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Posts posted by skills32

  1. Recent sad additions to the growing list..........\

    Ivan Barnes.

    Davey Bosco Jones.

    Robbie Wallis.

    R.I.P. all and I'm having a beer in remembrance.

    PM or call me if you need more info.

    Phil 086 910 4450.

    Is that the Davy Jones who hung out at the Hash Pub all the time?

    yes, used to.

    And he was one of the nicest guys God ever put breath into.

    He had a great life.

    He certainly did and to think he started his life on the portals of an Irish church, having been left there by his mother as an unwanted child.

  2. I fly a LOT and from what I have seen its only normally the budget airlines that hammer you for excess. Real airlines are not so strict, as long as you are not trying to take the piss with 30 odd kgs. Additionally, the airline is more likely to be more lenient with you if you are a frequent flyer with their airline or syndicate. Failing that, bung them in your carry-on.

    Just came back from Melbourne and the bag was a bit over, so the girl asked me if I could take something out; I took out two books and she said OK.

    So I walked off carrying my bag in one hand and the two books in the other and she wasn't blonde.

  3. Thanks again for the replies. The guys played at Lanna yesterday and thought was reasonable, but the greens were poor. One of the men lives right on a nice 9 hole golf course in Canada and knows how to compare courses. They both told me that golf is no longer cheap in Thailand because of the enforced caddy rule, and very few if any of the caddys really knows anything about golf.

    Either a bad caddy experience or your friends know nothing about caddies. Or they are just another lot of know it all falang visitors.

    95% of Lanna caddies fit your description of a caddy.

  4. Every one should sign the petition in the link. I did .

    Did you?

    If not don't complain about immigration any more.

    PS there were only 34 sigs when I signed which would indicate a lot of posters on TV who whinge about things but are not prepared to do anything about it.

    • Like 1
  5. I saw another show a few months back and according to Thai business owners in Phuket, Chinese middle-class families spend on average 50% more than white Western tourists. I don't think they are stingy but are looking for the best value for their money in terms of lodging, food, etc. but instead, spend heavily on shopping.

    Correct they are just being, dare I say it, Chinese

  6. Wow, thank you all for all the responses. I didn't realize it was that far. It's the one near Chiang Mai Inter Business College. Is there another place like Big C where we can buy a cheap chair, towels and stuff for the home. We just moved here. We are not looking for expensive and we've been told Robinson is expensive.

    Anyhow, thanks for all the tips.

    Kad Suan Gau or central on Huay Keau rd is some where you could try. A million red song taos pass every hour.

    They have every thing and prices are usually OK. Only 500 metres from the NW corner of the moat.

  7. There was no point to my OP.

    I was just amazed that all the new cars purchased in the last 5 years would fit on all of those highways.

    Ten years ago CM was a quaint backwater but now it has become a, dare I say it, a hub of activity with all the traffic and pollution that goes with.

    Maybe I am just getting older.

  8. I mill cars sold this year so lets say an average of 750,000 per year sold over the last 5 years; that's 3,500,000 new cars on the road in addition to what was already on the road.

    That's enough cars, if parked with two lanes going in and two out and bumper to bumper, to fill

    1. bangkok-chiang mai hwy

    2. bangkok- arunyaphratet hwy

    3. bangkok-phuket hwy

    4. bangkok-nong khai hwy and

    5. bangkok-mae sot hwy.

    That's 14000 kilometers of highway worth of new cars and there will be another 4000 kilometers worth sold next year.

    Amazing when you think about it.

    And what does it mean to you and me?

    Well nothing really but if we could do it then driving the old banger around town would be a breeze.

  9. This will be like the the assets repossessed by the banks after 1999. Most are still available for purchase but the problem is that the banks want not only their original loan back but interest as well; interest now exceeds the original value of the loan so the asset will sit in perpetuity gaining interest each year.

    The only way out for the government will be to manipulate the markets and you can only do that by controlling supply. Problem here is of course other countries keep on growing more rice.

    Reminds me of those American bros (I forget the name) who tried to corner the silver markets some years ago.

    They came unstuck too.

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