army troops, soldiers in combat gear, Abhisits security forces.

    Need any additional proof?

    What exactly to you think this is proof of mazeltov?

    'Livinginexile' wanted to see videos of dudes with automatic assault rifles. This is one. They exist. Clearly you can see - it is not only the army or the security forces that are equipped with such kind of weapons, there are also the unknown forces that fire around with assault rifles. The dude in the video is probably one of the terrorists who shot and kill the people.

  8. Thank God Interpol hasn't been so irresponsible as to give in to weird demands from a third world nation where freedom of speech is barred by the constitution,

    Wrong, Thailand does have free speech provisions. Under Thaksin's regime, freedom of the press was squeezed so badly that the Bangkok Post started printing the relevant provision on the top left corner of the front page as a protest.

    Please don't make throw away remarks about things you know nothing about.

    Thailand currently ranking on 130. of 175 countries on the Press Freedom Index compiled and published by Reporters Without Borders

    because in previous years the total number of countries in the list vary lets also compare the Notes/score Thailand got. a lower note indicated more freedom

    Year/ note / rank

    2009: 44.00 130. of 175 countries

    2008: 34.50 124. of 173

    2007: 53.50 135. of 169

    2006: 33.50 122. of 168

    2005: 28.00 107. of 167

    2004: 14.00 59. of 167

    2003: 19.67 82. of 166

    2002: 22.75 65. of 135


    Anyway, the right of freedom if the media is part of the constitution. but this is now heavy violated by the current government in power. it has become more worse than under Thaksin.

    PS: Please don't make throw away remarks about things you know nothing about. that is something you should obey yourself.

    Btw. did you found in the meantime the article about the 'politically motivated case' and Interpols position about it?

    edit: added a PS

    Save me the time and effort to advise us of the free speech provisions of the extant constitution of the People's Republic of China where Google has left because it refused to censor its research engine any further than it originally had agreed (now recognized by Google as a fatal mistake to freedom of speech, information, media, mass information media, the free exchange of knowledge information ideas theories philosophies etc etc) then look at the standing of Thailand relative to the censoring and all controlling regime of the statists and absolutists in Beijing. Thaksin always has been at home with the fascists of Beijing who facilitated his escape from the country during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The fascists in Beijing look forward to Thaksin's establishing in Thailand the People's Republic of Thailand.

    Talk about things people know nothing about...talk instead to some of the people of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao - places where people hate the Communist Party of China and the new dynasty in Beijing that wear business suits instead of robes. 



    no further comment.

  9. If Global Warming, partially caused by humanity, is real, then it does go back to over population, just like many other problems, we face today.

    Stop breeding, quit keeping people alive artificially and quit giving financial and food aid, to Nations that still encourage breeding. Make suicide legal. If somebody is stupid enough to kill themselves, let them.

    Maybe somebody should charge the pope with crimes against humanity, since the policies of the churches, with regards to breeding, and birth control, have definitely worsened the quality of life on this planet. (Same goes of any other religion, organizations and their leaders, who advocate indiscriminate breeding.

    If we die out...oh well, I'm sure, this planet and it's other inhabitants won't miss us.

    those who believe that 'global warming' is man made, having it in their own hands to do something about it.


  10. Maybe. Maybe not, but there are plenty of videos of the blackshirts with automatic assault rifles and grenade launchers, so it does not really matter all that much. :)

    Ulysses, could you please give us a link to these "plenty of videos of the blackshirts with automatic assault rifles and grenade launchers"?

    I just havn't seen any! only a couple of grainy videos of protesters with one or two hand guns.

    Proof please :D

    this is one if the most revealing one of all the plenty of videos of some whatever shirts have been spotted with a weapon

    Between 0:11 - 0:19 you can see a person in civilian clothes, t-shirt and shorts, armed with a rifle and probably also shooting. Similar to the clips with a sighting of one of the 'terrorists'. But the problem here is that he is together with regular army troops, soldiers in combat gear, Abhisits security forces.

    Need any additional proof?

  11. Thank God Interpol hasn't been so irresponsible as to give in to weird demands from a third world nation where freedom of speech is barred by the constitution,

    Wrong, Thailand does have free speech provisions. Under Thaksin's regime, freedom of the press was squeezed so badly that the Bangkok Post started printing the relevant provision on the top left corner of the front page as a protest.

    Please don't make throw away remarks about things you know nothing about.

    Thailand currently ranking on 130. of 175 countries on the Press Freedom Index compiled and published by Reporters Without Borders

    because in previous years the total number of countries in the list vary lets also compare the Notes/score Thailand got. a lower note indicated more freedom

    Year/ note / rank

    2009: 44.00 130. of 175 countries

    2008: 34.50 124. of 173

    2007: 53.50 135. of 169

    2006: 33.50 122. of 168

    2005: 28.00 107. of 167

    2004: 14.00 59. of 167

    2003: 19.67 82. of 166

    2002: 22.75 65. of 135


    Anyway, the right of freedom if the media is part of the constitution. but this is now heavy violated by the current government in power. it has become more worse than under Thaksin.

    PS: Please don't make throw away remarks about things you know nothing about. that is something you should obey yourself.

    Btw. did you found in the meantime the article about the 'politically motivated case' and Interpols position about it?

    edit: added a PS

  12. Meanwhile Interpol called Thaksins conviction in the conflict of interest case "politically motivated".

    And the charges brought up against him after last years military 'clean up' of the red shirts protest on songkran didn't made Interpol to move on or any any foreign country to extradite him.

    Do you expect that the 'foreign opinion' will change after the death of so many red shirt protesters in the last two month?

    Did they? I thought it was your man Thaksin's reaction not Interpol's. Maybe you have access to better media than we have.

    Meanwhile Interpol called Thaksins conviction in the conflict of interest case "politically motivated".

    No, *Thaksin* said it was politically motivated (surprise!) because he's trying to reduce the risk of extradition proceedings. Interpol hasn't said anything yet.


    hello 'experts',

    did you try to read the first entry of this thread, the The Nation article?

    "Thai police failed in previous attempts to have Thaksin placed on Interpol's wanted list despite a top court sentencing him to two years jail over the Ratchadaphisek land deal.

    Interpol considered the case to be politically motivated,
    said Police Maj-General Therdsak Rujirawong, commander of the Royal Thai Police's International Affairs Division."

  13. Many significant places in the city were burned and trashed into rubble. Almost all of the destroyed targets are shopping centers frequented by the middle class and students who meet there to socialize. It's an attack on Bangkok and all that Bangkok has carefully worked to become, i.e., a part of the modern world.

    The Maoists among the Reds hate prosperity and peace, seek only to sieze power in their own self interest. Thaksin hates traditional Thailand and is determined to destroy it and to precipitate a mass Thai loss of life, limb to realize his sinister purpose and goal of possessing Thaksin Shincorp Thailand. Thaksin is a violent, vicious and vainglorious insurrectionist who has only himself in mind, continues to be focused on money and political power in the absolute, and is doing his damnest to wreck the country.

    If Thaksin's operatives could have burned more they would have. If Thaksin could have had Bangkok burned to the ground Dresden style but orginating at ground level he would have. Thaksin remains determined to fulfill his fanitical determination to destroy the country so that the Thai establishment can be violently and radically dismantled. This approach is the formula of Mao, Lenin, Mugabe among other murderous tyrants who care only for themselves but present themselves as the saviors of the country.

    The guy is a nastyarse sob who's only begun his mad efforts to establish a Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand which is music to the ears of the ruling Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing. Since Abhisit became PM Thaksin concluded the only way to repossess the country is to destroy it. I repeat this point because it is Thaksin's repeated and endless obsession.

    The poor shmoor, this is entirely about the massive meglomania and hubris of Thaksin. To be at this for so long is definitive testimony to Thaksin's mad pursuit to control, own, the country.    

    On a forum that is riddled with propagandists of all persuasions, I doubt I will ever read a more blatant and daft piece of proaganda. This piece of twaddle by Publicus is as clear an example as I need that the propagandists on TV are just enthusiastic amateurs.


  14. Foreign Governments and courts will decide if Thaksin is handed over to Thai Courts, But you only have to look at the countries he clings to ,Montenegro, Cambodia etc. not exactly bastians of upholding the law. Interpol are insignificant in this.

    What is wrong with Montenegro?

    Thaksin was recently spotted also in France, Sweden, Russia, UAE and reported to travel to the UK.

    Meanwhile Interpol called Thaksins conviction in the conflict of interest case "politically motivated".

    And the charges brought up against him after last years military 'clean up' of the red shirts protest on songkran didn't made Interpol to move on or any any foreign country to extradite him.

    Do you expect that the 'foreign opinion' will change after the death of so many red shirt protesters in the last two month?

  15. Only read the last page but is this thread about if Interpol will arrest Thaksin or not? It doesn't seem so. Could people go rehash their pro or anti Thaksin rants in the threads that were created for that? This thread is about Interpol not your personal feelings of politics. Hopefully a mod will come around and clean the garbage posts out and get people back on topic soon.

    I read the entire thread. At several points, I was just going to go do something else, which I did. It took me until page 9 to type a word, just because I sometimes don't to bother to or want jump in the middle of a rather mindless discussion... But I'd didn't see anything in your post on the topic. At least most of us did. And it is about what your personal idea is: Will Interpol Act? The topic of this thread...

    So it is only a yes or no question. answer is NO.

    Interpol will not act.

  16. @mazeltov: You really don't have a clue do you, or alternatively you do but the crib sheet says otherwise. Let;s put it this way, in the analogue I'm aware of a number of significant commercial projects which went from possible to impossible once TRT was in place. I'm also aware of noticeable changes in direction by ministries relating to externalities. You may choose to believe this or not, since for obvious reasons I can't go into commercially sensitive information here but that was the reality.

    Please note this has nothing to do with commissions or other extraneous issues, it had a great deal to do with an inherent focus of the government, and the TRT one was not the limit of my exposure here. I'll also be fair and comment that there were exceptions to this, notably Chinese and Japanese operations, though very much in that order.


    PS I'm sure you'll want to make some spurious rejoinder as to why that makes me 'anti-Thaksin' or pro-yellow as you are wont to do, but it is interesting to note how that alomost xenophobic response has become further ingrained irrespective of ministerial and party change.

    I'm aware of a number of significant commercial projects ... believe this or not, since for obvious reasons I can't go into commercially sensitive information here but that was the reality.

    Thanks for the hint at your abilities special awareness skills. Amazing, i am impressed.

    i can fully understand that you cannot share the sensitive information you gather with your extrasensory powers. 55555

    and chinese and and japanese operation benefited from TRT government too, i am sure some members will be able to twist that into some asian conspiracy against the white man or as the part of the NWO, some members could not hesitate to point out that Thaksin new lawyer is not only a international lawyer but also a Jew (OMG), so for sure that must be something really evil.

  17. Right that's why the guy off screen tells him to retract it, and he boobbles a bit,

    'You can't say that'. This is just a new spin on an old long standing slip up from Thaksin's mouth.

    I don't hear anyone telling him to retract it. I've seen the entire speech and he's talking about the 500 Baht for the elderly Thais, nothing more. Why else would he say "you won't need to stand in line for your 500 Baht"? Because right now they need to stand in line every month to pick up their 500 Baht. Do a bit of research.

    Abhisit has mentioned the 500 Baht program several times too, I guess someone could make a clip from him too and then use it the same way, saying the pink shirts are getting paid 500 Baht. Silly, isn't it?

    Of course Thaksin was talking about the 500 Baht for the elderly program of the Abhisit government. but the ultra right wing extremist and yellow propaganda meisters cannot not stop to spin and twist the video over an over again and repeating their lies.


  18. Just check out the sputtering in Mr.Thaksins latest interview with.... the ABC and him praising the "Australian"... he never was very fond of foreigners, by the way!
    Not true.

    the opposite is the case and the ultra right wing circles, national-socialist and other political extremists made a big issue if it that Thaksin (or later the PPP) was actually very fond of foreigners and international cooperation. Just look at the free trade agreements, the business he conduct with a singapire company, the cooparation with cambodia in the Unesco/Preah Vihear Temple case.

    Yet again unmitigated nonsense. Tell you what, why not get the cat from your avatar to walk across the keys a few times, and post that. It's more likely to truthful and accurate then the dross you create.

    Thaksin made a major play of his nationalist credentials, famously in the early days of his administration he gave a speech one day and then the local version which was, surprise couched in ultra-nationalist terms. He was furious when the international media picked up on the discrepancies. His Singapore business was linked to the technology requirement, and then subsequently to the reality that with Shin Corp on the block, only Tamasek was willing to undertake the critical all-share, all divisions deal which Thaksin needed.

    The Chinese FTA, for example benefits some aspects of incoming foreign trade, ironically [or not] including the agricultural sector which has suffered badly from the FTA protected competition. Some might think that odd, given Pol Lt Col. Thaksin's enthusiasm for the assisting the poor. As to the Cambodian position, I'll say here that in my view supporting the World Heritage Site and working with them on this made a lot of sense, but it was poorly handled by the then ministers.


    Why you bother I just don't know --- Thaksin played the xenophobe card from the creation of his political party 'Thai Rak Thai'. It played well to his target audience and to many other Thai people until they saw where he took it.

    wow amazing, you can speak thai and translate the party name.

    but naming their party 'Thai Rak Thai' makes them xenophobe?

    Thais are very patriotic or nationalistic or whatever you want to call it and also sometimes pretty ignorant about the outside world. that isn't a trait you can find only in the Thaksin camp but in all mayor political groups.

    The AntiThaksin forces, right wing extremists, pushed the nationalistic card to the extreme and became xenophobe in their aganda. look at the (verbal) attacks against singapore and cambodia

    it happen right now again, look at the witch hunt of the foreign media or FM Kasits rants on foreign diplomats.

    time to open your eyes, stop to fantasise and get real.

    an extreme case of xenophobia are the some Thaksin haters at this board. every country, Thaksin is reported to visit, becomes a subject of their xenophobic rants and white man superiority complex. and very bizarre it gets when the same group rant about the red shirts using lot of racial slur words.

  19. Just check out the sputtering in Mr.Thaksins latest interview with.... the ABC and him praising the "Australian"... he never was very fond of foreigners, by the way!

    Not true.

    the opposite is the case and the ultra right wing circles, national-socialist and other political extremists made a big issue if it that Thaksin (or later the PPP) was actually very fond of foreigners and international cooperation. Just look at the free trade agreements, the business he conduct with a singapire company, the cooparation with cambodia in the Unesco/Preah Vihear Temple case.

    Are you sure you're not working for the other side now? I'm sure you know, in each of the examples you have cited Thaksin personally was enriched. FTA's > Shincorp, Singapore > Thaksin, Preah Vihear > widely regarded as the quid pro quo for Koh Kong casino deal for Thaksin.

    that is the yellow propaganda argument.

    but agree Thaksin has some benefits from this agreements as many others in the country, so what?

    where are the examples of Thaksin not fond of foreigners? not selling beer before 5pm, closing gogo bars at 2am under the 'new social order'? (people have been targeted by this acts are a core group in the thaksin hater pool) getting jobs as teacher become more difficult for unqualified foreigners? or what are the points?

  20. In the past Thailand has cooperated in arresting foreigners and extraditing them for serious offenses. If interpol won't act I suggest that Thailand review its own policy toward international policing. It's a two way street, financing and planning the overthrow of the the Thai government is a serious charge that deserves the cooperation of international governments to resolve. In the past Thailand has arrested terrorists like Viktor Bout and Hambali. Interpol should do its job and track Thaksin and facilitate his arrest when possible. It is not interpol's job to speculate on the nature of the charges or to judge Thaksin themselves. Thailand has its own courts for that. When he appears in a Thai court he can hear the evidence against him and respond, these charges should not be tried in the media but in an appropriate forum.

    It goes even further than that.

    Once he is arrested, he will have a chance to fight extradition in a foreign court which is supposedly unbiased.

    It is absolutely NOT the job of Interpol to selectively enforce their mandate based solely on their personal feelings of guilt or innocence. It is inexcusable for them to apply "double standards" (I really wanted to use that word) in this case.

    Their only reaction to these charges is to do their job and take Thaksin into custody. He can sit under house arrest in a foreign guilded cage for a decade while he fights extradition. That would suit everyone just fine. As long as there is a way to shut that man up and stop him from inciting further hatred and division in Thailand I will be happy.

    I agree. That would be most excellent. If Interpol decides not to cooperate with the government of Thailand on this, they are basically saying they don't recognize the government here as legitimate. Where would they have gotten that idea? Thaksin's and Robert Amsterdam's propaganda is where. Wise move of Thaksin to put his money into legal PR at this time.

    they did that already, Interpol decided not to cooperate in the previous requests.

    from the OP, Thai officials finally admit that they never had a chance to 'get' Thaksin with interpol:

    "Thai police failed in previous attempts to have Thaksin placed on Interpol's wanted list despite a top court sentencing him to two years jail over the Ratchadaphisek land deal.

    Interpol considered the case to be politically motivated, said Police Maj-General Therdsak Rujirawong, commander of the Royal Thai Police's International Affairs Division."

    maybe the Thai government should hire you as their PR expert. 5555

  21. The Reds were not very smart, all they did were to follow the Yellow. Why can't they be more creative?

    They maybe weren't so smart when compared to you but they did paint the night red, and that's creative.

    With your disinformation (lies) and now this ----- off you go into the ignore list.

    why some board members, not only jdinasia also others, repeatly make claims like 'i put you on my ignore list' and variations of it?

    isn't that the opposite of ignoring someone?

  22. The knowledge and information available at TV is astounding, don't know why I didn't join earlier.

    On a technical point, I think "politically motivated" implies that the accused did not commit the crime in question and the charge is bogus. It does not mean the accused committed the crime while he was involved in a political squabble. Burning down major cities is not a legal response to a political problem.

    Yes, I also find the acknowledge here astounding and wished I had joined before leaving school.

    Did anyone see Thaksin running around Bangkok with a gallon of gas and a box of matches?



  23. Just check out the sputtering in Mr.Thaksins latest interview with.... the ABC and him praising the "Australian"... he never was very fond of foreigners, by the way!

    Not true.

    the opposite is the case and the ultra right wing circles, national-socialist and other political extremists made a big issue if it that Thaksin (or later the PPP) was actually very fond of foreigners and international cooperation. Just look at the free trade agreements, the business he conduct with a singapire company, the cooparation with cambodia in the Unesco/Preah Vihear Temple case.

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