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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. Of course the Foreign Ministry is a joke. I thought it was quite obvious even before now. ;)

    i think that might be the way how the government is trying to track him and observe his whereabouts and movements.

    publish some random guess of whatever you got from a fictional informed source and declare something what isn't totally unlikely. at least there is a small chance it turns out right, but the actually goal is to push Thaksin to deny it and came forward with his current location. voilà.

  2. that vote can be also placed by the voter strategically, for example with the intention to have more balance in the parliament or give one party not to much power, you don't have to give the 2nd vote for the same party of the candidate of your first choice.


    That is not how the election in Thailand is done, you don't have several votes per person in the same election.

    What the process has is a mix of both constituencies and popular vote as a way to populate the parliament, but it only relates to how the votes are calculated. The popular vote adjustment is to offset issues with constituencies being incorrectly valued in terms of MPs compared to their population.

    sorry, you are wrong.

    2007 Thailands voters got 2 ballot papers / ballot cards.

    so voters cast two votes. one vote elect up to 3 MPs in their constituency (up to 3 x.marks on the ballot paper - multiply voting.) and the voter can cast a second vote for a party list, the so called proportional vote.

    actually voters didn't had to remember the names of 'their' candidates of 'their' preferred party but numbers. weeks before election day parties got a number in a draw for the proportional vote/ ballot paper. same as the constituency candidates got also a number per draw.

    i don't want to start to argue or to explain the full election system to avoid and exclude any possible misunderstanding. for that i would have to do probably also the voting systems of a couple of other countries and then point out the differences that look at the first glimpse similar. i guess here lay the major reason for misinterpretations by different board members because at home there is also not that simple process but ditto something tricky. so your way of thought and how you think you have understand it is maybe over shadowed how it's done in sweden, but in thailand aren't something like the adjustment seats or overhang mandates.

    for the election thailand was splitted into 157 constituencies and eight electoral zones.

    in each of the 157 constituencies had a separate counting of the ballot papers for the direct candicates of this constituencies. depending on population, some constituencies elect 3 MP, some only 2 MP and few only by 1 MP.

    the voter in each constituency was able to make as many x-marks behind candidates on the ballot paper as MPs got elected in his constituency. ( simplified model - constituency A,B,C: A has population of 30.000 elect 3 MP, B population 10000 elect 1 MP, C 20.000 elect 2 MP - voter in A have 3x marks for a valid vote, voter in B can cross only one. in B only the winner get lucky, in C also the 2nd runner up and in A also the 3rd)

    400 of 480 members of Parliament (MP) get elected this way.

    80 MP seats got elected by the proportional system. country got "splitted" into 8 different zones

    with an approximate equal numbers of population. for each zone 10 MP. so parties could came up with a party list of up to 10 candidates. for the proportional vote the voter was able to make one x-mark, select one party from all the different parties that appear on the ballot paper.

    the split into 8 zones and that votes go rounded up in each zone leaded to the odd situation that PPP got here 1 seat more than the dems, despite the fact they got around 15.000 votes less. an other party (Matchima Thippathai) got nothing for their 500.000 votes in total, if they had got all their votes only in one zone it could had been 'worth' 2 seats.

  3. Another mis-informed soul. Here are the results of the last election:


    PPP: 26,293,456 votes (36.63%)

    Democrats: 21,745,696 (30.30%)

    Now, tell me ...with nearly 5 million and 6% more votes, who won the election?


    You clearly don't know what the numbers mean. You think 71 million Thais voted in the election???

    People's Power Party - 14,071,799 - 39.60%

    Democrat Party - 14,084,265 - 39.63%

    The proportional vote, out of 35,535,767 votes.

    isn't telling half of the truth also some kind of a lie?

    you ignoring that fact that the voters had also up to three direct candidates to vote for and that the vote for for the direct candidate has a bigger impact which parties at what strengths will sit in the end in the parliament. (400 seats of 480 seats total)

    the proportional 2nd vote (or the 3rd/4th), where your figures are coming from, has a lesser impact. (80 seats of 480 seats total).

    that vote can be also placed by the voter strategically, for example with the intention to have more balance in the parliament or give one party not to much power, you don't have to give the 2nd vote for the same party of the candidate of your first choice.


  4. "He said he had seen contrasting photos in a newspaper of protesters sleeping on the road and of Thaksin and his children in a foreign country."

    isn't that your typical dumbnut class warrior rhetoric?

    and it seems to be the quintessence and sole argument here.

    The only people that don't seem to understand that point are the people that back Thaksin. He's not part of a "class war" he is in fact the antithesis of what the reds claim to want. He's just the financial backer that takes away all their credibility.

    yes, that is the stupidity of dumbnut "class warriors". pointing only at the money someone has.

  5. After reading to many of Morans posts I'm going to drink myself into a comma.

    What a great mis-statement. I'm not criticizing your spelling gaff, because I find the statement intriguing. Drink myself into a comma. The image it presents is nonsensical but I like it.


    intentionally commical.

    creation of a rationale for having a beer or two. thanks brothers and Mr. Charlie Chang.

  6. "I am a Pfannkuchenand" or "I am a Pfannkuchen" just doesn't have the same geopolitical and rhetorical flair or pizzaz to it as did the Cold War and Berlin Wall assertion that "I am a Berliner." Pres Kennedy's assertive statement of political and military support brought an immediate and loud cheer from the huge mass of Berliners assembled to see the president and to hear his speech.

    How many people in Italy knew the esoteric differences within the Germany and Berlin of the ...

    the Berliner Pfannkuchen is actually much more powerful than your Pres Kermit words, which brings you to nowhere, specially not when people not follow your star cult, but making jokes, you fail do understand. thanks loyality to kermit you make a fool of yourself. the Pfannkuchen and his culinary brother and sisters can help you to make good friends all over the world. it is a sweet treat, you can start a small talk about it, praise the local variant and tell them you have something similar at home, or whatever or kermit k's doughnut joke. sweet mouth, if you have some etiquette and table manners you will get well along. later you can talk business and turkey and show your photo album my kids, my car, my bbq, my house, my nobel laureate, my atomic-bomb, my kent state university, ...

    Thanks for the lecture and for the most oft-used cultural cliche' of them all, the one about humor.

    The End.


    you really want miss the other parts of the story and break here up?

    lets recap.

    you did a perfect start with a version of Monty Python's killer joke war sketch

    according to you the german phrase "Ich bin ein Berliner" is legit and come from

    • the West German Embassy in the US
    • German language experts at the State Department
    • and leading universities of the US.

    that is a lot of brain power for a 4 word quote, how many Universities of the US did actually help in the end?

    anyway. in the 80's reliable us-newspapers came up with the story that a berliner is a doughnut. which is totally untrue but started as a joke and some other journalist believed it.

    early in the 90's Oliver Stone cashed in big time with doing a remake of the zapruder film, a 60's cult classic and 8mm home flick. the title JFK sounded cryptic enough to get the attention of the computer nerds and at the dawn of the eternal september one of the first AOL net legends was born "a berliner is a doughnut is a jelly fact" the rest is history.

    Lulz and lot of drama whereever us.red and us.blue met each other inline to practice factomockcrazy. it is meanwhile a very old meme. now every dumb kid in internet think that what the pimp of Marylin Manson's mother had said is true "a berliner is a jelly doughnut". other argue is true because they read somewhere in the internet that the Prez had said it is grammatically correct. some say that it is grammatically incorrect but can't be false because NYT so it is eventually for sure not untrue.

    that are so far the rumours on the internet, now i wanna reveal some hard facts of history how the cold war was won and the wall finally cracked.

    1. Kennedy 1963 in Berlin "Ich bin ein Berliner"

    as previous established it doesn't mean i am a jelly doughnut. but it still has more than one meaning.

    before i explained that you will earned laughter when you order a Berliner in a bakery shop in Berlin, but you can order a Berliner in a pub. it is a beer, a pilsner. one of east germanies most popular beers.


    unclear is if the CIA and/or Kennedy or any other western intelligence agency did had any knowledge of it

    but at the east side the system got totally confused, did he just said that " i am a commie beer"? is he that dumb, is he crazy, is there a secret message? the commie apparatus could expose him for the laughter, but communism was dead serious and public laughter forbidden. the Kennedy visit got also nearly zero press coverage in east germany. a kept seceret, but everybody knew it somehow. lots of head honchos got totally gaga by endless laughter others got shizo by suppressed laughter and all developed somehow a drinking habit. a fair share of the politburo interpreted to be every day totally drunk as the way to the american success and thought they had to copy that. as a result the system got weaker and weaker, the other half declared win. if the president of the USofA declares he is a commie beer it is victory. lets celebrate. 5 years before evil commie scientis developed some secret formula. that turn people into loyal idiots, the downside was it had to be taken together with alcohol. the time was ripe, they put 3 liters of Berliner Pilsner per day and per head of the the working class immediately in a new 25 years economy plan. so the labour force became also drunkyards the productivity rates sank. and nobody was sober enough to realized the economic crisis. on the other hand election got fanatics poll results. 99,89% for the government. nobody really complained during the coming 25 years, except some religious groups of teetotalers.

    2. Reagan 1987 in Berlin "Please Mr. Gorbatchov ...


    do i have to say more? no-one heard the 2nd half of Reagans sentence in east berlin. they got the signal they had been waiting for ...

    some historians say that have been planned and was intended by Reagan. the cia had figured out whats going on. since the mid 70's they secretly had supported some so called 'team kennedy' in the politbuero, thought of them as some faction of moderate commies, took some years until they finally discovered what the kennedy plan means and why the leaked top secret documents are impossible to decrypt.

    1987 the 25 year economy plan came also to an end, switching to the a harder stuff alone wasn't the final drop. election 99,99953 % yes votes. all happy.

    3. David Hassellhoff 1989 'Looking for Freedom (song) Germany number-one single charts March 31, 1989 – May 1


    the CIAs secret plan 'red beach'. he attended a couple of politburo meetings since 1987 allready. they loved his red outfit. a side effect of the 'special beer'. David has an alcohol habit since. actually he got contacted by east berlin first. CIA instructed him. it was planned by the politbuero to declare him to the president of east germany in 1990. nobody expected the success of that stupid song. the downfall of the wall was an attempt take over west germany. thousand of east germans polluted west germany since month allready. but nobody kept in mind that the effects of the secret ingredient in berliner pilsner will quickly fading away if there isn't a steady supply. the plan was doomed, the rest is history.

    Ich bin ein Amerikaner


  7. "I am a Pfannkuchenand" or "I am a Pfannkuchen" just doesn't have the same geopolitical and rhetorical flair or pizzaz to it as did the Cold War and Berlin Wall assertion that "I am a Berliner." Pres Kennedy's assertive statement of political and military support brought an immediate and loud cheer from the huge mass of Berliners assembled to see the president and to hear his speech.

    How many people in Italy knew the esoteric differences within the Germany and Berlin of the ...

    you have obviously a communication problem.

    it is a joke. if you wanna get anal over it because it involved your holy leader kermit k. kellogs you miss something about the free part in the free world, a part that seems Europeans get.

    according to Claude Lévi-Strauss, The Raw and the Cooked, the Berliner Pfannkuchen can be described as a basic principle of a civilised culture. you should show more respect for issues related to the Berliner Pfannkuchen it isn't esoteric thingy but something that matters. you will fail if you are ignorant, same like you did it with Eton, instead of saying sorry you wrote it off with disrespect.

    the Berliner Pfannkuchen is actually much more powerful than your Pres Kermit words, which brings you to nowhere, specially not when people not follow your star cult, but making jokes, you fail do understand. thanks loyality to kermit you make a fool of yourself. the Pfannkuchen and his culinary brother and sisters can help you to make good friends all over the world. it is a sweet treat, you can start a small talk about it, praise the local variant and tell them you have something similar at home, or whatever or kermit k's doughnut joke. sweet mouth, if you have some etiquette and table manners you will get well along. later you can talk business and turkey and show your photo album my kids, my car, my bbq, my house, my nobel laureate, my atomic-bomb, my kent state university, my Abu Ghuraib ... and so on. if you use it as conversation starter and introducing, everybody will think of you as a big mouth and show-off. you fail.

    if i look at complaints about these america bashers, is it a whinging that is in most cases accompanied by rants that will never help you to make friends. most people wouldn't care much about it but us.americans seems to have the biggest issue of being unloved. the answer to why isn't blame others, but questioning yourself.

  8. Abhisit is not one of the 'elite' in education, family background, wealth or any other construct you wish to put out there - the elite bit is in acheivement, drive and building his network.

    Any PM requires that. That's how they become PM.

    Abhisit is a Daddy's Boy and a smug. and doesn't have much drive either. he stays on top and smiles but don't do much of the decision. the teachers pet does what he have been told to do.

    admit he would win a mother-in-law's delight competition, but fail in a 'your cool uncle' contest.

    and look at Abhisits "uncles", the characters where where he creeps around. that is his network.

    Korn, who is a Daddy's boy too did had at least some kind of real job in the private business sector, meanwhile Abhisit never did anything else then hang around at floors and offices in the democrats headquarters. and it is no coincidence that have been students in oxford together and are now fellows again. delegate by their families. daddies and uncles who building up their dynasties.

    is Abhisit a real doer, a rainmaker, someone who spreads verve, a captain, a authority? no, he has as much energy as a sleeping pill.


    1.education - 2.employment - 3. confidence - 4. social welfare - 5. strengthen democracy -6. unity 7. hahaha 8. sport

    0. expand the state apparatus.

    1. give people a career opportunity and hold training courses in clerical activity. (rubber stamp, ink-pad, paper, 'yes boss', form G-D/274.72, paper shuffle). the Government has set a target for the vocational training program to cover 500,000 people,

    2. make them to employees of the state. create more positions in whatever civil service offices. for example create new jobs in the schools administration (educations ministry budget have to be spend wise) "a project targets recent graduates for employment in administrative positions at schools and other education institutions. The MOE is to hire 14,532 administration staff between 2009 and 2012 at a cost of around 1.56 billion in salaries per year."

    3. gives them some uniform for office work, so that they feel important.

    4. give them some social insurance and a small pension.

    5. at work there is nothing to do than pencil pushing, they might start getting ideas, better prevent that. so entertain them with bi-weekly meeting and montly assemblies where you invite some Generals from ISOC who provide instructions how important the state and the government for democracy is and what it means to be a loyal and brave citizen.

    6. let them take part in fun events like 'white shirt rally of adjusted commoners' or sing a song at 6 o' clock.

    7. one time cash hand out to low income tax payers (your civil servants), a signed letter for Grandma Nui, Mark M16 paper bullets, intelligence reports about Dr. Mabuses whereabouts, Kasit, computer crime act, recent polls show that..., PM is confident ... , DPM denies ..., Don't panic.

    8. Korn proposes bid for 2018 FIFA World Cup

    Daddys boys?? And you are such a manly man eh?


    I am a mother-in-law.

    anyway, the post wasn't about gender profiling, but for the lulz.

    You are an internet hero!

    An internet hero is something to be.

  9. it isn't a class war in the Marxist-Leninist sense. capitalists are not the bad people here.

    capitalism isn't bad at all, don't have to mean exploitation but choice and chance. and that you actually have to work, what the reds already do, the farmers like the new money businessmen, unlike some other lame pencil pusher in a oversize bureaucracy state and officialdom, the home of the old money, with a feudal hierarchy, where you get your job with connections and by your family name, to leech the money of without providing much efficiency or be actually needed or useful.

    So, you think there is a single red/yellow/pink/blue/green or gold shirt that doesn't believe in the ethical rightness of patronage, of giving and receiving influence through one's friends, one's family and one's connections?

    Then you don't know anything about Thailand or its culture.

    I'd venture with 99% confidence that not a single legitimate protester who came to Bangkok for "the million man march" has any idea what "class war" means and nor would they vote for it if they did. I'm not slinging the usual yellow shirt 'uneducated peasant' slur here, I'm saying that the concept has neither been explained by those who are bandying it around nor is it what people anywhere in Thailand are actually interested in, regardless of their education, occupation or geographical location.

    The marxist tripe due to Giles Ungpakporn (himself the son of a former Bangkok governor, hardly a champion of Isaan) is of no relevance to anyone in the modern world. Just a university academic who read Marx like an infatuated teenager but didn't grow out of it or realize the rest of the world has done that, been there, and said 'no thanks'.

    keywords of my post are: capitalism and choice

    i am not talking about Giles Ungpakorn, i am not thinking that the spectre of his "school" is haunting Thailand.

    that word "class war" is maybe too strong and misleading. i don't think of it as an proletarian revolution or see communist guerrilla warriors roam through the city armed with a ThK47

    i am not sure if the how difficult it will be to get The Trotskyist Exile Express, Pol PotPouri Magazine or The Great Maoist Times at the newspaper stands in Bangkok or if there is a samisdat reader circle for such publications.

    but i will be be not able to get a copy of the The Economist. The Economist has decided not to distribute its current issue in Thailand.

  10. By the time I'd been in Thailand three years, I was aghast because of the cultural and civilizational deficits and deficiencies some 75% to 80% or so Western Europeans I met or worked with suffered relative to the society, culture and civilization of the United States. It's even worse among those 'Westerns' I met from the down under regions of the South West Pacific, this time to the tune of 85% to 90% of them. The ignorance, prejudices, biases towards the United States and its people was outdone only by their complete disconnect from life in the US. I simply was speechless and mortified by the willful and systematic contempt these people have towards the US.

    It's really a frightening and pathetic deficit disorder of a serious cultural and civilizational magnitude over in those places. I of course got used to it and since simply dismiss their blissful world of the surreal and bizarre when it comes to the United States. We have more Nobel Prize winners in every category, usually by a huge difference, except for literature in which the US is 2 winners behind the leader France. We have the world's best and leading universities etc etc.

    Yet the cultural deficits of the Western Europeans and of the Down Unders I've met are appalling. Worse, they are beyond repair or recovery. One Belgian idiotically said to me that Pres Kennedy's statement in German during his visit to Berlin, "I am a Berliner" was spoken in erroneous German.....this wild and malicious claim was made by the guy despite the German language statement having come from the West German Embassy in the US and from German language experts at the State Department and leading universities of the US. That's willful malevolence towards the United States, which must be dismissed immediately and out of hand as not credible or reasonable - as simply irrational and mean spirited.

    Tsk tsk.

    I'm sure you could apply some of these generalizations to 99% of people in the US who think that kangaroos hop up the main street of Sydney.

    There are stupid people everywhere.

    Could not agree more, most of the USA bashers I have met have never been to the USA have no intention of going could never find the funds if they changed their minds. Ask a few simple questions who leads the world in space, business, democracy, who rescued Europe and rebuilt it 1940s, Secondly who are these USA people, answer immigrants who had the sense to get the hel_l out of of the poxy little countries these fools still inhabit. USA USA YEEEES.

    I think you missed the point of my post ... I wasn't saying anything good about the US. But it's the same everywhere.


    you underestimate the plausibility that your '99%' comment has been probably not greatly exaggerated but accurate.

    i think, that he thinks he belongs to that 99% group and he agrees with you. it is true: 99% of people in the US who think that kangaroos hop up the main street of Sydney.

    confirmed by competent US-citizen, a man who knows his facts and is proficient in space technology, experienced in business and well-read in history. i can't argue about that immigrants build the land of the free and made it great. a spirit i respect.

    one question still remains unclear, how many of that 99% think also that Sidney, great place, kangaroos hop up the main street, is somewhere located in the USA?

  11. One Belgian idiotically said to me that Pres Kennedy's statement in German during his visit to Berlin, "I am a Berliner" was spoken in erroneous German.....this wild and malicious claim was made by the guy despite the German language statement having come from the West German Embassy in the US and from German language experts at the State Department and leading universities of the US. That's willful malevolence towards the United States, which must be dismissed immediately and out of hand as not credible or reasonable - as simply irrational and mean spirited.

    5555 can't tell Eton from a University. but wanna impress with their nobel price winner. (which takes an different turn if you check the Laureates per capita proportion for the respective Nations and/or filter out the immigrants.

    anyway you should not only cherry-pick the best things don't forget or ignore the worst things too. you should also consider that your opinion don't have to be the only valid opinion.

    seems you don't understand a joke when it not comes with canned laughter. that is what the "ich bin ein berliner" story is about. the Belgian bloke was trolling you and you fell for it.

    is it really that easy to pull a leg of an US-American? i hope for them that is not true.

    i would only argue that you can't really compare a Berliner, the pastry, with a doughnut. it is a different thing, Polish paczki are coming closer too it for my taste, and Berliner, the pastry,Berliner, the residents, call Pfannkuchenand not Berliner. anyway, that is an another regional in-joke that you can't get Berliner, the pastry, in Berlin, and it is kinda a shibboleth, a social code, Berliner, the residents, like to distinct them selves from people that are not born there but came recently to town, the New-Berliner usually from other regions of Germany where the pastry in fact is called Berliner. New-Berliner try hard to blend in and hide the fact that they are new in town, various jokes are poked on them by the real Berliner. and when it comes to the pastry New-Berliner can involuntary expose themselves by calling it Berliner a word that never would slip over the tongue of an Old-Berliner. btw. their word Pfannkuchen stands in other parts of Germany for something totally different.

    Berliner, the residents might be not go the nearest baker's shop to buy some Pfannkuchen, but would be prepared to take a detour to get their Pfannkuchen from their favorite baker's shop where they taste slightly different. one reason that makes it so difficult to compare them with something like doughnut. Berliner, the residents are serious about being a real Berliner and not a new comer, you have that in all big cities, and the are serious about their Pfannkuchen and they make jokes about US-Americans who can't speak a single word in a second language and trying to make a big show of it. Berliner aren't much impressed by politicans, Celebs, leaders or awestrucked by Presidents of the United States or anybody else with a hubris.

    Kennedy's words 'Ich bin ein Berliner' had some forced cultural impact in Germany and are part of the cultural memory of the Germans. Another US President hold also a speech in Berlin. Ronald Reagan, where he spoke his "famous" words: "please mister Gorbachev open this wall".

    Now many years later it can come to the following curios situation. person A comes from that cold region behind the iron curtain. person B comes from the US of A and like to boast about his dead and living presidents. B will tell A how important the speech was, that they made history and maybe he will delude himself to the point where he he declares that Reagan's speech actually helped to tear down this wall. Person B will look in disbelief and say: nope, not a tiny bit. it didn't make any impacted or changed anything in theway the things that happend and when the wall was teared down, none of the people who did it kept hearing Reagan words. believe me my American friend, that must be a totally forced meme by the US & Reagan historiography. in Berlin nobody cares or cared about it. person B will still insist on the importance and declares A to one of these European with cultural and civilizational deficits and deficiencies. person A keeps his impression of that rude and overweening US american in memory.

    you should be more open minded, most europeans and i guess any other foreigners you might come across too aren't the way you wanna paint them. and even if they have some grudge on the US foreign policy or whatever, they can distinct between a Country and an individual citizen. respect could be in your case the issue. what goes around comes around .

  12. is Abhisit a real doer, a rainmaker, someone who spreads verve, a captain, a authority? no, he has as much energy as a sleeping pill.

    He has broken your hero Thaksin's forces, asleep or not.

    dude, Thaksin isn't my hero. and if you would have read my posts my opinion or suggestion was that Abhist should sit and wait the whole situation out

    to quote myself from the "Thailand to impose security law for Thaksin protests" topic.

    if the masses are in town Abhisits only chance is to sot it out. give the red shirts their way, let them do their camping and the music show, keep an eye on any third party and bring that third party under control if they are up to some conflict. be happy about the fact that there are some many monks around who will be helpful partner in the deescalation management by the security forces. have patience until the reds go home and do as much as possible to avoid ISA implementation.

    written Tuesday, last week. i wrote similar more than once. i also recommended to refrain from to much scaremongering. was that wrong? all the prediction and fears, turned they out to be true, is Bangkok destroyed now or not?

    but for such soft approach and not willing to sing the same songs like the internet hate mob i got insulted here as 'Thaksin Apologist'

    seems that for people like you everybody who isn't repetitively typing a imbecile hate rant after another must be for sure for the other side.

    or maybe it boils their blood that i don't write Abhisit love song and that i dare to criticize that government in my comments. some of the extreme hate yobs turn out to be also extreme fanbois. internet heros! can only see black or white.

    anyway how did Abhisit broke (as you say) the Thaksin forces? what was his strategy?

  13. Who cares? Next.

    Exactly Bhoydy.

    i thought the same, but after reading your comments i started to feel sympathy for this ignored underdog topic.

    the headline looks also pretty pale compared with the other threads.

    Bloody, Violent, Adolf Hinkel, Global Warming, Assassination, Nuclear Power, Fallout, Class war, Red Shirts, Burning Farms, Australian Tourist, Tom Jones In Concert, Collapse ...

    sounds all pretty scary, but that is the way to get attention. i am bored and it is almost friday and here is my idea for an other headline:

    Phuket Will Change: Radical Left Turn To Tackle Patong's Woes

    Current Situation Violates Thai Law Says New Appointed Police Superintendent

  14. Abhisit is not one of the 'elite' in education, family background, wealth or any other construct you wish to put out there - the elite bit is in acheivement, drive and building his network.

    Any PM requires that. That's how they become PM.

    Abhisit is a Daddy's Boy and a smug. and doesn't have much drive either. he stays on top and smiles but don't do much of the decision. the teachers pet does what he have been told to do.

    admit he would win a mother-in-law's delight competition, but fail in a 'your cool uncle' contest.

    and look at Abhisits "uncles", the characters where where he creeps around. that is his network.

    Korn, who is a Daddy's boy too did had at least some kind of real job in the private business sector, meanwhile Abhisit never did anything else then hang around at floors and offices in the democrats headquarters. and it is no coincidence that have been students in oxford together and are now fellows again. delegate by their families. daddies and uncles who building up their dynasties.

    is Abhisit a real doer, a rainmaker, someone who spreads verve, a captain, a authority? no, he has as much energy as a sleeping pill.


    1.education - 2.employment - 3. confidence - 4. social welfare - 5. strengthen democracy -6. unity 7. hahaha 8. sport

    0. expand the state apparatus.

    1. give people a career opportunity and hold training courses in clerical activity. (rubber stamp, ink-pad, paper, 'yes boss', form G-D/274.72, paper shuffle). the Government has set a target for the vocational training program to cover 500,000 people,

    2. make them to employees of the state. create more positions in whatever civil service offices. for example create new jobs in the schools administration (educations ministry budget have to be spend wise) "a project targets recent graduates for employment in administrative positions at schools and other education institutions. The MOE is to hire 14,532 administration staff between 2009 and 2012 at a cost of around 1.56 billion in salaries per year."

    3. gives them some uniform for office work, so that they feel important.

    4. give them some social insurance and a small pension.

    5. at work there is nothing to do than pencil pushing, they might start getting ideas, better prevent that. so entertain them with bi-weekly meeting and montly assemblies where you invite some Generals from ISOC who provide instructions how important the state and the government for democracy is and what it means to be a loyal and brave citizen.

    6. let them take part in fun events like 'white shirt rally of adjusted commoners' or sing a song at 6 o' clock.

    7. one time cash hand out to low income tax payers (your civil servants), a signed letter for Grandma Nui, Mark M16 paper bullets, intelligence reports about Dr. Mabuses whereabouts, Kasit, computer crime act, recent polls show that..., PM is confident ... , DPM denies ..., Don't panic.

    8. Korn proposes bid for 2018 FIFA World Cup

  15. History has proved that the people always win.

    that's cos history is written by the winners for the people, to keep them in line...hardly gonna say 'you lost, we won' now are they?

    Care to name a country where 'the poor' have won and are no longer poor relative to a ruling class? No...thought not

    Trotskyist tripe.

    it isn't a class war in the Marxist-Leninist sense. capitalists are not the bad people here.

    capitalism isn't bad at all, don't have to mean exploitation but choice and chance. and that you actually have to work, what the reds already do, the farmers like the new money businessmen, unlike some other lame pencil pusher in a oversize bureaucracy state and officialdom, the home of the old money, with a feudal hierarchy, where you get your job with connections and by your family name, to leech the money of without providing much efficiency or be actually needed or useful.

  16. Just now watching on television some of the Red Shirt women cooking in big pots. Maybe they are doing some good afterall. There may not be any more mangy soi dogs running loose in the streets of Bangkok.

    What a racist statement

    more like chauvanistic comment than racist

    more like a pure internet hero statement. as usual you get it here.

    though canine-huggers might raise an eyebrow.

  17. what cracks me up is the leaders of the Red shirts are all HI SO's! Wealthy. Just like in the USA, where the Democrats say they are for the working man...as they drive a Benz and take vacations around the world. Same same.

    We were watching the red shirt channel the other day. My wife saw a lady get up on stage and goes "Oh! Look at her...she is big time HI SO in Bangkok." And there she is trying to get the poor people to sleep on the street and walk in the sun for them...crazy....amazing what you can get people to believe...

    yep, you busted them.

    'big time HiSo in Bangkok' on the stage and poor people walk in the sun. Oh.hooo. well spotted. can't be legit.

    Nail! Hammer! Ouch!

  18. Since he is in exile, Thaksin must be Leon Trotsky.

    Montenegro, like Mexico, begins with an 'M'.

    strange logic, what comes next Thaksin should move to Tunisia because it begins with an "T".

    and what about Abhisit, first letter is an "A" . "A" like ... and for Suthep is it a "S", "S" like ...???

    555. funny games, almost like that Thursday is the new Friday.

  19. Shane Thaugsuban is that a brother of Suthep Thaugsuban? both come from the same Constituency district: Surat Thani

    I'm not sure, I figured it was another spelling mistake by the mighty reporting staff at the Nation! ;)

    first i thought Shane and Thani is the same person, but they aren't.

    can't really blame them for transliteration issues of thai names. but would be nice if they would at least stick to one kind spelling of a certain person and not using different variations now and then. sometimes they spell the same name in one article in various styles. the other english newspaper follows more some strict system and rules, The Nation is using often creativity.

    look at all the party names that are only transliteration and not translation like for Phak Prachatipat aka Demcrats Party. how many ways you can spell TRT_3.0?

    but it is not only The Nation at the mp.parliament.go.th Shane and Thanis family name are spelled the same in the Thai language version, but different in the English page.

    i like how the state own news agency sometimes put the Thai spelling of a name in parentheses.

  20. Well I am not claiming to be from Montenegro-I AM FROM MONTENEGRO-northern part of it to be precise.If there is any of you who speaks Montenegrin(Crnogorski),Serbian(Srpski),Bosnian(Bosanski) ili Croatian(Hrvatski) I will be glad to prove my words.It is basicly all the same language.

    Hills behind Shinavatra on that picture are called Orjen and Rumija,btw.

    I dont know,it seems to me that Sinavtras arguments are not that bad and no it is not translated to Montenegrin-I read it on internet(BBC profile of Sinavatra among others).

    You also claimed you did a search for Sinavatra

    and found this forum...

    except that is not a spelling EVER used on this forum except by YOU...

    And the only reference to Sinavatra is YOUR posts here now.

    4 pages later on Bangkok Post ref,


    And considering all that how can we think you are anything but another

    PR blitzed believer of his spurious rantings?

    Sinavatra and TVF found on google; my left hemorrhoid it was... PR. BS. IMHO

    don't get your paranoia spoiled by reality.

    the spelling Sinavatra came up a couple of times in the now closed topic Deposed Thai Premier Thaksin Spotted In Montenegro

    anyway, nice way to say hello. so our new member can quickly find out to who he can listen to, who he should ignore and who provides unintended entertainment to laugh about.

  21. Democrat MP Shane Thaugsuban rose up and rushed towards Chaowarin, but another Democrat MP stopped him and dragged him out of the assembly hall.

    sounds like a lot of action and tension today. will it be on youtube?

    Shane Thaugsuban is that a brother of Suthep Thaugsuban? both come from the same Constituency district: Surat Thani

    not to be confused with MP Thani Thaugsuban (here i know that he is a brother of Suthep, he won the by election last year in Surat Thani after his brother Suthep had to resign from his MP seat, because he got disqualified by Constitutional Court for having allegedly violated the charter)

  22. House meeting ended following squabbles between Democrat, Pheu Thai MPs

    The House meeting Thursday was abruptly ended after Democrat and Pheu Thai MPs squabbled whether the opposition could submit an interpellation to question the government about the on-going red-shirt demonstration.

    Pheu Thai MP Chaowarint Latthasaksiiri won the approval of then Deputy House Speaker Samart Kaewmeechai, a Pheu Thai MP, to submit the interpellation.

    Democrat Party MPs cried foul, saying Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban had already submitted a letter to inform the House that the government could not explain the measures for dealing the protesters as the rallies were still going on.

    After both sides hurled shouts against each other, Democrat MP Shane Thaugsuban rose up and rushed towards Chaowarin, but another Democrat MP stopped him and dragged him out of the assembly hall.

    After the turmoil broke out, Samart ended the House meeting at 2 pm.

    The Nation


    -- The Nation Published on March 18, 2010



  23. Thaksin is just upset because Jatuporn is reportedly having an affair with his son. At least that's the word on the street.

    The rumour was Jakapop not Jatuporn.

    many do believe Jakapop to be a homosexual NTTAWWT

    the issue came to a head right at the time that Jakapop was hung out to dry for his (in retrospect) extremely insulting and stupid speech that he gave at the foreign correspondents club. Aside from bad structure and ill thought out points, he was alleged to have committed lese majeste which he defended claiming bad translation.

    THe problem was he also had given the same speech in LA.....in Thai.

    Hence why he is on the run now and has turned into fugitive nutter red shirt number 2 (3 if you count convicted strongman slash corrupt politician Wattana Asavahame - don't see too many red shirts trying to get pardons for either of these gentlemen though). Ungpakorn is also on the run for lese majeste and while I admire him for speaking his mind, even if what he says is total <deleted> and not well reasoned, he is only pro red shirt because he is so anti certain things.

    I would guess that around this time red shirters were testing the limits of what their followers would take - da torpedo, Jakapop etc - unfortunately having served their purpose both were hung out to dry.

    Some feel that Jakapop was set up due to a relationship between him and Oak.

    I am unsure whether it is entirely true. I don't doubt the sexual orientation suits for both men, but rather that being one of the richest brats in Thailand able to shag any male model or guy willing to accept some gifts for bending over (or bending you over), why would you go for some 40+ year old botox injecting fake tan short-arse unattractive nut job with an ego almost the size of your dad? Its pretty well known the kid has some major issues aside from just cheating and being caught at university - his party habits were witnessed by thousands - however he has his own twitter account, so if his dad can't stand for politics, no doubt some idiots will vote him into power somehow.

    Tommy Suharto. Emelda Marcos. Baby Doc Duvalier. Now these are comparisons better than any German.

    the sort of thing a 7 year old would say, is so laughable.

  24. So Thaksin lied again!!! He told his sheep sorry followers he was in Switzerland.

    And Germany.

    When lies become your life, it becomes a compulsion to keep the stories straight.

    But it's a losing battle too.

    the problem is that Thaksin never said something like this. there where report he had said that on his twitter channel or someone from the FM told us where Thaksin is. but these sources you can consider as totally unreliable.

    gullible suckers believing everything what they read in The Nation and than getting angry at the issue The Nation gave false information about, instead of questioning The Nation itself.

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