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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. He's probably holed up in another one of his favourite democracies - Burma. <_<

    these Generals aren't loyal with criminals and conspire against the laws. as seen at the last ASEAN summit they are best buddies of Abhisit now.

    That was a headline of bilateral friendship and relations between Myanmar and Thailand how they support each other to develop democracy and that Myanmar will not allowed Thaksin to settle there.


    assumed that news had been true of course, Myanmar can be put on the list of nice democracies where Thaksin can't hide and enjoy bockwurst and a weizen.

  2. And here is a question: if Thaksin wants to come out, stand up, and dispel all the rumours about where he is, why doesn't he just do a live video link from wherever that is and prove it?

    you mean the FM can spread some rumours and The Nation prints it and some board members add some speculations here, but if Thaksin didn't came out immediately and prove the opposite with some live video link and that all Thaksin is busted?

    maybe he has something (evil) else to do and think that will be enough when his lawyer/spokesman state it like it really is from time to time.

    maybe he don't care at all or feels good entertained and has a (evil) laugh at all this conspiracy theories and false rumours.

    but idk.

    if common sense cannot answer your question, it can be only answred by Thaksin himself. you could try to contact him. twitter him your enquiry. maybe you get an answer, if not you can write your story here how you busted him.

  3. Hmm, well I would guess there are actually a significant amount of people who have no alignment to either red or yellow. It seems anyone who speaks out against the reds is deemed as a yellow by those red and Takki Shinegra supporters - that is total nonsense.

    That isn't a purely red trait. There are Thaksin haters that are not much better.

    For being critical with the Abhisit government i got a more than a couple of times insulted as a Thaksin supporter.

    And if you are using an avater that resembles yellow propaganda material you cannot blame the others that they mistake you for a yellow too. I saw other avatars on various web boards that mock Thaksin as well, also in a more humorous way, that didn't had the association with the 'yellow style'.

    Just a suggestion, maybe there lies the reason, that others came up with the fallacy and take you for yellow - what is of course total nonsense as you said.

  4. Of course they are leaving, they are cowards. Thats what cowards do.

    you are an internet hero. that is what internet heroes do.

    Ummmm..right. In any event, since you are unable to defend your own personal jesus' actions. I'll laugh at you, as so many others are doing. :lol:

    Surely a rational response. ;)


    can't argue with internet heros. they WIN all the time.

  5. All constituency based systems arent strcitly speaking even OMOV either. They are weighted OMOV especially in Thailand. Only a single countrywide constituency proportional vote is real OMOV but few polticians worldwide would like that option.

    i know.

    who dragged that "one man-one vote" concept into the debate at all? is that a declared red goal? really as OMOV? maybe some board members and electoral system laymen have developed a traumata from the bush vs. kerry days. idk.

    maybe a slogan like: 'each man a vote of equal value' got somehow mis-re-phrased over the time. i am not a native speaker and for me there is some ambivalence in that slogan.

    but some others clearly misunderstand something in the thai voting system and make a mistake if they post only the figures of the proportional vote results and trying to make a point with that.

  6. reports of him being forced out of UAE and going to Siem Reap are false

    But maybe those reports of him being 'asked to leave' the UAE are not so false.

    one thing is for sure, that his name is Thaksin, they got right. the news contained evidently some truth.

    ergo those reports are not so false at all. q.e.d.

    you can still trust them if you want.

  7. How many of the 60 million chose to vote Abhisit into power?

    Results of the one-man-one vote party list election in 2007

    Democrats: 14,084,265 39.63%

    PTP: 14,071,799 39.60%

    you ignoring that fact that the voters had also up to three direct candidates to vote for and that the vote for for the direct candidate has a bigger impact which parties at what strengths will sit in the end in the parliament. (400 seats of 480 seats total)

    the proportional 2nd vote (or the 3rd/4th), where your figures are coming from has a lesser impact. (80 seats of 480 seats total).

    that vote can be also placed by the voter strategically, for example with the intention to have more balance in the parliament or give one party not to much power, you don't have to give the 2nd vote for the same party of the candidate of your first choice.


    it is little bit more complicated than a simple "one man-one vote" system

  8. Agree. Throw all the red and yellow shirt leaders (everyone of them who took to the stage) in jail and throw away the key.

    Now we're talking, and it's really that simple. :)

    throw the people that staged the coup in jail and their active supporters. ban the silent supporters of the coup from politics for a couple of years.

    give the no-coup activist a democracy award and the respect they deserve.

    no-coup is the basic solution and the lesson people have to learn if they wanna have a prosperous future. the current situation is part of that lesson.

    You can't be serious. What you describe will surely cause the coup you aim to prevent.

    Who do you believe are the active supporters? Who are the silent supporters?

    no it is hypothetical, and well thought in the same way as the other suggestion to put everybody who sport a coloured shirt in jail.


    no-coup is still the civil solution. takes years to repair.

    in this modern world with all the mass communication, all kind of information on all channels a strong power state for the sake to to have a stabilised system isn't easy to maintain anymore like it was in the last century. you can't control all or guide all with the same brush that easy anymore.

    what about this:

    leaders who have visions should get free medical care and put into the tingtong hospital.

  9. Agree. Throw all the red and yellow shirt leaders (everyone of them who took to the stage) in jail and throw away the key.

    Now we're talking, and it's really that simple. :)

    throw the people that staged the coup in jail and their active supporters. ban the silent supporters of the coup from politics for a couple of years.

    give the no-coup activist a democracy award and the respect they deserve.

    no-coup is the basic solution and the lesson people have to learn if they wanna have a prosperous future. the current situation is part of that lesson.

  10. This government is pathetic. Either they are completely inept or they are deliberately misleading the public. If they are going to focus on Thaksin, then at least they should keep their eye on the ball.

    it should have some consequences for these responsible at the government channels that handing out these false information.

    from all involved, government, press, forum sheeps, will we hear some apologizing "sorry, i was mistaken and future i will be more careful with verifying my sources"

    rather not, but will they at least trying to have more accuracy, trying to build up some credibility? i guess not too, these lies are intended. propaganda for wishful thinkers, true believers and gullible suckers.

    it is quite annoying and can make one angry not to get trustworthy informations and news that are true. you can only expect lies from all sources.

  11. That wasn't the PMs hi5 account... that was obvious.

    Are you really that gullible, Ferd?

    eizel, i never said that. i said look at the friendlist of this account.

    If it's not his account, it is really relevant who is in the friendlist?

    are charles manson and his red haired girls relevant to this thread? not really, but some people like to talk about this things.

    so i asked him what he would make up about this http://kill-thaksin.hi5.com account.

    you can get only on this friendlist if you press some approval button.

  12. From my point of view a declaration of "A State of Emergency" is a risky move for the people in power. When you consider the facts it might backfire on the present government and lead to a split in the army. ...

    the current situation is a result and the backfire of the 2006 coup.

    Abhisit talked a couple of times on various occasions about a possible dissolution of the house and a snap election. i think the reds could live with that. what he could lose? the argument to protect the democracy from the street mob isn't very strong. it is spoiled by the coup and the yellow action in 2008 and Kasit as FM for example.

    but it must no go that far, Abhisit still have a good chance to sit all out and wait while reds must stay peaceful to be convincing until they have to go home and cannot maintain the mass protest any longer. the challenge for the authorities is to keep any third party interference under control, who might be up to a little bit action too. (and not using such disruption as smokescreen and reason for a crackdown)

    SoE a la please go home now, plant some rice and be peaceful, our nation have to move forward or if you don't wanna hear we will arrest everybody will not work out.

    trying to bring them down with SoE in full force and with full power is very risky as you said. it will be nasty, violent and the question is if all parts of the army or every soldier really want to do that. it would be also only a temporary solution to remove the red shirts out of the street of bangkok for the next week. the problem is still there and the damage for the civil society will be much more deeper. that way you can also create some real terrorist cells that will car bomb some authority official now and then.

    there is a big danger with the SoE.

  13. Thaksin insists he's in Europe, not Cambodia



    -- The Nation 2010-03-14


    now the story from the other side in the same newspaper.

    why it doesn't make ding/dong in the editorial team, some journalist wakes up and says. "Wow, now that could be a story. Try to find that out and let our readers know who tells the truth here and who was talking BS."

  14. Last year the Election Committee found the PPP party guilty of election fraud. And very conveniently the Democrat party was given a free reign to form a coalition government in their place. This was all by design.

    You're right, it was by design. Although not some ridiculous conspiracy theory like you suggest, but because that is how parliamentary systems work. Several groups that had formed a coalition government with the PPP decided to leave the coalition to separate themselves from the corruption of the PPP and decided to form a new coalition with the Democrats. That is how the system is designed, and how it is done in countries throughout the world.

    Remember, the PPP were never the majority, they teamed up with smaller factions and formed a coalition government. The Democrats did the same. That is how a parliamentary system works.

    that wasn't your usual parliamentary moment that some smaller coalition partner decided to switch sides. major parties don't get so quickly switch off like the PPP and everything continue with new coalition talks. will be hard to find a similar example throughout the world.

    to support bulmerckes point: "A snap election should have been held in this situation - just like in the west - but it wasn't." we can refer nobody else but Abhisit himself. what he thought about this, back these days:

    Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva on Wednesday urged for House dissolution on the ground that a snap election will allow a fresh start to form a viable government to tackle the political and economic woes. ...

    The country will continue to be mired by social divisions if the new prime minister is to repeat the style of leadership that has brought about the political turbulence, he said.

    He said he was in favour of the early elections in order to have the leeway in forming the government

    read here The Nation December 3, 2008.

    did it happen?

  15. Has anyone seen the Bangkok Post article today showing that soldiers are being paid an additional 300 Baht on top of their salary for every day they spend on the streets against the protests? How is that any different?

    that the soldiers are here in the city, coming across the Rubicon, is an issue that matters.

    that they are getting paid an extra is hardly something to argue about and as they say in the village you cant compare guava fruits with mangoes.

    If you can't see the difference, that's sad. To me, attending a protest is part of democracy, a way to voice your displeasure. If you're doing it for money, then you're renting your right as a citizen here. Not much different than vote-selling. As for the soliders, haven't you heard of per diem and expense account when you go out of town on business?

    are you talking to me?

    i have no problem that the soldiers getting that 300 baht. it is a non-issue and a no brainer why they get these 300 baht. and i don't want compare that with the video and the cash out to the reds or see it in the same line. apples/oranges. guava/mango. wasn't that clear?

    that they are in the city at all would be something to discuss. i mean the soldiers.

    btw. how fits that the concept of democracy. that army is here?

  16. I just brought the last pack of marmite flavoured rice cakes from Villa.

    Should I be worried or not ?

    worried? i don't think that crackdown will look after the falang black market and your little trade. but it is still to early to sell. i would wait a few days open the package and then offer the pieces singly to the highest bidder.

  17. Has anyone seen the Bangkok Post article today showing that soldiers are being paid an additional 300 Baht on top of their salary for every day they spend on the streets against the protests? How is that any different?

    that the soldiers are here in the city, coming across the Rubicon, is an issue that matters.

    that they are getting paid an extra is hardly something to argue about and as they say in the village you cant compare guava fruits with mangoes.

  18. are they are just late to publish the news about this "crackdown" and it is measurement they thought about in the long run or is that totally urgent and breaking news fresh from the desk of the crisis management of this department?

    or to ask in another way: should i hurry up now to get some water, rice, mama packs and candles aka hoarding some goods for personal use?

    will sugar turn out as a lucrative investment?

  19. ohh, boi.

    if i am not falling for the propaganda of this government or into an imbecile hate rhetoric towards the red shirt doesn't mean that i am the red shirt spokesman.

    Guess that means you can't answer some objective questions. I'm not siding with anyone, but I'd also like to know:

    what are the visions of the red shirts?

    what's the strategies to accomplish it?

    who's the person to lead it?

    Over to you, Mazeltov....

    oohh, boi2

    as i said hence i am not the red shirt spokesman, why should i answer the question here and now?

    this thread here is about the 'news' from the FM that Thasksin is in Cambodia and that he got expelled form the UAE.

    i don't believe that. or is it a must to believe that to be a good citizen and don't get attacked as a troll by whoever comes along here (and is prolly a troll himself).

    Nobody implied you were a "red shirt spokesman", but you are clearly a strong supporter of UDD. But you don't know why. But then, I suppose most of us didn't really expect anything remotely coherent from you.

    Thanks for your answer. Case closed....


    you are obviously not interested in what i have said so far in this thread and just here for bickering.

    that is to boring for me, sugar. YOU WIN.

  20. ohh, boi.

    if i am not falling for the propaganda of this government or into an imbecile hate rhetoric towards the red shirt doesn't mean that i am the red shirt spokesman.

    Guess that means you can't answer some objective questions. I'm not siding with anyone, but I'd also like to know:

    what are the visions of the red shirts?

    what's the strategies to accomplish it?

    who's the person to lead it?

    Over to you, Mazeltov....

    oohh, boi2

    as i said hence i am not the red shirt spokesman, why should i answer the question here and now?

    this thread here is about the 'news' from the FM that Thasksin is in Cambodia and that he got expelled form the UAE.

    i don't believe that. or is it a must to believe that to be a good citizen and don't get attacked as a troll by whoever comes along here (.

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