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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. Shlmazeltop, just because he gets funeral honors as a 'still registered general in the army',

    and for his past service to Thailand, doesn't in any way mean his current act

    has been condoned by the highest chairas you imply. You also imply all is forgiven,

    and that is hardly the case. And you are wrong this was on the forum already

    over a week ago.

    Where do i imply something? are you dreaming?

    I just added some information about Seh Daeng because as usual some member of the board community know little, but are full of bias and prejudices based on gossip, rumours and false information.

    And no, the article wasn't posted in the forum. I used the search engine before posting and didn't found the article here.

    Anyway, what does are line like 'One down one to go' imply?

    Samak also received bathing rights, as far as I recall...

    And... What is the problem with Samak now?

  2. Shlmazeltop, just because he gets funeral honors as a 'still registered general in the army',

    and for his past service to Thailand, doesn't in any way mean his current act

    has been condoned by the highest chairas you imply. You also imply all is forgiven,

    and that is hardly the case. And you are wrong this was on the forum already

    over a week ago.

    Where do i imply something? are you dreaming?

    I just added some information about Seh Daeng because as usual some member of the board community know little, but are full of bias and prejudices based on gossip, rumours and false information.

    And no, the article wasn't posted in the forum. I used the search engine before posting and didn't found the article here.

    Anyway, what does are line like 'One down one to go' imply?

  3. A couple of terrorists


    One down one to go

    some News reports didn't made it into the forum, even when they were from The Nation, so you are maybe not well informed. Please read the article below.


    Their Majesties sponsor Seh Daeng's funeral

    By The Nation

    Published on May 18, 2010

    Their Majesties the King and Queen will graciously sponsor the funeral of Maj-General Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawasdipol who succumbed to brain injuries yesterday morning.

    The three-day prayer rites at Sommanas temple are also under Royal patronage. The prayers started yesterday and will continue until tomorrow. The bathing rite held yesterday was attended by a large number of red-shirt supporters as well as his lone daughter Khattiyah and sister Jiaranai Matchakijborribal. The general's wife died several years ago.

    Also present were fellow soldiers, including General Pallop Pinmanee, as well as military officers who were Khattiya's classmates in Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School's Class 11.

    The suspended Army specialist was pronounced dead at 9.20am in Vajira Hospital, where he was taken on May 14. He was initially admitted to Hua Chiew Hospital after taking a sniper shot to his head on May 13 while giving a press interview near Lumpini Park.

    Meanwhile, protesters at the Rajprasong rally site held a ceremony to grieve the general while the red-shirt leaders delivered speeches honouring the man.

    Vajira Hospital's director Dr Chaiwan Jaroenchokethawee said there were many complications leading to Khattiya's death apart from his brain injuries. The patient experienced kidney failure and worsening blood-clotting condition early yesterday morning, the doctor said. His heart stopped once and was recuperated after a 55-minute attempt, before it came to a complete halt at 9.20am.

    The body later underwent a three-hour autopsy, prompting the waiting red shirts to boo and jeer until Chaiwan explained that all mandatory autopsies took that long.

    Nang, 55, a red, said she felt secure everytime she saw Khattiya visiting the protest site. "He was a good person, down-to-earth, and our only hope to protect us. When he is gone we run out of protection. "Why do all red shirts end up like this?"

    Another woman, who asked not to be named, said she was sorrowed by his death, because Khattiya was giving his all to his country. She was once photographed with him and signed get-well message the first night he was admitted to the hospital.

    Profile :

    A Ratchaburi native, Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawasdipol was born on June 24, 1951, to Captain Sanit and Sa-ing. He was the eldest and only son among four siblings.

    After graduating high school from Sri Wikorn School, he enrolled in Class 11 of Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School and Class 22 of Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He also earned three bachelor's degrees, a master's in sociology and environment, and a doctorate in administrative management from a university overseas.

    He became a widower after his wife Group Captain Janthra died several years ago. They had one daughter Khattiyah.

    Khattiya first served in the political arena as a senior orderly to deputy defence minister and deputy prime minister under the Chatichai Choonhavan government.

    He was known for his outspokenness after falling out with former police chief Sant Sarutanont over a land ownership dispute in January 2003 when hundreds of men ransacked a bar near Sukhumvit Soi 10. He later accused Sant of illegally helping policemen, who commanded the men during the melee.

    He later went bankrupt after refusing to pay Bt20 million in reparation to Sant, who won a lawsuit he filed against Khattiya in August 2006.

    Khattiya later had conflicts with the next police chief, General Seripisut Temiyavej, over the police raid of a gambling den. The police chief later lodged several defamation lawsuits against Khattiya.

    He later publicly criticised Army commander General Anupong Paochinda for not taking action against the People's Alliance for Democracy for the seizure of both of Bangkok's airports. He went on to publicly curse Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan over his inaction in many cases of disturbances.

    Khattiya founded a political party under his popular name Seh Daeng, but the Election Commission did not approve the name. He waited for two years before withdrawing his request and founding the Khattiya Tham Party.


    -- The Nation May 18, 2010



  4. What they have done wrong? Care to explain?

    Are you new to Thailand?

    I've discovered the advanced search function on this forum is very useful. You could start there with their names.

    I asked if you were able to explain. Looks like you are not, you just bring gossip talk to spin some propaganda here.

    But i found a couple of forum post, all made by a banned poster named 'sriracha john', propaganda BS, that has zero credibility for me and i would be not surprised if you and that banned member 'sriracha john' are the same person.

    I think you're probably right. There have been quite a few recent additions to the forum making absurdly pro-Demo, anti-Red Shirt posts prolifically in the News Clippings threads, and not posting anywhere else on the forum. My money's on the individuals behind banned posters Sriracha John and Plus being most of these new additions, using an assortment of IP addresses. They were certainly obsessed enough with posting their propaganda (before they got banned) to be wacko enough to do this, and the distinctive styles of both seem to fit most of the new additions.

    Only posting in news clipping isn't that suspicious, i think many are here just for the discussion on politics and for other question like visa problems or computer/internet problems is the search engine indeed useful.

    But okay, that other member KMUTT is now banned too, must have a reason. And i agree there are members who posting propaganda here or an extreme one-sided view repeating gossip and rumours and a lot of half-truth.

    anyway, all their propaganda fails if they are not able to explain. a phrase like 'use the search function' or 'you can google that' will convince nobody. only those with the same bias and prejudice will see no problem. but they lost credebility in the eyes of the people coming here for seeking information.

  5. With a new lawyer, it seems Thaksin is ready to take his fight to the international level. He is no longer content with the game at Ratchaprasong and who knows what is up his sleeves; underground movement, inter-regional conflicts, or inter-class conflict.

    Interesting to see that the lawyer Robert Armstrong is a leading Zionist and an avid supporter of right wing Zionist and Israeli terrorist groups, along with being a racist as his comments show , his views regarding non Jews are alarming as are his comments concerning the racial and religious superiority of the Jewish people and their being the ''Master Race.''

    Seems a very familiar piece of rhetoric that was common place in the middle of the last century by another proponent of the ''Master race'' theory intent on world domination.

    His trotting out and peddling of the old line'' The world is anti Semite '' is indeed a hackneyed phrase designed to invoke sympathy and to cover the Zionist repressive cause

    Watching and listening to interviews by Robert Armstrong it becomes apparent that he has no love for the common man and woman in the street as is proved by his comments concerning the U.K trade union movement and the collection of socialists movements and presidents and grass roots labour movements he has dealt with over the years of his somewhat less than impressive career as an international rabble rouser.

    Robert Armstrong is a racist Neo Facist who is embracing the red Shirt movement along with Thaksin to yet further extend their control over the common people.

    Listening to Robert Armstrong it becomes apparent that Thaksin and Robert Armstrong are both megalomaniacs who share one common one aim, absolute power i.e. dictatorship.

    One is left wondering if Robert Armstrong is actually as well qualified as he claims or is he in reality a world class rabble rouser ?

    The Zionist cause is oppressive and the interference of a Zionist in Thailands internal matters is indeed a cause for concern, the Israeli lobbyists will of course be promoting the cause of Thaksin as their arms suppliers are intent on selling as many war weapons as possible, Thaksin would indeed be a fine client for them.

    I would not discount the involvement of the N.W.O. or the Bilderberg group either, I certainly would not dispute those groups amongst others of indeed having stoked the fires (no pun intended) regarding the recent civil strife in Thailand.

    One only has to look at some of Thaksins friends outside of Thailand Adnam Khashoggni a disreputable international arms dealer who has had a finger or two in conflicts around the world.

    Incidentally, what actually did happen regarding the 35 tons of military ordinance that arrived at the airport, who sent it who paid for it and why ?

    Thaksin is playing a seriously dangerous game where he is running with extremists who will destroy him and ultimately Thailand and its people if they get their own way.

    I think it is pretty clear who is he right wing extremist here.

  6. Anyone who thinks the protesters were unarmed can easily test their conspiracy theory - go down to Rama IV and ask some of the residents if they were unarmed.

    @Deeral: Allow me to propose a definition of 'terrorist' for you to ponder: Anyone who launches grenades, shoots at the residents and burns down the buildings in our neighbourhood is a terrorist. We couldn't give a rats arse about their political views.

    Honestly there are some boneheads around here.

    Sure, some of the red shirts were armed, but it was not an armed movement. The majority of the people there did NOT have weapons of war. However, seeing as how the government and the army spokespeople are now dictating the news (and presenting evidence after they deem areas 'safe' and let journalists in), I'm sure we can all rest assured that they are using only the truth to legitimize their own deadly use of force. The Thaivisa children know that authority figures, especially in SE Asia MUST be believed, because to do otherwise is to risk deportation or worse.

    Where do you people come from that believe the likes of the government and the military? Do you hold the same esteem for these institutions back home? Even the red apologists here don't defend Thaksin as an honest source of information. You can hate the reds all you want... that's a matter of opinion, but to believe all that the establishment has to say is irresponsible and foolish. Support the government if you wish, but accept statements from the army as gospel? Shame on you!

    Good reply!

    The blind trust in the authorities is unbelievable.

  7. Actually, "Dr. (PhD)" Police Captain Chalerm has 3 sons... all of whom have had run-ins with the uhmm... police.


    Duangchalerm (2nd left), Wanchalerm (far right) and Artharn Yoobamrung (far left)

    What they have done wrong? Care to explain?

    Are you new to Thailand?

    I've discovered the advanced search function on this forum is very useful. You could start there with their names.

    I asked if you were able to explain. Looks like you are not, you just bring gossip talk to spin some propaganda here.

    But i found a couple of forum post, all made by a banned poster named 'sriracha john', propaganda BS, that has zero credibility for me and i would be not surprised if you and that banned member 'sriracha john' are the same person.

  8. What they have done wrong? Care to explain?

    One of the sons pistol-whipped another Thai (son of diplomat) who stepped on his toes in a fancy nightclub. One of the others may have shot a police office who he didn't like, also in a nightclub. Both places had a policy of searching all entering for weapons, but that's only for mere mortals I guess. This son fled the country and after 6 months surrendered. At that time no-one (who wanted to live) remembered anything. Two sons have dodged their draft somehow and still managed to get into police positions with appropriate papers (thanks to daddy probably). One was appointed in the government when daddy was minister of interior under the late K. Samak. Many doubts on experience. Daddy was in government with K. Samak when the last said 'These yellow protesters, we can't have that (June 2007).

    Please don't take this as full truth, some details escape me. Just brows around a bit on the internet and you'll find detals.

    So you cannot become a little bit more factual and bring exact details?

    And of course i don't take your posts as the full truth, they are moe likely something between trash talk of an 'expert' on a bar stool with no shame and the usual blubber of an internet hero on a propaganda mission with no shame.

  9. 'Puea Thai party to grill PM and four ministers; will nominate Chalerm as premier' http://bit.ly/cjvdis

    Not only does the PTP support these red terrorists now they want to intall a person totally devoid of morals and principles as the next PM of Thailand.

    They have no shame.

    I have a dream, or actually a nightmare: K. Chalerm as interim PM and his two, able sons as helpers. Please don't step on any's toes.

    Actually, "Dr. (PhD)" Police Captain Chalerm has 3 sons... all of whom have had run-ins with the uhmm... police.


    Duangchalerm (2nd left), Wanchalerm (far right) and Artharn Yoobamrung (far left)

    What they have done wrong? Care to explain?

  10. The number of entertaining (and danming) videos is growing by the hour. Some are downright brilliant, like the one that uses the popular song "F You", which makes a link off limits on the forum.

    Videos you consider as 'brilliant' are off limits on the forum? Who comes that?

    The "F" word in the title of the song. :)

    I have no problem with the F word, but I do understand TV's position. It's easy enough to find. I'm sure you'll love it!!

    I guess it depends on the educational and social background if i consider something as brilliant or not or maybe off limit.

  11. If the army could have moved in regardless of consequences, it would have been 1 -2 troops injured, protesters either dead or nearly so. In the 5 days cleanup of Rachaprasong 'only' 54 dead. Again a real crachdown would have fill mass-graves.

    The fact that we lots of wounded troops and a few dead just symbolizes the restraint with which the army moved in.

    <deleted>? only 54 dead and only hundreds injured, must have been are real clean cleanup and not a massacre - what a logic.

    What next? A nomination for the Nobel peace prize?

  12. Is Thai Visa now a place to push one political agenda...

    How long would a thread naming and shaming those in Pattaya go go's last? After all, prostitution is illegal. In fact, maybe we should report those posters who mention visiting such places, just in case they break the law? Or even those who claim to have frequented an illegal establishment. How about farang working illegally?, thats a good one, if we had a quota, we might get kickbacks!. Very slippery slope. Maybe we should look back at the PAD 'terrorism' and file reports of farang supporting the illegal coup, the hijacking of govt house, and the airport? Maybe we gather information of ALL the farang we meet, and post to a dossier thread on TVisa... after all many hands make light work, and at the last general election.. more or less 50% of Thailand voted for the 'reds'. No time to lose then. Dodgy dealers, that another one, unscrupulous farang businessmen, name and shame them. Even better, background check website! scan the ex con lists.

    oops, just remembered, the international community think the 'reds' may well win in an election, does this mean our witchhunt findings might come back to haunt us?

    You are right, but don't expect that the majority of the haters here are smart enough to be able follow your argument.

  13. Just saw a report on Al Jazeera talking about a major red leader there saying the new red movement will be like south Thailand's terrorism, with random attacks on innocent people in places like malls. It seems credible. How long before the USA and Europe get on board with the Thai government to root out these TERRORISTS? You think tourism is dead now, wait until they actually follow through on killing masses of civilians and tourists with a random bomb. Shame on the reds if they copy the southern Muslim radicals. Shame on them for even THREATENING this. That in itself is a soft form of terrorism. There are peaceful avenues for change possible in Thailand, now more than ever. Where is the regard for human life?

    Islamophobic mindset.

    Are you sure that report wasn't about that the Reds are now getting the same treatment as the so called Muslim terrorist?

    Kill random people who participate in anti-government protest with snipers like in Iran? Or throw bombs at their villages up north or Sơn Mỹ them?

    What Thailand don't need is the US-American War On Terror.

  14. Perhaps this blog will get deleted by admin but this is the network of corruption attached to Thaksin. I hope it is read by all to understand the far reaching affects and how certain businesses remained untouched in Thailand when the mayhem died down. This will provide that answer. Similarly, I will never again buy fuel from PTT, have any financial dealing or support through my patronage, of any of these businesses. I have changed my phone provider today and will hope that all who read this, in our small way, will make a conscious decision to ban any future dealings with these people - for the sake of my family and our future here in Thailand. References provided below.

    Here goes...



    Shinawatra University

    Thai Air Asia The Shinawatra family is said to hold a majority shareholder by nominee in Thai Air Asia, through Asia Aviation which is 51 percent owned by Sittichai Veerathummnoon, following the sale of Shin Corp. Note: The Thaksin government allowed Air Asia to open new domestic and international routes that overlap the routes of Thai Airways International. As a result, THAI was forced to reduce its domestic and international flights and cancelled profitable routes, amid allegations that it was forced by the government to make way for Air Asia.

    <deleted>. an University? How bad and evil is that. Thaksin must be really the devil.

    And he broke the monopoly of THAI Air, leaving customers with the option of flying with a different airline. Smells like the freedom of choice, capitalism. That is truly bad from a national-socialist viewpoint, where the uber-strong state is supposed to control everything.

    Has your list any author, who wrote that all down? Did you wrote it yourself or is it copypasta from somewhere else?

  15. [

    Why care about the delicate feelings of supporters of a terrorist?

    Civilized people respect human life. You obviously donot. Too bad!

    I respect human life ... and this came FAR too late. It should have happened in Nov of 2008 when Sae Daeng first started his grenade attacks. MANY people would still be alive if he had been taken out (into custody and kept ... or killed) all that time ago.

    You respect human life? Looks like a lie to me.

    Any evidence that Seh Deang did the grenade attacks? That is only another proaganda lie.

  16. Tallforeigners picture are well chosen propaganda pictures of peaceful red shirts, old people, monks and whats make me so sad, small children, who have no choice of their own to be in the red fort. This is the people the red leaders and Dear Leader wants to fight to the death, because of the selfish aim of the leaders. I say shame, shame, shame, one thousand times shame on you!!!!

    Why not baa SHAME ON YOU ONE THOUSEND TIMES on the people who support a violent crackdown by a army ready do shot at protesters?

    That the reds are terrorists is the propaganda here.


    It's the same as you do in PALASTINA

    What do i do in PALASTINA?

    anti-red posters at this board becoming more and more detached from common sense and reality. their hate makes them crazy.

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