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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. It occurs to me that Montenegro is in the same general area as Transylvannia. Could this explain the idea of paving the streets of Bangkok with blood ? :o

    no it isn't.

    They're not both in eastern-Europe ? According to my 'Times World Atlas' they're only about 300 miles apart, did one of them move ? :o

    so on some world atlas it looks almost the same?

    how many thumbs is it away from Greece or Italy when you travel with your index finger on a world map?

    Montenegro has not much in common with some Count Dracula stories. different location, different people, different culture, different history.

    if you try to put it in the same pot your are almost like people who cannot tell Thailand from Taiwan.

    but hey, if you order words in an alphabetic list tacky, Thaskin, Transylvania, trash, tricky, toxic, travesty, ting tong and trap come pretty close. awesome, right?

    it is your decision if that make some sense. in the internet you can type everything and can find somebody who has no knowledge but will agree with you as long you share the same hate object. easy win.

  2. I'm not aware of any blood oaths being taken. Where did you get that one from?

    Abhisit made the statement that he would not walk over the peoples blood to get to work. The blood is to be splashed over the entry to government house to show he lies. It is a symbolic gesture but good for the anti Abhisit/Elite in that it will generate International coverage.

    Nobody will be carrying blood filled syringes as suggested in somebody's lunatic comment above.

    I have not seen any very young children giving blood but I have seen some very happy young boys doing so. The drawing of even the tiny amount of blood involved is supervised by doctors and trained medical staff.

    "Abhisit made the statement that he would not walk over the peoples blood to get to work. "

    ahh, thank you for that information.

    it is still pretty much bizarre to me, but somehow i can follow this reason.

    it is of course symbolic, will achieve nothing in the direction that it would hinder Abhisit 'go to work', but give the reds something themselves, a 'we stick as group together feeling', an emotional kick and unity spirit. part of the show. you have to entertain people at a mass rally.

  3. There are 1000 cc's or 100ml in one liter. 1 million cc's = 1000 liters. The average adult human has 5 liters or 5000cc's of blood, so 10 cc's is about .2% of an adult's blood.

    In comparison, blood donation usually takes about 200-500 liters.

    i will not argue, but i think you got something wrong, and i am out of coffee, makes me to lazy to think in numbers too.

    100cc and 1000 ml are one liter or not? 1cc=10ml?

    and for a donation is it 200ml-500ml = 0,2-0,5 liter per person? (small heineken has 0,33l or 330ml)

    the idea is pretty much stupid, but how far i had understand the logistic behind to get that 1000 liter it will be more likely that not everybody of the 100.000 protesters gives a tiny spoonful of blood, but more that some volunteers give the amount of blood what would had given in a normal donation procedure. probably until they have some impressive amount. maybe like 500/1000/2000 people donating, but not all.

    the 1.000.000 ml =100.000 cc= 1000 liter is just a symbolic number.

    it is bizarre for me, shows me one more time how much different and totally distinct this world is from all the things that i know.

    did they get this idea ad hoc or is there some reference in the nations cultural memory?

    the national anthem has some blood rhetoric but for the post-modern-ignorant-me it is almost an empty meaning, just a phrase. is there some old mythology, legend, saga, national epos, whatever that included a similar ritual that they try to re-enact?

    or are they trying in an experimental mood to develop a totally new form of protest?

    we should also not forget that there wasn't a year '68 in Thailand and the tula 73 & 76 events something what got taught at school, comes in the history channel are that there are a wide range of books available. in the west you have demonstrations all day and its common business protesters, rioters, unions, peaceniks, radicals and the police have developed their rituals and everybody knows how mass march dynamics works.

    In Thailand the society is in a learning stage, how to express themselves via rallies. a trial and error process. for team yellow it was also something new what they did. such civil movements are new for thailand and thai people. how to bring conflicts on the street only crowds of rowdy teenagers have an established tradition of their bloody brawls.

    how silly that blood thingy sounds, i am asking myself how would i react or think about it if some clerics in Tibet would stage such a show or some mass protesters in one of the satellite states of the USSR 30 years ago during the commie times. something where i have more distance to it, be more detached, can look at it as an observer from outside.

    some thoughts, clueless.

    bloooooaddd? <deleted>

  4. i am impressed. amazing army, didn't shoot their own people on sight. they are true heros. evidently.

    now its on you village people to show some respect to the nation finest guardians, a decent Thai can trust the army, they will take care at everything. you can go home now and feel little bit ashamed of yourselves that not every red leader get it yet that the army is the best.

    anyway, beside pooking fun at The Nation rhetorical award ceremony and WINNER celebration with unnecessary childish teasing of the runner up, kudos to all sides that it was a peaceful day and that some people had learned how de-escalation at a protest site works.

  5. No, the US is not involved. However the US is OK to deal with the Abhisit government. They would also be OK to deal with a Thaksin puppet government. Contrast that with Burma though; the US is not OK to deal with the Burmese government. So if you are hard core red, you won't like that. Reds want the world to believe their movement is the moral equivalent of the peoples struggle in Burma. However, the world completely does NOT see it that way, and they are right.

    for the US it will be also okay to deal with a Junta.

    funny think is that Myanmar has a government that took sides, supports Abhisit and had declared that "Myanmar won't allow Thailand's foe to use its soil"

    that was at the ASEAN summit, remember? highest tension between Thailand and Cambodia, the other country who took sides. anger between Hun Sen and Abhisit, because of one evil man. and in this moment Myanmar Prime Minister Gen Thein Sein came forward with such a declaration.

    that was Abhisit biggest success so far on the international stage of foreign affairs.


    "the world completely" will NOT tell you how they see the reds or any other faction. NO comment.

    who ever will win here, red or yellow or camouflage, the international community will maybe voice some concerns how the victory was achieved, but express their honest hope that the country can move forward and that the bilateral relations will continue and strengthen.

    and the burmese generals will give a best buddies forever declaration again with lots of shake hands and smiles for the photographers.

  6. You know, I couldn't read that article without hearing the Morrissey song "The last of the famous international playboys" accompanying it. Especially the bit about just relaxing with coffee and cakes. Spot on.


    i did hear music from a stylish gentleman of leisure too:

    Louie Austen feat. Senor Coconut - Dreams (are my reality)

  7. Hmmm crazy move

    Totally insane. It doesn't fit in with anything that has happened this weekend, now does it? unsure.gif

    They are losing. They didn't turn out. They are humiliated. They are FRUSTRATED and their face is badly damaged. This isn't crazy given the crowd we are dealing with (remember BLACK SONGKRAN), it is totally PREDICTABLE.

    Also predictable, the pitiful red spin that is wasn't the reds who did this.

    after all this scare mongering, rhetoric how evil the reds are, that they are paid, that they are zombies, that the are uneducated, that they don't know no shift-key and have no clue about democracy and importance of capital letters to win an argument and that they the will for sure destroy the city and so on, the list is long - now something must finally happen like predicted.

    you win. everything you type in the internet become true (for you) you are a golden boy.

  8. there are also a lot of fan voices that demand that Thaksin should lead the red protest and are now disappointed and angry at him because because their pipe dreams not become true.

    despite their pleas and wishes he goes on with his gentlemen activities and daily business, travels around, met his kids abroad, have a private life and so on.

    Correct ... a lot of posters have been that for a couple of weeks. It's good to see some of his fans are seeing this now too.

    EDIT: The protestors will do better without him.

    actually i mean not really his 'fans' but his haters that are now disappointed and angry.

    everybody should be happy that he is doing something else.

  9. For people claiming that Mr. Thaksin is 'finished', there sure is a lot of interest in where he is. ;)

    there are also a lot of fan voices that demand that Thaksin should lead the red protest and are now disappointed and angry at him because because their pipe dreams not become true.

    despite their pleas and wishes he goes on with his gentlemen activities and daily business, travels around, met his kids abroad, have a private life and so on.

  10. Mazeltov, let's refresh ourselves at this point.

    You avoid answering questions, such as and specifically for example, when was the last time Thaksin was welcome or, more significantly, welcomed in a country which has a legitimately democratic political process and system of government?


    ...it's understandable that you can contest the reality that Thaksin in self-exile associates only with fellow tyrants, dictators and frauds.


    Name one legitimate democracy that anyone here would recognize as such

    in which Thaksin is other than an international parriah.

    Name One.

    does the USofA count for you?


    Thaksin, minister not banned : US Embassy

    By The Nation

    Published on February 11, 2009

    The American ambassador yesterday denied reports that ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra had been banned from entering the United States.

    Ambassador Eric G John said US authorities had no plans to rescind Thaksin's entry visa.

    He also dismissed as groundless a rumour that Commerce Minister Porntiva Nakasai's US visa had been revoked.

    The envoy said the US Embassy rarely commented on individual cases but he had to make the denial publicly in order to ensure fairness for the two persons.


    don't you remember that story?

    few days before the US_Ambassador came forward, rumours have been published also by The Nation and it seems it came direct from the center of the Abhisit government.

    "US considers whether to ban entry of runaway Thaksin BANGKOK: -- The United States is considering whether to ban fugitive ex-Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra from entering the country, PM's personal spokesman Thepthai Saenpong. ..." The Nation 2009-02-08

    that 'news' and rumours got also discussed on this board. for the fun you can have a look what the experts wrote. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Considers-Ba...ha-t241391.html

    are there any updates of the Thaksin US VISA story? did something changed?

    i didn't ask for the joy of bickering, but i really would like to know if there are any official statements by your favorite democracies about Thaksin.

    So beside Myanmar, had any other country officially declared that Thaksin isn't welcome and explained the reason for it?

  11. Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra would not be able to see his two daughters in Germany as he has been banned from the country since last year, German Ambassador to Thailand Hanns Schumacher said Sunday.

    LOL. :P

    Mr. Shoemaker, how do you know that his daughters went to Germany? And if so, couldn’t they just meet somewhere else, if your information would be true. Like Austria, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Liechtenstein, or even on the moon. Please don’t believe people who make shoes. Especially if their first name is Hannnnss.

    dude, don't become a fool and blame the Ambassador Hanns H. for the way The Nation twisted his words and how you wanna to read it.

    i am sure Ambassador Hanns H. would agree with you the Thaksin could met his daughters at many places in Europe, but it is not the job of Ambassador Hanns H. to make speculation about Shinawatra family meetings and their travel habits.

    asked what would happen if Thaksin travels into Germany the Ambassador Hanns H. said he would be subjected to the German immigration laws (like any other foreigner that travels to Germany.)

    anyway what is wrong with Hanns? is your name really "Mike" - in germany almost a proto case of Kevinismus

    or is it like 'Miracle Mike' the headless chicken?

  12. Think The Nation. The Nation make a mountain out of a molehill. so we have to look for the molehill behind this mountain story.

    For Germany it is a Visa issue. Thaksin has no visa, as far as the Ambassador knows, the Ambassador says.

    Now the Ambassodor gives the information: In case that somebody would enter Germany without proper documents this person would be subjected to the emigration laws which include arrest as one option to deal with such a offence. illegal border crossing.

    That is all what the Ambassador will tell you. He is a diplomat. He didn't say Thaksin is a persona non grata or that he is banned.

    "He didn't say Thaksin is a persona non grata or that he is banned".

    Mazeltov, sorry but if you re-read the OP, the German Ambassador is directly quoted as follows :-

    Thaksin was banned from Germany as he illegally obtain one-year residency last year, the German envoy said in a telephone interview.


    "So far, we are not aware of movement of former Prime Minister Thaksin to Germany since he has been banned," he said

    So he did say Thaksin has been banned, twice, and he gave the reason for it, would you not now agree ? B)

    Wish I could quote directly the OP within my post, and simply highlight the relevant lines for you, but forum-rules don't allow.

    want argue over a line you read in The Nation?

    true is Thaksin got his residence permit revoked. he lost his legal status as ' foreign resident'.

    to be legal in Germany he would need some kind of visa.

    the Ambassador said since the revocation of the resident permit (The Nation called it "banned" because is sounds more dramatic) he as Ambassador in Thailand don't know if Thaksin got a new visa or some kind of other visa. (means we don't tell it to you and/or we don't track all his movement) the cancellation of the resident permit is known to the public, anything else 'diplomatic business' the Ambassador chose to not talk about.

    Furthermore the Ambassador said that when Thaksin is in Germany he is subjected to the German immigration laws. That is true, every foreigner in Germany is that.

    there many ways for foreigner to become 'legal' in Germany. The Schengen visa for example.

    The Nation don't discuss all this. It goes not in details what if Thaksin 'is really 'illegal' in Germany, what would the consequences according to German immigration laws actually are. that sounds not dramatic. better leave it out, report only a half the truth.

    the headline could be "Shock news: Germany has immigration laws, Ambassador says"

    and i can't follow the argument that when Thaksin isn't allowed there and there or travels only to countries that are not in the top 10 of wealthy western white men democracy, that is it a prove how evil and corrupt Thaksin is.

    if Thaksin stays away from the UK (for reasons that are unknown and stay in diplomatic silence) it does not mean that the UK chose one side in the conflict and is in full support for Abhisit and sees Thaksin with the same eyes.

    not because he is an international criminal fugitive with so many charges against a international parriah makes it impossible to keep running around, rich or not.

    its diplomatic non-interference. no comments. nobody get a heart attack on the international level when it comes to Thaksin. he isn't big news, he isn't Sakharov, Mandela or Arrafat nor the Shah of Persia or Dr. Mabuse.

    look for example how Thailand or the FM itself refused to give the sister of the Dalai Lama a tourist visa.


    don't be so gullible when it comes to The Nation news, you make look like a fool afterwards.

    take the Interpol issue, if such red notice about Thaksin would really exist, entries above have pointed out what Interpol possible could do and what Interpol cannot do.

    my guess is that the FM was in the trail-stage or someone just thought about it that it maybe possible to tag Thaksin with such a red notice. the reports that came out about it almost suggested that it is an fact that Interpol, the international crime police super agents and Lucky Luke are now on their way to hunt Thaksin down and bring him back to Thailand.

    maybe it's smokescreen tactic and propaganda maybe the creators of such 'facts' really believe in it themselves.

    to recent news give a hint how it works:

    Thailand urges UAE to evict Thaksin

    that contains the following line: "The Thai foreign minister's secretary said he hoped the UAE government would cooperate with Thailand at a certain level as it has asked the Thai foreign ministry to translate the Thai Supreme Court's recent verdict on Mr Thaksin's frozen assets in Arabic, in which he said demonstrating that the UAE is interested in the matter."

    the request, to submit certain documents also in a translation in Arabic seems normal to me and like the usual procedure. The Thai FM turn that almost into a "yes" of the UAE to follow all Thai wishes. and two days later they tell the press:

    "It is now very possible for the UAE to agree with the Thai request to expell Thaksin,"

    Thaksin poised to leave UAE?

    do i believe that? no.

    i doesn't make much sense to me to add further anti-Thaksin rhetoric to such threads.

    Thaksin never get expelled, arrested or deported or extradited the Thailand despite all The Nation articles and statements from the FM that something like this will happen soon. this is false hope. and false information.

    even if the 'news' contain my deepest wishes, i would feel fooled and cheated if it turns out to be false.

    decide for yourself, it is your own choice in what state of delusion you wanna live.

  13. Sorry but your post was too criptic for me :wacko:

    the story how Thaksin got his resident permit revoked?

    Suthichai Yoon has some details in english, but its little bit more complex.


    the "scandal" wasn't much of a scandal.

    it got exposed by a backbencher buffoon of a small liberal opposition party who has no clue how diplomacy works. like the local congressman you get if you live deep country side. a member of parliament, his work includes also some SEA relations and he comes to thailand for the annual mixed pickles and sauerkraut fair to met local expats and middle class contacts. actually a nobody. that he was the 'wistle blower' and his name isn't even mentioned in the press that that case got.

    but without him Thaksin would probably still have his resident permit for Germany.

  14. so beside Myanmar, had any other country officially declared that Thaksin isn't welcome? and what are the reasons why Thaksin isn't welcome?

    Although I agree that the post you are responding to is a tad over the top.....

    Just today Germany has declared that he isn't welcome, even going as far as saying that he will be arrested if identified.

    He isn't allowed in the UK for example, although this has not been made official, probably to be as diplomatic about it as possible.

    Why?..... Well I don't think that a single country has given a reason as to why. My guess is (and it is a guess) that they just don't want the hot potato to be their hands.

    Think The Nation. The Nation make a mountain out of a molehill. so we have to look for the molehill behind this mountain story.

    For Germany it is a Visa issue. Thaksin has no visa, as far as the Ambassador knows, the Ambassador says.

    Now the Ambassodor gives the information: In case that somebody would enter Germany without proper documents this person would be subjected to the emigration laws which include arrest as one option to deal with such a offence. illegal border crossing.

    That is all what the Ambassador will tell you. He is a diplomat. He didn't say Thaksin is a persona non grata or that he is banned.

    a little bit bigger story and interesting is how Thaksin got his resident permit revoked. A 3rd row parliamentarian nobody from a then opposition party had his biggest hour (5 minutes) in his parliamentary career ever, when he found out Thaksin got a resident permit in a regional emmigration office. and that he got it with some help. faster then the usual red tape and paper work and without the usual waiting time. in the 'scandal' was no money involved but some influential persons who can make things faster, persons solve problems silently and gentlemen-diplomatic on a international level. scandal! it came for one day in a nationwide newspaper and okay, resident permit revoked.

    the parliamentarian, "the whistle blower" has some connection to an german-siam expat circle of small/medium-sized businesses, pensioners and comes here to the annual south beach mixed pickles and sauerkraut fair and had accidentally found out that there exist some diplomatic channels in the grey.

    the existence of the fast track grey channel was the problem, not so much the person Thaksin.

    be realistic. its a diplomatic issue. non of these top***** democracy will speak a judgment about Thaksin in the way the FM Kasit wanted to hear or The Nation would like to print it. forget it, such a statement will never come.

    Thaksin is also not stupid and will push that issue or brag about where and when he does his trips to europe.

    there will be no extradition from anywere (except Burma). if you hope for it you will be disappointed. The Nation maybe raise hope for something you wish to happen too, but it is false hope and in the end you have been fooled for the sake of selling newspapers ir a government propaganda that needs smokescreens and isn't honest to you.

    there is also no Santa, your new nigerian pen friend will never send you "$364 million and you don't get a free wheelchair once you have collected 100000 tax strips from cigarette boxes.

  15. He's probably holed up in another one of his favourite democracies - Burma. <_<

    these Generals aren't loyal with criminals and conspire against the laws. as seen at the last ASEAN summit they are best buddies of Abhisit now.

    That was a headline of bilateral friendship and relations between Myanmar and Thailand how they support each other to develop democracy and that Myanmar will not allowed Thaksin to settle there.


    assumed that news had been true of course, Myanmar can be put on the list of nice democracies where Thaksin can't hide and enjoy bockwurst and a weizen.

    And all that after the big loan they received with the help of good old Thaksin.

    Thaksin long ago made deals with the generals in Burma which benefited Shincorp during the same time he was declaring that democracy is not his goal. Working with brutal and vicious generals in Burma clearly is a higher and 'greater' goal.

    Then Thaksin stupendously claims a connection with Aung San Suu Kyi by saying he and she share the same

    experience of being oppressed, repressed and victims of a shytty judicial system.

    So Thaksin, which is it? Are you of and from the generals raping Burma but with whom you can do and did do business, or are you the Thai Suu Kyi, who herself is oppressed by the generals destroying Burma and railroaded by the tyranical regime that unhesitatingly engages in the impudent murder of monks and of the general population who dare to object to their squalid lives?

    It's almost mindboggling Kuhn Thaksin to document your expedient and opportunist remarks and trail of bullshyt. You are inconsistent in the extreme, will and do say anything that you hope will get you through the moment without regard of the future, and are so caught up in your own weaved web of bullshyt that you can't account for or reconcile your grossly contradictory statements from one moment to another, much less from one day to another.

    It's revealing to see who considers whom to be stupid.

    dude, you get something totally wrong here.

    that "tyranical regime that unhesitatingly engages in the impudent murder of monks and of the general population" was yesterday. now Abhisit deals with them. they are the good ones.

    and the only one democracy that had officially declared to help Abhisit in the Thaskin hunt


  16. what charges actually that would get him arrested and eventually deported to Thailand?


    i don't want spoil your fun here, but better don't waste your energy for false hope. the odds and the laws are against it and it is pathetic the Thai officials or the Press not inform the public in a honest way what is possible in the Thaksin hunt and what is not.

    Charges are obvious in his conviction for misuse of power in the land case, which got Thaksin two years. Another charge, which is why and how INTERPOL has its role in this, is his being an international fugitive from justice in his country of citizenship. Then there's the still hot unusual wealth ruling by the Supreme Court. There are many other charges pending which would be best litigated only if he returned to Thailand. If I put a false name on a passport of another country my government would begin an immediate investigation of me for just cause of holding both a US passport and a false passport of another country, and almost assuredly would revoke my own passport.

    Even Thaksin has more brains than to try to enter Germany or any other high profile country that has a respectable democracy, especially through a back door or a shady passageway. After all, Thaksin's only and comfortable friends in control of governments are the equally egotistical dictators, tyrants or authoritarians.

    When the democrat who wants democracy in Thailand can enter a legitimately democratic country, then maybe Thaksin could begin to get some credibility to his absurdly bogus claims, which we well know not only are laffable but also cynical and contemptous of everyone here.

    so the land case and after this a lot of rhetoric but actually nothing more.

    sorry, rhetoric will be not enough for an extradition,will not impress nobody outside Thailand. okay maybe you, don't know where you are. but nobody who is a position to make such decision.

    ahh, i forget. Mynmar voted to support Abhisit in that case. but that is all so far i have heard from.

    Gen Thein Sein: Myanmar won't allow Thailand's foe to use its soil

    there are reports that a couple of countries (UK, Japan, Germany... did i forget one?) that didn't issue Thaksin a new visa, probably only to avoid some diplomatic complications, having to deal with FM Kasit and delusional extradition requests.

    question: are there any official statements why Thaksin is not allowed to visit these countries? official statements by authorities from the respective countries and not the Thai FM of course)

    do you really believe there is an Interpol case? what if the FM or The Nation fooled you?

    and finally whatever you do with your US passport, it will have no relevance to the Thaksin case, but keep trying if you can chase the devil this way.

    Thaksin is fool's gold.

    Thaksin couldn't get into a legitimately democratic country with a crowbar. Thaksin couldn't get into a country organized into a legitimately democratic government with an 18-wheeler full of any combination of dollars, pounds, yen, euros etc.

    You can't name a country we would recognize as having a legitimate democratic political system and government which would admit Thaksin, nor could you name one such country Thaksin has visited since........since..........since........

    Thaksin who rediculously claims to be a democrat and who shamelessly claims to advocate democracy in Thailand continues to associate only with tin-pot dictators, tyrants who enrich themselves by nepotism and cronyism, and with authoritarians who rule with an iron fist.

    Name one legitimate democracy that anyone here would recognize as such in which Thaksin is other than an international parriah. Name one. Just one. Only one. One.

    omg. don't get an internet heart attack.

    adding more rhetoric but no facts at all.

    question: are there any official statements why Thaksin is not allowed to visit these countries?

    a statement similar like this:


    so beside Myanmar, had any other country officially declared that Thaksin isn't welcome? and what are the reasons why Thaksin isn't welcome? i am sure that is an issue that would make the news or not? should be easy to come up with such examples and references if there are any.

    you made this just all up in your blind hate and nothing of it is reasonable. and you will find nothing like your rants printed in the news papers of that top star democracies you are talking about. you sound like a failed 3rd class journalist trying hard and feeding the internet hate machine, nobody would publishing that, not even as letters to the editor.

    but thanks for the laugh.

  17. For sure, so lets hope he REALLY is going for broke this time, and that he REALLY goes broke. Hope springs eternal. However, I fear this is more like one of those zombie horror movies where you keep thinking the monster is finished, but he keeps coming alive for more ...

    You mean something siimilar to this,


    amazing video clip. should not be missed. watch!

  18. what charges actually that would get him arrested and eventually deported to Thailand?


    i don't want spoil your fun here, but better don't waste your energy for false hope. the odds and the laws are against it and it is pathetic the Thai officials or the Press not inform the public in a honest way what is possible in the Thaksin hunt and what is not.

    Charges are obvious in his conviction for misuse of power in the land case, which got Thaksin two years. Another charge, which is why and how INTERPOL has its role in this, is his being an international fugitive from justice in his country of citizenship. Then there's the still hot unusual wealth ruling by the Supreme Court. There are many other charges pending which would be best litigated only if he returned to Thailand. If I put a false name on a passport of another country my government would begin an immediate investigation of me for just cause of holding both a US passport and a false passport of another country, and almost assuredly would revoke my own passport.

    Even Thaksin has more brains than to try to enter Germany or any other high profile country that has a respectable democracy, especially through a back door or a shady passageway. After all, Thaksin's only and comfortable friends in control of governments are the equally egotistical dictators, tyrants or authoritarians.

    When the democrat who wants democracy in Thailand can enter a legitimately democratic country, then maybe Thaksin could begin to get some credibility to his absurdly bogus claims, which we well know not only are laffable but also cynical and contemptous of everyone here.

    so the land case and after this a lot of rhetoric but actually nothing more.

    sorry, rhetoric will be not enough for an extradition,will not impress nobody outside Thailand. okay maybe you, don't know where you are. but nobody who is a position to make such decision.

    ahh, i forget. Mynmar voted to support Abhisit in that case. but that is all so far i have heard from.

    Gen Thein Sein: Myanmar won't allow Thailand's foe to use its soil

    there are reports that a couple of countries (UK, Japan, Germany... did i forget one?) that didn't issue Thaksin a new visa, probably only to avoid some diplomatic complications, having to deal with FM Kasit and delusional extradition requests.

    question: are there any official statements why Thaksin is not allowed to visit these countries? official statements by authorities from the respective countries and not the Thai FM of course)

    do you really believe there is an Interpol case? what if the FM or The Nation fooled you?

    and finally whatever you do with your US passport, it will have no relevance to the Thaksin case, but keep trying if you can chase the devil this way.

  19. banned, not banned... I don't think anyone cares.

    Interpol... what a joke.

    Do you really think countries like Germany will assign resources to get hold of a former Thai prime minister on the run? ...

    i don't even sure if he is actually and official banned and on a blacklist some kind of.

    could be actually just mean he lost his residents permit. revoked because of some irregularities in the application process and that he didn't apply for any other kind of visa since. that is all.

    and The Nation makes it to a big headline.

  20. so many charges against him seems impossible to keep running around, rich or not. so far in literally two days it has been reported he was headed to: switzerland, germany, austria, cambodia. one report early on (BK post) mentioned he twittered he was remaining in dubai. maybe he does this to create an elusive blur of his whereabouts. I smell the karma coming his direction soon. you can only run with your tail between your legs for so long!

    what charges actually that would get him arrested and eventually deported to Thailand?

    and you can't blame Thaksin that the FM or certain news papers spread false rumours about his whereabouts, like that he is in Cambodia. he can't be a that evil mastermind to have that under control too, he isn't Dr. Mabuse.

    in Germany he would probably get arrested/charged for the violation of immigrations laws or illegal border crossing, not sure what consequences that would have that in his case. it is likely that he will get told that he have to leave the country at the same border where he was coming from.

    an extradition to Thailand will probably not happen. it is actually save to say. it will not happen.

    i don't want spoil your fun here, but better don't waste your energy for false hope. the odds and the laws are against it and it is pathetic the Thai officials or the Press not inform the public in a honest way what is possible in the Thaksin hunt and what is not.

  21. If Interpol are doing their job maybe not? I seem to remember he is on their list, but may be wrong .

    Although according to The Nation

    The Foreign Ministry has requested that the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) apprehend fugitive former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, who is suspected of being behind the recent riots by red-shirted protesters.

    Interpol will help Thailand circulate Thaksin's identification details and judicial information about him internationally.

    The sources said Thaksin had been given an Interpol "red notice", which is recognised in a number of countries and serves as the legal basis for provisional arrest. A red notice is intended to help police identify or locate Thaksin, with a view to his arrest and extradition.

    sorry to bring the 'news', but we have been probably fooled by this The Nation report or the FM office itself.

    would not have been the first nor the last time and these 'information' turned out to be false.

    you can go to the interpol web site, there is a search option to look up for criminals. i didn't found Thaksin there.


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