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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. Those were red bombs, most probably. The bank bombs were red as well. The timing is obvious. Why the doubt that we are dealing with violent people when the proof and truth is blowing up all over?

    and the Yews did WTC, right? most probably, obvious.

    for the internet hate machine you don't need any evidence. just write all down what fits your paranoia.

  2. "Anyone impersonating a police or military officer and wearing a different uniform from these shown here will be arrested and prosecuted," said Suthep, who is in charge of security affairs.

    So what about fake police and or military man using the same uniform. :huh:

    they will be arrested and prosecuted too. but they will get a free The Nation subscription during jail time.

  3. the sick joke is how people here are in favour of a military state and support state control mechanism that smell so Jaruzelski/Ceauşescu alike including re-education camps for the deviants.

    Sorry to disagree, but surely the re-education 'schools' you refer to, are a product of the UDD/Red-Shirt movement, who said they had set up some 400 of them around the country ?

    no, i am talking about the ISA and how some people celebrate it and trying to sell it as international standard.

    More meshugana arguments.

    The ISA has that as a POSSIBILITY.

    The 400 or so Red shirt indoctrinations schools are a FACT,

    now, today, last week. We know who is actively trying indoctrinations,

    not much different than Islamic Madrahs schools except the godhead

    is Thaksin in this case.

    There is a concerted effort to re-educate the masses in Issan

    to Thaksins self serving program of insurrection and civil disorder

    based on lies within lies within lies.

    Can't you get a better day job than writing screed for this dissolute nutball?

    ohh, :facepalm:. how naive one can get.

    don't need to stress your white power right-wing islamophobia here.

    these red shirt school are voluntary. i don't have to visit them if i don't want to. nobody force me to do it.

    same as the sms that go probably to subscribers only.

    and what they could probably tell at these red seminars? maybe that coups are bad?

    OMG, that must be terrible news for the bois who have a fetish and love men in uniforms.

    The ISA on the other side gives the military the right to arrest everybody without any court warrant or control and send them to 'training camps on special locations'.

    why not just admit that you like and favour such small time dictators a la Jaruzelski and detention laws for all what you hate or what you not understand in your xenophobic paranoia.

  4. From the live news thread:

    Webfact Today, 2010-03-12 13:15:32 Post #14

    NATION: Thaksin's frist messages of the day insisted red protesters will never target the Siriraj hospital.

    "Red people" are very loyal too, he said, adding that he heard govt might use troublemakers dressed in red to create problems at Siriraj

    Ofcourse he is going to say that. Now where ever there is violence, he can blame others dressed as red shirts. The reds have security guards to ensure the demonstration stays peaceful, so I fully expect red security guards to be attacking any red shirts (what ever colour underneath) that are causing violence.

    why argue, he can say what ever he want and you will twisting it to a meaning whatever you want.

  5. I don't think Thailand have ever tried to extradite Thaksin, except maybe from Cambodia. Even in this article, the only comments are about trying to get him out of UAE ("Thailand urges UAE to EVICT Thaksin"). They want to make it harder for Thaksin, but I don't really think they want him back here. Was there any mention about Interpol? I think you are distorting the article and adding false information.

    the Interpol story was last year. came from your beloved and supported Abhisit government.

    do you want me to look up for some links for you where u can read the story and demonstrate while doing that that you actually don't know so much about what the government does and what not.

    look here for example:


    similar news poped up now and then trough the year.

    in the past thee was also a story that Thaksin isn't welcome in rhe UAE anymore and other disinformations.

    this government is pathetic. trying to defend Abhisit and his team with more silly counter arguments is even more pathetic.

  6. whatever, after the airport seizure the yellows got their man into the current cabinet and few other figures too. there wasn't also not much noise by the characters in the current government how undemocratic a coup is, when the coup was.

    for me it is understandable why to protest against this government.

    support this government or agitate against the red shirt just because of anti-Thaksin or hate Thaksin sentiment isn't much of a rational motivation.

    don't get me wrong, i am not a red shirt or Thaksin lover i just think that the Abhisit government is unacceptable, unbearable, not decent and not legit.

    LOL ... rational?? ... no further comment required.

    yep. as you had it admitted before ' Mostly it's just anti-Thaksin.'

    so way this ongoing repetitive talk and attempts to argue. you could code some simple chat bot that writes an entry "i just don't like Thaksin" now and then and your mission is clear..

    and then sometimes maybe a line like "Jawohl mein Führer!", "i love men in uniform" or "it is legal to plan to put opponents into concentration camp to protect them as long we have a law for it and we have that law. so it is legit. ner ner ner ner nehh."

    i don't like Thaksin too, but the incredible imbecility of the way the grumpy old men here rant against him makes it impossible to join that choir.

  7. As for the rest of the post, Thaksin wasn't even here (I don't think ... but certainly not PM) when the yellows blockaded the airports. The yellows did not kick out the PPP PM (Somchai at that stage), the courts did. Not many of us support what the yellow shirts did, just as we are not supporting what the red shirts are doing. Anti-red does not equal pro-yellow. Also, anti-red does not mean anti-poor. Mostly it's just anti-Thaksin.

    whatever, after the airport seizure the yellows got their man into the current cabinet and few other figures too. there wasn't also not much noise by the characters in the current government how undemocratic a coup is, when the coup was.

    for me it is understandable why to protest against this government.

    support this government or agitate against the red shirt just because of anti-Thaksin or hate Thaksin sentiment isn't much of a rational motivation.

    don't get me wrong, i am not a red shirt or Thaksin lover i just think that the Abhisit government is unacceptable, unbearable, not decent and not legit.

  8. There has been much talk about extradition requests but I haven't found anyone who knows of an official extradition request being made. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. An extradition probably won't happen without an official request. Other countries have laws. They can't just throw a person out with cause and a fair judicial hearing.

    They can bloody well throw out a foreigner for any reason they want to.

    There have been negotiations about a extradition treaty, but there hasn't been a first usage.

    There is an English bloke held in Thailand last month, wanted for huge fraud in Dubai,

    and you can bet he is on the block vs getting Thaksin back under lock and key.

    They maybe waiting to let the redshirts screw the pooch like last Songkran,

    before making the trade. Easier to keep the demos around his cell block under control if

    the public is nicely in tune with the need to do just that.

    since when the government are actually trying to get Thaksin and since when these government officials talked about that Interpol will help them to get Thaksin. did it came to any results? NO. that government failed to get Thaksin, because of whatever reason.

    and you are explaining us now that is just a tactical move? it was planned since many month to get him right after this weekend, because on this weekend the Reds will lose finally all the credibility they have left once more again? and after this the time is ready to get Thaksin and the wise government just waiting for that moment.

    what a silly twist. there isn't planning behind. these foreign countries don't care or ignore thailands extradition demands for the stated and obvious reason. all the talk about Interpol or how close they are to get them seems to be fiction. propaganda stories, distorted truth and false information.

    this is a fine example how laughable and incapable those in charge and power are.

    don't expect some honest and straightforward information by the government about what is possible and what not in the Thaksin hunt and why certain things will not be possible. all you will hear is propaganda and deception. that is pathetic. trying to defend that with even more silly stories is even more pathetic.

  9. They don't travel before events that lead to bloodshed and do before events that do lead to bloodshed. Pretty simple. Feel free to go back and have a look :)

    Your post doesn't make sense. Read it again. The first sentence makes absolutely no sense.

    that is a typo and it is somehow clear what he wanted to say, but it lacks any proof or evidence to substantiate his statements. so it is still simple nonsense. my guess his mission is bickering.

  10. Yes ... there were news reports about the Thaksin family kids leaving before events (and not before events that didn't have bloodshed.)

    so you have the details? how often per month they fly out of the country, do you know that or not?

    anyway, if they would stay, they would get to hear other accusations by the hobby judges here.

  11. All one has to do Mazeltov, is look at when those family members went out of the country before other major red rallies and when they didn't. Then look at which ones were violent. Correlation does not imply causation (their leaving didn't trigger the violence) but if there is a correlation that is repeated that would indicate a pattern of foreknowledge.


    even if there are such patterns, it wouldn't be clear that there is a correlation. (e.g. number of pirates ↓ vs. global warming↑)

    anyway, do you have insight knowledge on the travel habits of the shinawatra family? when and and how often the leave the country and what exatly happen then when they have been away and what all happen during their home stays?

    i guess you don't know such details to spot your pattern. you just jump on them because of your bias, prejudice and their family names.

    "sippenhaft" would give you a tool here to work with and you can call it all legit.

  12. dear hobby judges. below is the 'legal' term, the law, that are you looking for. good look to keep practise with it.


    Sippenhaft or Sippenhaftung (English: "kin liability" or "blood guilt") was a form of collective punishment practiced in Nazi Germany towards the end of the Second World War. It was a legal practice in which relatives of persons accused of crimes against the state were held to share the responsibility for those crimes, and were arrested and sometimes executed. Many people who had committed no crimes were arrested and punished under Sippenhaft laws introduced after the failed July 20 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in July 1944. A law of February 1945 also threatened death to the relatives of military commanders who showed what Hitler regarded as cowardice or defeatism in the face of the enemy.


    It should be noted that other totalitarian regimes have used similar practices, even if they have not codified them in law. During Joseph Stalin's Great Purge of the 1930s many thousands of people were arrested and executed or sent to labour camps as "relatives of the enemies of the people"—including relatives of people, who unlike the demonstrated attempt on Hitler's life, were criminalized merely by Stalin's paranoia. ...

    How many times will you continue to repost this over and over again?

    It would appear until someone starts believing it applies to todays situation.

    It doesn't, but then again most of his posts don't either....

    So you think not blatantly screaming:

    " Abhisit, Anupong and Suthep are as bad as Adolf was!!!" gets you around Godwins law.

    Invoke Hitler or Nazis and lose the argument automatically.

    PS that goes for dropping Stalins name too.

    Pretty lame PR work kiddo, never gonna get on the

    corner room with a window with arguments like this one.

    no boi. i am not saying Abhisit, Anupong and Suthep are bad as Adolf. i was addressing the 'hobby judges'.

    there is a certain mindset behind the people here screaming cockroaches, rats and other bright arguments when it comes to family members of a certain person. spreading nothing but hate. i think in that moment the argument is lost already.

    there are also post that paint the entire red movement as sub-human.

    unintended or not, some argue here in a way that is pretty close to a nazi attitude and godwins law don't give them an excuse to do so.

    good luck with your style of PR work. guess i will be a sucess in collecting fan bois and building up a mob team of haters, so you are not alone. if that is bright and if you are right is another question.

  13. the sick joke is how people here are in favour of a military state and support state control mechanism that smell so Jaruzelski/Ceauşescu alike including re-education camps for the deviants.

    Sorry to disagree, but surely the re-education 'schools' you refer to, are a product of the UDD/Red-Shirt movement, who said they had set up some 400 of them around the country ?

    no, i am talking about the ISA and how some people celebrate it and trying to sell it as international standard.

  14. Interesting that Thaksin enjoys many of the things that he (and/or Thailand) explicitly forbade while he was PM: Namely:

    >>>> Using several passports, and at least two names.

    >>>> Owning property and doing any sorts of businesses in a host country.

    >>>> Being forgiven for being a fugitive from justice.

    >>>> Transferring any amounts of money in and out of the host country.


    are all these things allowed now in Thailand and have been allowed before Thaksin was in power?

  15. dear hobby judges. below is the 'legal' term, the law, that are you looking for. good look to keep practise with it.


    Sippenhaft or Sippenhaftung (English: "kin liability" or "blood guilt") was a form of collective punishment practiced in Nazi Germany towards the end of the Second World War. It was a legal practice in which relatives of persons accused of crimes against the state were held to share the responsibility for those crimes, and were arrested and sometimes executed. Many people who had committed no crimes were arrested and punished under Sippenhaft laws introduced after the failed July 20 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in July 1944. A law of February 1945 also threatened death to the relatives of military commanders who showed what Hitler regarded as cowardice or defeatism in the face of the enemy.


    It should be noted that other totalitarian regimes have used similar practices, even if they have not codified them in law. During Joseph Stalin's Great Purge of the 1930s many thousands of people were arrested and executed or sent to labour camps as "relatives of the enemies of the people"—including relatives of people, who unlike the demonstrated attempt on Hitler's life, were criminalized merely by Stalin's paranoia. ...

    How many times will you continue to repost this over and over again?

    i just posted it in the other thread of similar Topic. "Thaksin family flight out of Thailand"

    don't know if that is over and over again.

    how often did you post and repeat that his entire family are cowards?

    i am just helping you and others out to put your accusation in a juridical context. and recommended some legal terms, examples form other countries/systems you could use to substantiate your arguments and ramblings and make them sound more legit.

  16. dear hobby judges. below is the 'legal' term, the law, that are you looking for. good look to keep practise with it.


    Sippenhaft or Sippenhaftung (English: "kin liability" or "blood guilt") was a form of collective punishment practiced in Nazi Germany towards the end of the Second World War. It was a legal practice in which relatives of persons accused of crimes against the state were held to share the responsibility for those crimes, and were arrested and sometimes executed. Many people who had committed no crimes were arrested and punished under Sippenhaft laws introduced after the failed July 20 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in July 1944. A law of February 1945 also threatened death to the relatives of military commanders who showed what Hitler regarded as cowardice or defeatism in the face of the enemy.


    It should be noted that other totalitarian regimes have used similar practices, even if they have not codified them in law. During Joseph Stalin's Great Purge of the 1930s many thousands of people were arrested and executed or sent to labour camps as "relatives of the enemies of the people"—including relatives of people, who unlike the demonstrated attempt on Hitler's life, were criminalized merely by Stalin's paranoia. ...

  17. A democratic election under the control of the military -- with martial law still in place in parts of the country -- in which the military openly and blatantly suppressed the PPP -- but were immune to prosecution under their own constitution.

    That statement is so wrong even your average red supporter would laugh at it. There are plenty of posts explaining the Thaksin elections, the Thaksin caretaker government, the coup, the 2007 election, the PPP coalition government and the Democrat coalition government. Go and have a look at those and then come back with a useful comment.

    he is spot on. that is what you can say about this "democratic election".

  18. Various people have said the present government is a legitimate government. With a scheduled election (legitimate) being sidelined by the coup everything that came after the coup is tainted with the same poison....including the Dec 07 elections. The country needs free elections without the military involved to leave the past behind.


    that is the point. and the lesson to learn is that coups are bad for a civil society and that coup supporters or those who benefit from it cannot claim Win and that they are decent and legit and trying to get away with it.

    and that it take an awful long time until the damage done by the Coup is repaired.

    Nonsense. What you are saying is that even if a government is legit you will reserve yourself the right to 'out' any government you don't like if they are not the one you support, no matter how they got there.

    where is the nonsense?

    i am saying Coups are bad. having an unpredictable outcome and it is better for the sake of a civil society to refrain from such acts.

    that the current situation can't not be seen and interpreted without taking the 2006 coup into consideration.

    and isn't only the coup, if i look at the certain members in the cabinet of this government i can spot role models or blue print cases how mob actions in the street get later, after the 'victory' rewarded.

    the legitimacy of this government is flawed and spoiled.

  19. Various people have said the present government is a legitimate government. With a scheduled election (legitimate) being sidelined by the coup everything that came after the coup is tainted with the same poison....including the Dec 07 elections. The country needs free elections without the military involved to leave the past behind.


    that is the point. and the lesson to learn is that coups are bad for a civil society and that coup supporters or those who benefit from it cannot claim Win and that they are decent and legit and trying to get away with it.

    and that it take an awful long time until the damage done by the Coup is repaired.

  20. "last 3 years" ... 2 of those were under Samak and Somchai. Abhisit has only been PM since Dec 2008.

    EDIT: Just being a Thaksin follower makes you blind, IMO.

    2 years of Somchai and Samak?

    trying to defend Abhisist as decent and legit and by any means don't open your eyes much more as those of blind Thakson followers.

  21. Anyone still wondering why the UK, the UAE and other countries aren't complying with Abhisit's extradition requests? A few months ago they even mentioned that Thaksin would be hunted down by Interpol. Nothing happened. I wonder why?

    because it is just the propaganda of the Abhisit government and their wishful thinking.

    nothing will happen, that doesn't have to mean they consider him outside of Thailand as totally innocent, but it is the diplomatic answer of that other countries.

    maybe the Abhisit government should threaten the authority officials of all that foreign states that don't extradite Thaksin or openly support him with 5 years jail, just like they did it with foreigners that try to attend the red shirt protests.

  22. I wonder if Abhisit and Thaksin will launch a "twitter war" during the red shirts rally.

    Abhisit doesn't need to Twitter. He is the Prime Minister.


    what is that for a strange answer?

    he is in a total twitter frency. and to promote his twitter account Suthichai Yoon even did a "twitter interview" with Abhisith.


    this Prime Minister does unbelievable propaganda stunts. nobody noticed. at least not the average Thaksin experts on this board. when it comes to Abhisit they are clueless and thats why they not understand why the red protest against this government.

  23. the sick joke is how people here are in favour of a military state and support state control mechanism that smell so Jaruzelski/Ceauşescu alike including re-education camps for the deviants.

    You don't get it. Most of us are not big fans of the current government. Very few foreigners are explicitly pro-yellow. But many of us are absolutely horrified by any movement led by Thaksin. Period. That's the problem. It much more about being anti-Thaksin than being in favor of any other current political force in Thailand. If there was a political force in Thailand that most foreigners could get behind, I am sure we would be vocal in support of it, but as yet, it doesn't exist.

    i think i spotted a couple of lefty nut cases, a nazi hippie, and those who love men in uniforms and xenophobe rednecks that are in full support for Abhisit and this government, consider him decent, and think all this actions a legitimate and lawful in an international standard (aka like in the west). some compared him even to Obama. if you try criticise Abhisit you may get called immediately a paid red shirt propagandist.

    your are right that here are quite a few members that are just about to post how much hate they have for Thaksin. but you cannot not reduce the red shirts just at to this name.

    it is an anti-coup movement. and that society is still in the learning process or getting the lesson. how bad coups are and that they lead to nothing more than the current situation. and you cannot let get coup supporter to get away with it for the sake of whatever. than the lesson is not learned.

    the 2006 coup was a failure and it created the reds.

  24. It's too bad, that Thaksin and his thugs "borrowed" the color red, because there is nothing socialistic about them at all. ...

    Take Thaksin out of the picture, start a true socialist movement and I would be all for it. This (Thaskin) red thing is just a sick joke.


    a fine example how illogical and faulty a socialists fruit cake brain can work. socialists don't own the colour red and nobody has to borrow it from them.

    i think the 'red shirts' have taken their red from the thai flag, the red part that symbolise 'the people'

    anyway a 'true socialist movement' what ever that could mean would probably support the red shirts and they have some variants of socialist schools/ways of thought among them.

    and no surprise its one of the government propaganda main counter arguments against the reds, that they are socialists.

    the sick joke is how people here are in favour of a military state and support state control mechanism that smell so Jaruzelski/Ceauşescu alike including re-education camps for the deviants.

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