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Posts posted by rametindallas

  1. This is just barbaric and disgusting! bah.gifpost-4641-1156693976.gif

    Not really, no.

    chickens, ducks, cows, sheep, dogs, no real difference.

    YES there is a big difference. Dogs are and have been for thousands of years a companion to man. But you ignore that fact.

    Dogs as work animals have been used since forever but as pets, this is a fairly recent development and first among the very wealthy. Most folks didn't have the wherewithal to support an animal that didn't work for its keep. "Man's Best Friend" was developed by the pet food Industry to make people guilty to buy commercial pet food instead of feeding it scraps. Dogs are 'pack' animals and, in nature, would never bond with a single human. It is only by taking the pups away and having them 'imprint' on a human that they become dependent/subservient to that human. Pets = unnaturally enslaved animals that humans force into adapting to human ways. Just because humans are anthropomorphizing dogs doesn't mean they are what you think they are.


  2. Poor guy can't have it that his side is in the wrong. For sure a lot of rain fell and even here they blame politicians but hey you don't want to believe that. Do you really think they would not have mentioned this if the guy did not cause problems. It would have been a lot better if he had not done anything and if they had released the water when they wanted (the professionals) not when the politician wanted it. Therefor it made the flood worse.

    Don't you know who interfered with the dams ? to save his province and rice.. I thought it was public knowledge. Just go inform yourself a bit and then you know that 2011 flooding was for a large caused by those actions. So yes I believe it. I lived through the flooding it affected me in a bad way so I did loads of research.

    So what is the part you don't believe ?

    I don't believe that Robblock of the internet, can understand the complex factors environmental and political of an incident which probably built over 9 months over two governments and across 1000's of km of land rained upon in many countries, yet you have narrowed it down to one politician saving his province and rice!!

    And how have you got these caste iron facts of this political doing something, and how did that have the knock on affects that it did? Or was there just a huge amount if rain dumped that year? Given it flooded all over the country? was whatever rumour you are believing even a factor in it? Do you have any proof at all? Do you have any expertise to lean on which says this was the cause? Or are you just speculating because it suits your agenda?

    For someone who understands these complex factors your sure seemed dim when you were whining that the Government did not tell you your area was going to flood. For such a professional in these complex matters i would have thought you would have foreseen the flooding.

    And yes i whined a lot because of the lack of information there was then, but that was about the water movement. Not about the cause of the flood. As you know governments have satellites and small planes that can monitor the situation and they could have relayed that information to the public, however they did not because that was admitting their failure. Only after it was too late did they start giving out correct information.

    But hey in your eyes YL did everything good. (p.s YL was not the politician I am talking about she just mishandled the situation together with Mr Propeller head an other one of your all star team)

    The decision by a certain politician for delay the release of water to protect the interests in his province was well commented on at the time; and it was noted other "prominent" land owning families were also keen to make sure the harvest was in first. Regardless of the later effects on many others, they delayed action to suit themselves and made sure they'd cash in on the rice scheme high prices. This wasn't the only factor. But it did have serious consequences for some.

    Yingluck repeatedly said there'd be no flooding in certain areas; then changed to some areas didn't mind being flooded to save Bangkok. She obviously only asked her mates.

    Rob - he always tries this tactic. Confuse the issue with as many complications as possible, whilst adding sarcastic remarks trying to belittle the other poster. Of course he isn't a Thaksin Shin fan wink.png

    So asking for someone to back up their claims that all the floods were caused by a politician up country, in a thread title blaming political interference for the floods is trying to confuse the issue? and is a tactic? It seems pretty relevant to the topic.

    Ok as long as i know now that internet speculation/gossip should now be taken as factual information.

    Government insiders point to conflict of duties between government departments.

    The irrigation department’s mandate, for instance, is to plan for droughts and use water for irrigation. This means that it often does not agree with the priorities of other departments and local administrations.

    The Agriculture Ministry is controlled by a party led by former premier Banharn Silpa-archa. The old-style veteran politician from Suphanburi province, north-west of Bangkok, is in an alliance with the Puea Thai.

    ‘Banharn doesn’t want flooding in Suphanburi, which produces three crops a year. If there is flooding they may lose one crop,’ a source told The Straits Times.

    ‘He is the real minister for agriculture. He may not be in the government, but he operates as if he owns the ministry. But (the Puea Thai) needs him to support its push to amend the Constitution.’


  3. I am not a hydrologist (not even sure if that's the correct term), so can someone who has some knowledge in this field please tell me why we have a problem now?

    Political interference in 2011, OK instructed to let more water out, military coup in 2014, did the order remain in force for 3 years? Did the military not stop the practice in 2014? Have we had massively reduced rainfall since 2011? Now we have artificial rainmaking which they say will alleviate/solve the problem?

    Or is someone just playing politics?

    The order, in force until the coup one year ago, was to keep water levels in all the dams lower than before. To quote Niphon of the TDRI, "political interference (by the Yingluck government) led to the adjustment of lower rule curve (LRV) in water control by the Royal Irrigation Department." You've heard of gun-shy? They were flood-shy; having been burned by their mis-handling of the 2011 floods. There has not been sufficient rain since the coup to refill the dams so that previous policy doesn't matter now; it's not like you can turn on the spigot. No one is playing politics now as the current government has no constituency. Hope this helps.


  4. This has got to upset the Thaksin Brigade who have been railing against the current government's attempts at reform as distractions keeping Thailand from democracy tyranny of the majority. More than a few governments around the world are pleased that Thailand is getting its house in order and understand that certain elements have to change before democracy can have a chance to grow.


    Can you name these numerous countries?

    I seem to remember a few weeks ago an article was posted listing a group of countries that were the new friends of Thailand. It was a short list and comprised of countries that would certainly not be on anyone's "must visit list".

    As for calling democracy a "tyranny of the majority" shows a certain scary view of politics in the 21st century. I presume the poster regards "tyranny of the minority" as a much better system. Now that worries me greatly.

    I presume the poster regards "tyranny of the minority" as a much better system.

    No, I mean the Thai habit of 'if you have a veto-proof majority in Parliament, you just ram through whatever you want; regardless what the minority feels'. The Yingluck Thaksin 'blanket' Amnesty Bill is an example. Don't be obtuse or try to mis-characterize what I wrote. If you're not sure of my meaning, you can respond directly to my post instead of talking about me to another poster. You're a little bit of a 'sneaky snake' aren't you?


  5. This has got to upset the Thaksin Brigade who have been railing against the current government's attempts at reform as distractions keeping Thailand from democracy tyranny of the majority. More than a few governments around the world are pleased that Thailand is getting its house in order and understand that certain elements have to change before democracy can have a chance to grow.


    Can you name these numerous countries?

    Can I? Yes

    Will I? No

    I would for someone else but not for you. I didn't find my experience interacting with you in the past satisfying. In any case, it is not pertinent to the fact that Switzerland is supporting the good governance and reforms of PM Prayut and his government which is the subject of the OP.


    Well, can you do it for me then??? Please, pretty please!!!

    Well, can you do it for me then???

    Sure, I can do it for you... but I won't.

    Please, pretty please!!!

    You seem a little needy. Don't you have any friends to bother?


  6. The Chinese refer to dog as 'fragrant meat' and 1.3 billion Chinese can't all be wrong. Pigs are much smarter creatures but few have a problem using them as a protein source. I think they should license abattoirs to humanely process dog meat for sale to those who enjoy. I can't see how this infringes on anyone's right to enslave a dog, by getting them to imprint on you when they are young, as a pet; even though I find the practice of 'owning' animals as 'pets' odd.

    I wonder what the "dog merchants" will be charged with since they neither killed nor butchered the animals.


  7. Any one get the impression that the Japanese authorities are professional, determined and ready to follow this through to the end where ever it may lead.

    No. How long has he been under arrest, a week now? And the prosecutors are just now going to interrogate him to determine if he should be prosecuted? Something isn't right here. Even in the U.S. (although there are horrendous exceptions) prosecutors normally make the decision within a day or two after the arrest. I'm not counting the 16 year old kid who was kept in pretrial detention at Rikers Island for three years before the prosecutor realized he had no probable cause to charge the kid. Or the hundreds (thousands?) of cases of poor people who are held for months because they can't make bail.

    Something is going on here besides the charges that are being talked about. He has to have done something to offend a powerful person in Japan.

    Japan always does this for big cases.

    They have 3 days to hold someone before officially arresting them. They will often wait until the 3rd day, even though the charges are clear (especially with foreigners).

    The prosecutor then has 10 days to make a case. During this time, the suspect is interrogated by the detective assigned to the case, visiting the prosecutor now and then. The prosecutor can extend the investigation for 10 days, which they often do in big cases. No need to rush. They already said that Kamronwit will be held for 20 days, and that means that the prosecutor has already decided to extend that investigation period. 20 days is totally, totally normal. And so is re-arresting someone after that for other crimes, then repeating the 20 day cycle again.

    Everything is proceeding as one would expect. As for what kind of deals are being made behind the scenes, who knows. Of course Japan wants to "save face" as well, they need to send a message about their laws and guns in the airport. Surely Japan will do something to show that foreigners better take J law seriously. Behind the scenes, they will get some big business contracts inside Thailand. This is a good opportunity for them to do so, and I'm sure the people bargaining for Kamronwit will be bargaining with such contracts.

    Do you really think this idiot rates any special "deals" to be done re bargaining for contracts - he wouldn't even rate as a full-stop on the documents under consideration or influence any outcome considering the graft commissions likely to come from major projects.

    Now that Kamronwit is a civilian, with no ability to help his, now former, friends, they probably don't see where they would get any 'return' on anything invested in his release. Lord Valdemort na Dubai if famous for throwing his supporters under the bus when they are no longer of use to him.


  8. This has got to upset the Thaksin Brigade who have been railing against the current government's attempts at reform as distractions keeping Thailand from democracy tyranny of the majority. More than a few governments around the world are pleased that Thailand is getting its house in order and understand that certain elements have to change before democracy can have a chance to grow.


    Can you name these numerous countries?

    Can I? Yes

    Will I? No

    I would for someone else but not for you. I didn't find my experience interacting with you in the past satisfying. In any case, it is not pertinent to the fact that Switzerland is supporting the good governance and reforms of PM Prayut and his government which is the subject of the OP.


  9. I'm going to make a case for laying this credit card problem at the feet of Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra

    Thaksin and increased credit cards in Thailand https://books.google.com/books?id=bqR1BwAAQBAJ&pg=PA286&lpg=PA286&dq=Thaksin+and+increased+credit+cards+in+Thailand&source=bl&ots=aNfLi7KOCV&sig=vP3tnliRrN7jcsA_qgAEsDTXNW0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=i1OUVY-IAYGtsQXYvoOoBg&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Thaksin%20and%20increased%20credit%20cards%20in%20Thailand&f=false

    Thaksin offers easy credit, credit cards for taxi drivers (notice the date. Thaksin was speaking, by direct link, for his puppet PTP) Addressing the problem of drivers being unable to get loans to buy taxis as they could not find a guarantor, Thaksin said his policies would allow fellow taxi drivers to cross guarantee for the loans, even though they were all borrowers. (who wouldn't love that?) http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/466514-thaksin-offers-easy-credit-credit-cards-for-taxi-drivers/

    Analysis: A "Thaksinomics" renaissance in Thailand "But critics said Thaksinomics was little more than pork-barrel politics and failed to substantially boost jobs or end a dependency on exports, which were equivalent to about 50 percent of total GDP in 2005, a ratio that is now about 65 percent.

    The cheap credit also drove household debt as a percentage of income above 57 percent from below 50 percent in 2001." http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/30/us-thailand-election-economy-idUSTRE75T0SW20110630

    “(Thaksin’s) Government also sought ways to mobilize dormant funds in the commercial banking system for this credit-driven system. In 1999, interest rates had fallen to historically low levels as a result of excess liquidity both locally and worldwide. After a slight hump in 2001, engineered to deter capital exit, rates declined still further in 2002. Several banks looked to consumer lending and other forms of private credit as a way to deploy their excess deposits. From early 2002, such loans increased rapidly. Foreign firms like G.E. Capital opened specialty consumer loan business. (The Thaksin) Government eased credit card regulations resulting in the launch of several low-end cards and an increase in the total number of cards from 3 million to 6 million (20 January 2004). Consumer debt increased for housing, automobiles, other durables, and credit card usage.” https://books.google.com/books?id=bPjRk3FMEJwC&pg=PA106&lpg=PA106&dq=Thaksin+and+increased+credit+cards+in+Thailand&source=bl&ots=AGRy-ziF3T&sig=HPkGL2zgKOp9CX0O6t9vwsG3g6Y&hl=en&sa=X&ei=i1OUVY-IAYGtsQXYvoOoBg&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Thaksin%20and%20increased%20credit%20cards%20in%20Thailand&f=false

    So by making Thai people debt slaves, he 'improved' the Thai economy in the same way his PTP 'improved' Thailand under Yingluck's administration. Smoke and mirrors come to mind.


  10. Sounds like this female Swiss ambassador is as gullible as the last US female ambassador to Thailand.

    Perhaps they both know better than you how corrupt the last government was and how decent the current PM and his staff are. In any case, Ambassadors speak for their counties and not for themselves so really, you are saying that both the US and Switzerland governments are unaware of circumstances, past and present, in Thailand. I find that hard to believe. More likely is you're the one who is uninformed/misinformed/duped.


  11. This has got to upset the Thaksin Brigade who have been railing against the current government's attempts at reform as distractions keeping Thailand from democracy tyranny of the majority. More than a few governments around the world are pleased that Thailand is getting its house in order and understand that certain elements have to change before democracy can have a chance to grow.


    Democracy is: 1 man / woman is 1 vote. In 1933 this principle was abandoned in Germany. To "give democracy a chance to grow",or to form a "Volksgemeinschaft" of course. After 6 years it was all over. Some posts suggest, that some sort of "Thai-Volksgemeischaft" (Thainess, if you will), would be desirable to lead Thailand into a bright future ???



    I think you just invoked Godwin's Law http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GodwinsLaw

    "It is generally accepted that whoever is the first to play the "Hitler card" has lost the argument as well as any trace of respect, as having to resort to comparing your adversary to the most infamous mass-murdering dictator in history generally means you've run out of better arguments."

    So, explain to me, Swissie, why the Swiss government is so supportive of the current Thai government. Was the Swiss government just as supportive of the German government in 1933 to which you are comparing to the current Thai government? Are you really insinuating that PM Prayut is emulating the Austrian with the funny mustache?


  12. Any one get the impression that the Japanese authorities are professional, determined and ready to follow this through to the end where ever it may lead.

    No. How long has he been under arrest, a week now? And the prosecutors are just now going to interrogate him to determine if he should be prosecuted? Something isn't right here. Even in the U.S. (although there are horrendous exceptions) prosecutors normally make the decision within a day or two after the arrest. I'm not counting the 16 year old kid who was kept in pretrial detention at Rikers Island for three years before the prosecutor realized he had no probable cause to charge the kid. Or the hundreds (thousands?) of cases of poor people who are held for months because they can't make bail.

    Something is going on here besides the charges that are being talked about. He has to have done something to offend a powerful person in Japan.

    Japan always does this for big cases.

    They have 3 days to hold someone before officially arresting them. They will often wait until the 3rd day, even though the charges are clear (especially with foreigners).

    The prosecutor then has 10 days to make a case. During this time, the suspect is interrogated by the detective assigned to the case, visiting the prosecutor now and then. The prosecutor can extend the investigation for 10 days, which they often do in big cases. No need to rush. They already said that Kamronwit will be held for 20 days, and that means that the prosecutor has already decided to extend that investigation period. 20 days is totally, totally normal. And so is re-arresting someone after that for other crimes, then repeating the 20 day cycle again.

    Everything is proceeding as one would expect. As for what kind of deals are being made behind the scenes, who knows. Of course Japan wants to "save face" as well, they need to send a message about their laws and guns in the airport. Surely Japan will do something to show that foreigners better take J law seriously. Behind the scenes, they will get some big business contracts inside Thailand. This is a good opportunity for them to do so, and I'm sure the people bargaining for Kamronwit will be bargaining with such contracts.

    I think they are keeping Kamronwit dangling because he insulted them by trying to bring a loaded revolver through their airport security and onto a commercial passenger plane. He is being punished for his arrogance. I don't know from Japanese today but their history shows they can be merciless. They are letting him twist in the wind to teach him, and any other Thai/foreigner that you don't mess with Japan.


  13. Japanese authorities are not stupid and corrupt as in other place we know so well,

    and if this Lt. General think for a moment that he can rank and title his out of this mess.

    he's got another thing coming... I foresee lost of Ramen and fish soups on his menu

    for sometime to come, and if by miracle he will get out with a light punishment, it will be

    because an enormous pressure was put on the prosecutors and the Japanese government....

    If he gets out of it light, it's because the J gov or J corporations got a very nice deal on doing business in Thailand. I doubt Japan is going to buckle at pressure from Thailand, Japan has the chips to bargain with right now, and of course they are going to use them.
    About the food:
    He can get a nicer, larger bento for an addition 150 baht, with little fried goodies and some milk.

    Somehow I don't see the current government motivated to give anything away to help this Thaksin brown-noser. I tend to think they want to use all their bargaining power for themselves. I imagine that, if asked about Kamronwit, PM Prayut will quietly say, "Let him rot for all I care".


  14. This has got to upset the Thaksin Brigade who have been railing against the current government's attempts at reform as distractions keeping Thailand from democracy tyranny of the majority. More than a few governments around the world are pleased that Thailand is getting its house in order and understand that certain elements have to change before democracy can have a chance to grow.


  15. Drugs in any form are poison, but 50 years is excessive when compared to other sentences handed out.

    As an ex soldier, although I did rather longer in uniform, I'm saddened that he would stoop so low. I've had some difficult times since I left the mob and although tempted on one occasion by a wide boy who himself landed up in clink, my disciplined background wouldn't allow me to stray. That said, a lot of things have changed for the worse since I was 26 and the world seems to become more selfish and generally less caring now.

    My final thought is why do individuals like this always think they can get away with it, particularly in a foreign country where we stick out like sore thumbs? There are never any prizes for stupidity.

    My final thought is why do individuals like this always think they can get away with it, particularly in a foreign country where we stick out like sore thumbs?

    Maybe he was taking a 'feel good' drug, possibly MDMA, and his judgment was impaired.


  16. The thing with crime, and this includes drug dealing, is that nobody ever expects to get caught.

    No matter what, this is excessive punishment. I don't know how long he will actually spend in jail, I suspect he could get transferred to a UK jail within 5 years, but the punishment here does not fit the crime.

    British guys in Thai jails have a harder time than many other nationalities as they get no support from the UK government. There are charities that can help, but basically he will need to depend on help from friends and family outside for even basics like food and basic medicine etc.

    Much as I dislike drug dealing, I feel sorry for this guy.

    Would you still feel sorry for him if any of your family died because they were using drugs supplied by a dealer?

    If there was no drug dealers, almost every type of crime would be reduced.

    and AJAYDEE, you cannot say that bartenders can be compared with drug dealers, alcohol is not a drug if drunk in moderation.

    Or if drugs were legal and controlled there would be no dealers, that would work too !!

    That could be the case, I don't really know, I have not got an opinion on this yet, I would need to know more about it.

    Study Portugal's 14 years experience of legalizing a 10 day supply of any and all drugs. Addiction rates down by 30% and deaths from drugs by 50%. Has anyone read horror studies coming out of Portugal concerning drug use? NO.

    Keith Richards, of The Rolling Stones, famously said that the reason he is not dead is because he used only high quality heroin. Poor addicts have to buy in the street. Keith Richards is a tax-paying contributor to society and admired by many yet the poor street addict is scorned. Sir Mick Jagger is also self-confessed heroin user yet he was knighted. Double standards, anyone? Does someone have to be rich to have human dignity?


  17. Ecstacy is supposed to mainly comprise MDMA, back in the 70s marketed as the 'love drug', but now often mainly made up of amphetamines.

    The 50 year sentence seems extraordinary, especially as he pleaded guilty, was it commuted from a death sentence? Anyone know if it was an importation or drugs acquired locally. Hopefully the guy will get sentence reductions in the coming years. Does HMG arrange repatriation after a certain period to serve time in UK prison?

    I am not a Brit but why should he be transferred to a British prison and there to become a burden on the English taxpayer for 50 years. I am no great lover of China but they seem to have the perfect answer to this kind of crime.

    Well I AM a Brit and I totally agree with you

    With a bit of luck he'll die of AIDS after sharing the needle of heroin he'll become addicted to... Scumbag drug dealers

    They all deserve to have copious amounts of what they sell injected into their veins... Let's be rid of the scum

    Why are you so full of hate that you think 50 years in one of the world's most horrible prisons is not enough? You strike me as one who would be first in line at a stoning. You could join ISIS and behead a few people. Would that satisfy your blood-lust?


  18. 50 years most be a mild sentence if he had be a Thai city cent there will only be death penalty, but serve 10 - 20 yers in thailand before he can be sent home UK.

    Drug delling is the worst crime ever and i can only say rest in peace. He not death yet but nearly the same.

    Drug delling is the worst crime ever

    I disagree. Pedophilia, the preying on innocent, defenseless children for sexual gratification, seems much more damaging to the individual victim and to society as many studies show that molested children often grow up to become molesters themselves.

    Every customer of a drug dealer is voluntarily seeking the services of the dealer. In fact, may people refer to it as a victim-less crime. Portugal and the Czech Republic have both 100% legalized drugs and their societies are provably better for doing so. Please educate yourself and stop thinking with the same brain that was indoctrinated when you were young. You can grow out of your prejudices, you know?


  19. The thing with crime, and this includes drug dealing, is that nobody ever expects to get caught.

    No matter what, this is excessive punishment. I don't know how long he will actually spend in jail, I suspect he could get transferred to a UK jail within 5 years, but the punishment here does not fit the crime.

    British guys in Thai jails have a harder time than many other nationalities as they get no support from the UK government. There are charities that can help, but basically he will need to depend on help from friends and family outside for even basics like food and basic medicine etc.

    Much as I dislike drug dealing, I feel sorry for this guy.

    Would you still feel sorry for him if any of your family died because they were using drugs supplied by a dealer?

    If there was no drug dealers, almost every type of crime would be reduced.

    and AJAYDEE, you cannot say that bartenders can be compared with drug dealers, alcohol is not a drug if drunk in moderation.

    Or if drugs were legal and controlled there would be no dealers, that would work too !!

    Hmmmmm, why do I hate these scrotes.........Many moons ago I spent a few years as a mini cab driver in London. Over a period you learned who the junkies were. Mostly laid in doors all day on benefits and called us to take them to the pharmacy to get their free prescription drugs, which I helped pay for. On taking them back home it was mandatory to check the floor behind me as some jacked up in the back and left used syringes on the floor...Bar stewards....

    As a taxpayer, you should have been happy as it is a lot cheaper to give these lost souls free drugs than to pay for their incarceration. Also, they didn't have to steal to supply their addiction. Just because you hate them doesn't mean you have to throw common sense and economics out of the window. BTW, do you hate everyone on government assistance? FYI, your hate is hurting you more than the people you hate; hate eats you up inside.

    One day, science may be able to correct the 'addiction gene' and these people won't suffer/be a burden, but that day isn't here, yet.


  20. Too bad you didn't post #15 or you would know it is beginning to be used as a medicine.

    This if from the US DEA website: http://thedea.org/statistics.html

    Yes, this guy was a real menace to society. /sarcasm

    BTW, The US DEA classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 or 'hard' drug alongside heroin and crack cocaine.


    Most of the people that show up in the ER, even those in genuine medical danger, will make a full recovery. Most...but not all. In recent years in the US, the greatly increasing rate of MDMA use has made deaths a somewhat regular occurrence. Listening to the government 'drug experts' you might think users were dropping like flies. The truth, as usual, is less grim than the drug warriors would have us believe:

    Deaths involving MDMA (from districts reporting to SAMHSA):


    1994 - 1

    1995 - 6

    1996 - 8

    1997 - 3

    1998 - 9

    1999 - 42

    2000 - 63

    2001 - 76


    That's it then, problem solved....take us much drugs as you like, then end up in hospital, let the doctors make you better, or die.....thanks, see you again next week Doc!

    Are they actually taking MDMA, MDMA analogs, or a drug being sold at MDMA but is not.

    Are the deaths from overdoses of MDMA or are the deaths caused by other factors and then then toxicology report indicates MDMA in the victim's system, and the death is attributed to MDMA.

    I personally knew a whole lot of people taking MDMA in my University days, and I don't know of one person that ever overdosed, no less died from ingesting MDMA or MDMA analogs.

    I'll go back to:

    There's lies;

    Damn lies: and


    What's the real story with the published stats? Why not publish alcohol related deaths as a direct comparison?

    Actually, my post confirms that MDMA is on a par with aspirin, mortality-wise.

    Annual Causes of Death in the United States http://www.csdp.org/publicservice/causes.htm

    note that prescribed drug deaths are double of all the illegal drugs combined.


  21. This sentence is over-kill for any possible damage to society from MDMA (street name ecstasy). In my opinion, it is over-kill even if he had been selling heroin. Opium was 100% legal in Thailand until 1962 and if you go to rural Isaan, many villagers smoke ganja.

    Ecstasy therapy approved for trial in Marin County http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Ecstasy-therapy-approved-for-trial-in-Marin-6283115.php

    Brain Scans Hint at Therapy Uses of Ecstasy for Anxiety, PTSD http://psychcentral.com/news/2014/01/18/brain-scans-hint-at-therapy-uses-of-ecstasy-for-anxiety-ptsd/64700.html

    The Role of MDMA (Ecstasy) in Coping with Negative Life Situations Among Urban Young Adults http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3235684/

    For those vehemently against any sale of any illicit drug, there are, believe it or not, shades of gray in the dangers associated with different drugs. Cigarettes and alcohol are perfectly legal and are far more damaging to society than most illicit drugs. Every drug you could want has been legal (10 day supply) in Portugal for more than 14 years and illicit drug use has gone down 30% and drug deaths are down by 50% without the criminal justice system being involved. Can anyone find any negative stories on Portugal's relaxing of drug laws? NO!

    Some people are risk-takers, some people are gay, and some people are drawn to drugs. There is something inside them that makes them that way and criminalization has never stopped, or even reduced, these behaviors. I'm glad my world is not 'black and white'.


    What you are talking about is Politics. Then there is also the LAW. 200 tablets of Meth may appear less than, say, 1.5kgs of heroine, still, it is above what they consider for personal consumption. That normally draws Death penalty in Thailand. The other guy was right: 50 years clearly is a commuted Death sentence. Could be that other judges in other instances did not apply the Law as they should have, whatever the reason. You cannot take pretext from such cases to require that the judge NOT apply the Law here, also.

    BTW Meth is actually very dangerous.

    I believe that Malaysia either still does, or quite recently used to have, a limit of 1 ounce of cannabis, for someone to be convicted of trafficking or dealing, and to be hanged, no ifs or buts. And I don't for a minute believe that the race of religion of the perp played much of a part in sentencing! I believe Singapore was/is similar. So, 200 tabs = 50 years! Is there really much that is disproportionate between the two countries' tariffs?!

    Correction: In Malaysia it is now the mind-bogglingblink.png amount of seven ounces of pot, where one can be hanged for dealing/trafficking.

    How is Malaysian drug law pertinent to a discussion of Thailand's laws on drug possession? Do you have a link to the penalties associated with the possession of various drugs in Thailand?

    I find it hard to believe this young man sold MDMA, aka ecstasy, fully knowing he would be sentenced to 50 years in Klong Prem Prison (one of the most notorious Hell-holes of all the world's prisons) if caught. Maybe he was on drugs and had a diminished capacity to know the extent of his damage to society.


  22. This sentence is over-kill for any possible damage to society from MDMA (street name ecstasy). In my opinion, it is over-kill even if he had been selling heroin. Opium was 100% legal in Thailand until 1962 and if you go to rural Isaan, many villagers smoke ganja.

    Ecstasy therapy approved for trial in Marin County http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Ecstasy-therapy-approved-for-trial-in-Marin-6283115.php

    Brain Scans Hint at Therapy Uses of Ecstasy for Anxiety, PTSD http://psychcentral.com/news/2014/01/18/brain-scans-hint-at-therapy-uses-of-ecstasy-for-anxiety-ptsd/64700.html

    The Role of MDMA (Ecstasy) in Coping with Negative Life Situations Among Urban Young Adults http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3235684/

    For those vehemently against any sale of any illicit drug, there are, believe it or not, shades of gray in the dangers associated with different drugs. Cigarettes and alcohol are perfectly legal and are far more damaging to society than most illicit drugs. Every drug you could want has been legal (10 day supply) in Portugal for more than 14 years and illicit drug use has gone down 30% and drug deaths are down by 50% without the criminal justice system being involved. Can anyone find any negative stories on Portugal's relaxing of drug laws? NO!

    Some people are risk-takers, some people are gay, and some people are drawn to drugs. There is something inside them that makes them that way and criminalization has never stopped, or even reduced, these behaviors. I'm glad my world is not 'black and white'.


    What you are talking about is Politics. Then there is also the LAW. 200 tablets of Meth may appear less than, say, 1.5kgs of heroine, still, it is above what they consider for personal consumption. That normally draws Death penalty in Thailand. The other guy was right: 50 years clearly is a commuted Death sentence. Could be that other judges in other instances did not apply the Law as they should have, whatever the reason. You cannot take pretext from such cases to require that the judge NOT apply the Law here, also.

    BTW Meth is actually very dangerous.

    Ecstasy, not meths. Ecstasy is less harmful than whisky.

    Exactly. There is an earlier post quoting the former head of Britain's Drug Control Board stating that MDMA is less dangerous than riding a horse.


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