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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. Again, Thaksin has proved to the world he is a habitual liar, and a convicted criminal on the run. I place zero faith with habitual liars and criminals. You may place your faith in liars and criminals if you wish. He can Tweet all he wants and as you stated...beware of the propaganda in the air."

    yep, i got that message you don't like Thaksin.

    but think about it, why he should suddenly deny that he is in Cambodia, when it was his plan and intention just because the FM brought us the news that he his in Cambodia? and that cunning Thaksin then leave Cambodia immediately just for the lulz to prove the FM wrong? what an evil plan. :faceplam:

    bad boi Thaksin don't act that way how The Nation or the government propaganda had predicted it. all his fault, can't trust that guy, right. you may rethink how you have been fooled.

    i don't place my faith with with liars, i don't believe every trash, specially not when there is reasonable doubt.


    i've asked you a question on several threads & i'm still waiting for a coherent answer:

    * * *


    i asked you and others self-proclaimed "voices for the red shirts" some questions.

    answer my questions:

    what are the visions of the red shirts?

    what's the strategies to accomplish it?

    who's the personal to lead it?

    * * *

    ohh, boi.

    if i am not falling for the propaganda of this government or into an imbecile hate rhetoric towards the red shirt doesn't mean that i am the red shirt spokesman.

  2. Again, Thaksin has proved to the world he is a habitual liar, and a convicted criminal on the run. I place zero faith with habitual liars and criminals. You may place your faith in liars and criminals if you wish. He can Tweet all he wants and as you stated...beware of the propaganda in the air."

    yep, i got that message you don't like Thaksin.

    but think about it, why he should suddenly deny that he is in Cambodia, when it was his plan and intention just because the FM brought us the news that he his in Cambodia? and that cunning Thaksin then leave Cambodia immediately just for the lulz to prove the FM wrong? what an evil plan. :faceplam:

    bad boi Thaksin don't act that way how The Nation or the government propaganda had predicted it. all his fault, can't trust that guy, right. you may rethink how you have been fooled.

    i don't place my faith with with liars, i don't believe every trash, specially not when there is reasonable doubt.

  3. Ignore them, it is irrelevant to todays news. Kids being dumb .

    More distraction from the point shlimazeltov.

    not sure about the 'dumb' thing, but the PM is not a kid anymore. he or his PR agency running his hi5 account should be more careful who select as friend and who not.

    with a opposite sign or other personal involved i am sure the usual suspects at this board would simulate an internet heart attack and start to screaming bloody murder.

    anyway, keep on hunting Shinawatra family members. maybe you can win some internet blockwart badge.

  4. The Bangkok Post is now reporting that in fact Thaksin was expelled from the UAE for using it as a a base to cause trouble in Thailand.

    I'll take the FM's word over it over Thaksin's tweets.

    i don't mind what Thaksin twits all day long, but i could be turn out to be pretty sheepish to believe everything what this FM told the public.

    One of the two in not telling the truth. Given Thaksin's propensity for telling lies, even on the international stage, I'll but my trust into the FM's words over Thaksin's anytime.

    so you believe that the UAE have somewhere a paragraph written in its immigration laws "don't make phone-ins to protests in Thailand or we will deny your right to stay"?

    and it isn't the first time that we have heard exactly the same from exactly the same source and it turned out to be nothing more than hot air. wishful thinking has seldom an influence on reality.

    the advice of an other board member " I suspect this is just another rumor to try to influence people to oppose Thaksin. Be aware of propaganda in the air!" has still its validity. also with the extension that this is not the only rumour seeded for propaganda purpose only and not for the sake of accurate information of the public. would be very foolish to deny that.

  5. You see, living in Thailand, I have a Thai wife who can understand what they are saying and translate for me, ain't that just amazing.

    I read such disclaimer a couple of times, not only from you but also from others, and i have to admit that i am living in Thailand but i don't have a Thai wife. am i out now? is it only accepted to post what the Thai wife says and thinks? honestly, i didn't know that is necessary to voice an opinion here, thought that is not the family section of the forum. but maybe i am wrong.

  6. Cursing? Do the Buddhist monks teach that? And where are those 20,000 monks? Do Thai schools teach them to curse, or do good Thai parents teach them to curse?

    in case you don't know, that isn't your richard gere new age style of buddhism. folks here are full of superstition and other things that don't fit the pure tenets. you can see that on all lvls of the sociaty and at the different front of this conflict.

    if you wanna take cheap shots at silly beliefs look at the "6000 rifles stolen from barracks' thread and try to exlain yourself how possible is that.

  7. Why am I not surprised? Actually, this hocus pocus silliness makes Thais look like dingbats in the view of the rest of the world.

    Every so often we hear about some African tribe which smear some sort of pig fat on their chests and claim it repels bullets. Same sort of bunk as burning coffins or burning feces or whatever the Reds are doing.

    funny these cultural differences, and how the Thai are per se, right? all things that are different or what they don't understand gives some geriatric nazi hippies the opportunity to to maintain their superiority complex.

    smart boi, you are not in California anymore.

  8. I am choosing to take much of what The Nation says with a pinch of salt. It's a shame that Thaivisa's news forum has to rely on this one media source. A more balanced view from several sources (even if in Thai) would allow people to juggle the so-called facts being reported and make up their own minds. Otherwise it is bit like accepting that everything The Sun, The Mirror or The Daily Mail in the U.K. says is the gospel truth.

    it was good enough to open two threads on that topic and the information that Thaksin is in cambodia and the UAE had kicked hom out came right from government officials (if that isn't a The Nation fiction too).

    You maybe wanna take everything what comes from that corner with more then just a pinch of salt. you maybe wanna too laugh it off in the first place before looking like somebody that could be easily fooled afterwards.

    watching now part two of that show: gullible suckers turn the blahs into a drivel against Thaksin for not acting like the government and or The Nation had it reported.

    :holdingacupofcoffeewithasmile: cookies or popcorn anyone?

  9. Noppadon says it's not true that Thaksin has lost residency in Dubai (Bangkok Post) and he even states that Thaksin is still in Dubai and has no intent on going to Cambodia. If Noppadon said it, it must be a BIG FACT!

    last time when it was in the news that Thaksin isn't welcomed and granted to stay in the UAE anymore, it was Noppadorn who got it right. i wouldn't be surprise if this time the outcome will be the same.

  10. Good post wharfdaddy, and more importantly it's all true :) The yellow shirted Thai-chinese elite see themselves as the real Thais, when in fact the real Thais are the those in Issan and the outlying provinces who are the backbone of this country! Thai history shows us that when the folks in Issan and the northern provinces have had enough they will rise up and take their country back, in the spirit of Ya Mo and Taksin the great :D We are seeing the beginings of this movement this weekend in Bangkok, the people will be heard despite the gestopo tactics of Abhisit :o

    Thai-chinese ... real Thais ... history ... take their country back ... spirit ...

    of course the isaan people should be respected too, but bringing class and race/nationality this way into the debate sounds not so good neither.

  11. I cannot find any credible information that substantiates the claims that Thaksin has been kicked out by Dubai. This kind of speculation here and at several other places on TV is just spreading rumor until we see some evidence.

    Please let's stick to just the facts. There is enough tension now without try to create hysteria with unsubstantiated rumors.

    i think it is nothing than rumour and comes from the same source than last time. the foreign ministry.

    if you doubt the credibility of such statements some board members that follow delusional beliefs will not hesitate to call you a Thaksin apologist.

  12. I would not be at all surprised if the story that the U.A.E. had asked Thaksin to depart for good is true.

    I think they have exercised great patience with this troublemaker and now he has probably become persona non grata.

    I heard that before and it turned out to be not true. aka: A lie. Thaksin was still able to enjoy his stay in the UAE.

    Why should it be not the same false rumours this time? Better be careful what to believe and what not. Wishful thinking doesn't change reality.

  13. According to Bangkok Post, Newin has left Thailand for London, UK. Add him to the list of fleeing figures, please.

    I don't think it is the fleeing politicians that pissed so many off, but rather that Thaksin's family left.

    why are only the "red" moves are relevant. does that matter at all?

    or imagine his family would actively join the red shirt protest on full scale. all the internet heart attack that would cause amongst the hater mob.

    Does it matter that Thaksin is calling for the people of Thailand to put themselves at risk while making sure his family flies to safety? No, in the broader scheme of things it will have no bearing on the outcome whatsoever, but it still pisses people off.

    if you just look at the the internet hate machine rolling at that subject in two threads it is kinda understandable that certain public figures cannot live a normal daily life like the som tam vendor in your soi anymore.

    but it's fun to see how people taking the change and show off their parentage, their family /social/ educational background.

  14. According to Bangkok Post, Newin has left Thailand for London, UK. Add him to the list of fleeing figures, please.

    I don't think it is the fleeing politicians that pissed so many off, but rather that Thaksin's family left.

    why are only the "red" moves are relevant. does that matter at all?

    or imagine his family would actively join the red shirt protest on full scale. all the internet heart attack that would cause amongst the hater mob.

  15. Interesting that Thaksin enjoys many of the things that he (and/or Thailand) explicitly forbade while he was PM: Namely:

    >>>> Using several passports, and at least two names.

    >>>> Owning property and doing any sorts of businesses in a host country.

    >>>> Being forgiven for being a fugitive from justice.

    >>>> Transferring any amounts of money in and out of the host country.

    Rainman, I don't think you read brahmburgers post properly. I'm sure Abhisit's 2 passports are in the same name. HOST COUNTRY - that means where Thaksin is living while he is not in Thailand. He can own property there, but foreigners can't own property here. Abhisit isn't a fugitive from justice. ANY amounts - there are rules about transferring certain amounts of money in and out of Thailand, not all amounts.

    As 'Anotherpeter' correctly deduced, I was referring to the many privileges that Thaksin (and his family) enjoys while living overseas - which he and his administration didn't afford us farang who are living overseas in Thailand. I didn't us Abhisit in the comparison, because Abhisit doesn't rant on about maintaining restrictions on what foreigners can do, as Thaksin did ("the UN is not my father" etc.).

    Doesn't it get tiresome being an apologist for such a scoundrel? Quite quixotic.

    why you don't just say that you are a grumpy hippie and you just don't like it here in Thailand and don't like Thai people.

    the opportunity to travel with different passports or owning property and doing business in a host country, transferring money and so on is open to all Thais and not only Thaksin.

    Can you imagine who had Thaksin in mind as his Father when he said the UN is it not? the UN a organisation certain other figures in thai politics aren't go that well along with. any other examples how Thaksin made the life of foreigners any harder? trying to be coherent ... didn't he get into problems when he start to conduct business with foreigners. doesn't the anti-thaksin team see that as one of his biggest crimes?

    but doesn't matter, why not do a cheap shot at Thaksin, don't care how imbecile that argument will be or not.

    i said in an other thread some of these anti-Thaksin arguments are so idiotic , that makes it impossible to joint the chant of the hate mob, even if i have my opinons against Thaksin too.

  16. I don't think Thailand have ever tried to extradite Thaksin, except maybe from Cambodia. Even in this article, the only comments are about trying to get him out of UAE ("Thailand urges UAE to EVICT Thaksin"). They want to make it harder for Thaksin, but I don't really think they want him back here. Was there any mention about Interpol? I think you are distorting the article and adding false information.

    the Interpol story was last year. came from your beloved and supported Abhisit government.

    do you want me to look up for some links for you where u can read the story and demonstrate while doing that that you actually don't know so much about what the government does and what not.

    look here for example:


    similar news poped up now and then trough the year.

    in the past thee was also a story that Thaksin isn't welcome in rhe UAE anymore and other disinformations.

    this government is pathetic. trying to defend Abhisit and his team with more silly counter arguments is even more pathetic.

    "An informed source said a formal request was submitted last week to Interpol headquarters in Lyon, France, because Thaksin was a "wanted person" in Thailand."

    An Informed Source is hardly the government. And do you believe everything you read in The Nation. You hit it on the head with the "other disinformations".

    And you've got it wrong about my "beloved Abhisit government". All I do is point out that they are legitimate. The only good thing I have ever said about them is that "they seem to be doing an OK job at the moment".

    there are a couple of other reports how the government will use or use interpol to get him.

    e.g. "The government is taking every possible step to narrow the political space fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's has on the globe by using the Interpol and other diplomatic moves to corner him, a senior government official said yesterday." The Nation

    i am surprised that you never heard of such measures by the government, there is obvious something you don't know or have no clue about and you take your own deficits to accuse me of disinformation, instead to get yourself informed.

    okay, its not your beloved government, you said it before your are not yellow, not blue, have nothing against the reds you just don't like Thaksin. and that doesn't mean you a pro yellow or pro government or pro Junta. right?

    and to the others:

    if i point out where the flaws of the Abhisit government are, it will not make me to a Thaksin apologist.

  17. Excuse me if i'm wrong but there have been bomb attacks in the south pretty much every other day or so for the past 5 years. Unless I'm mistaken, Surat Thani isn't really a Red area either. Is there any actual evidence linking the Red Shirt protests to the bombings?

    Surat Thani is rarely a targeted site of southern separatist terrorists who primarily bomb away in Pattani, Yala and Narithiwat. Outside of those three provinces, Songkhla and Had Yai in it are more often targeted.

    Red still looks like red to me.

    This is not southern insurgents.

    They actual can hit their targets.

    And most all the muslims living in Surat Thani are decently treated

    and considered members of the greater community. Allowed to live as they see fit.

    There are two muslim villages not from from me.

    This is a message right in the financial heart of Sutheps home district.

    And aimed at his cronies and general base.

    The only other time in memory this has happened was

    at a similar juncture of Red driven hostilities. And it essentially unknown otherwise.

    yes, will all know muslim are decent chums. THE YEWS DID WTC!

    and its totally all clear that the are behind Mr. Thaksin. Thaksin is a YEW PUPPET.

    they come always when they smell the money and want suppress us all. now they target the white christian working class men favorite holiday province in Thailand. it is the YEWS. that is so obvious.

    i can write it in the internet - hence it is true. and we don't need no further evidence.

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