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Posts posted by skills32

  1. It appears that he wasn't a successful businessman if he lived in a place like that. I'm wondering what the term 'businessman' covers. You could argue that a noodle seller is a businessman.

    Apart from 'typing' blood I am not at all sure that you can match it. The constituent elements of blood are constantly changing as anybody who takes note of a CBC knows. THe suggestion above that DNA is being tested makes more sense.

    The BiB want to give the suspects time to negotiate; standard procedure.

    Remember jai yen yen.

  2. One of the things that made me decide to never ever open a 7-11 is that they control where a shop will be opened. We had a good location and it would probably work, except 7-11 does not guarantee that another one will be opened right across the street. There is no zoning. If 7-11 finds the location good enough for 2 stores, there goes half of your sales and up to 75% of your profit.

    108 or family mart are other options, but i not investigated those.

    Yep Jean there are three 7/11's within 500 metres of my place.

  3. Her only crime is that she got caught out.

    This is not a one off, it happens every day in every place.

    Does any one think that celibacy can be bought off with money?

    True love is something that every one seeks but cannot find; if you think you have found it then

    1. You are living in dream world or

    2. You are one of the 1 in a million lucky ones or

    3. You are living in a world of compromise.

    And that is the truth.

  4. Sticky rice balls. You are hilarious. Skills32 don't misconstrue. I actually LOVE hot weather and where I come from it is now in the 30's fahrenheit and my state is getting pelted with another northeaster. I am ecstatic to not have to deal with snow, ice, sleet, freezing rain, SAD (seasonal affective disorder) whereby everybody walks around depressed and miserable. I am so lucky to be here in Chiang Mai. I was just curious because, as I mentioned earlier, the weather was a lot hotter then in the previous winters I have been here. One thing I must admit though is that I am not looking forward to when they start burning the rice fields only because I too love to be outside tapping out countless miles on my bicycle. Oh well, that's a long ways off and I am going to enjoy my time now in this great country experiencing all the marvelous things I encounter on a daily basis.

    Yep March is the worst month of the year in CM. Last year saw me with bronchitis. never had it before. An d to make matters worse I caught it just before heading to Sihanookville to dodge Songkrahn.

    I now have a rule; every March is spent outside Chiang Mai, next year back to Oz for 6 weeks.

  5. As of yesterday Tops Market still has a good supply, also Pepsi with a Lemon Twist, not diet though.

    I've been alternating with Coke Light and it's not bad.

    I long for Diet Mountain Dew.

    As of yesterday Tops Market still has a good supply,

    That's because we don't like it out here. It will always be there.

  6. Does any one here know where I might purchase bones?

    I have a predilection for Pea and Ham soup but rarely find it available in supermarkets and even then the soups are only an imitation of the real Mc Coy..

    Would really love to cook some up myself.


  7. A UK friend of mine got caught with a non-legit visa from some visa shop in Pattaya. I guess without a valid visa he was technically on overstay. He was deported, touched down at Heathrow, wandered around the ticket offices and got himself on the first flight he could find back to Thailand. Probably arrived back less than 36 hours after he left. Because it was the UK and he's British there were no UK entry/exit stamps. He was wondering if he could've got away with, for example, buying a flight BKK-LHR via Hong Kong, exiting at Hong Kong telling them he was cancelling the onward leg, and getting a flight back from there...

    The answer is yes. Had a friend from UK in exactly the same circumstances only he stopped off in Dubai and came straight back.

    A couple of years later he got eye cancer and went back to UK and died.

    Lesson; if you wake up one morning and you are blind in one eye don't spend the next 6 months going from Dr to Dr here, get to a cancer specialist quickly.

  8. I still fail to see why he was locked up here by immigration when he flew in from Korea unless Argentinians require a visa before arrival ? Something just doesn't sound right in all this.

    He's in the immigration system. Was leaving Thailand, a day before, but didn't 'go anywhere', cause no stamp in the passport, from any country.

    That can be the reason, for showing the immigration that letter from Korea.

    Or the airline staff informed the airport, and the got 'picked up' in the plane. What I assume, anyway!

    So if I fly to the UK where I do not need nor require any stamp and then fly back to Thailand the next day I would find myself in the same situation ?

    I rather doubt it.

    What if he had gone home and come back ?

    Something more is going on here than is being stated. it has to be for this to be happening.

    Just to clear this up for some of you that don't fully understand.

    The deal is you go back to the country of your passport and then get a new passport and then you can enter any country; provided that you meet the requirements of entry to that country.

    You have to go back to the country of origin because no other country will accept you, unless you pull the refugee card and then it is detention until approved. This takes about 3 years.

    If the guy can't afford a ticket he stays where he is until he can.

    As he has been signed out of Thailand he is in limbo ie he is not in any country not even Thailand he is in detention until he can afford to go home. It is the same as going to Poipet to do a visa run and sign out of Thailand but are not allowed into Cambodia. You are stuck in that piece of land between the immigration offices in limbo forever. Of course in that situation it is easy to enter either country but then you are illegal and can never be stamped out because you have not been stamped in. It's a bit like the Ground Hog Day situation.

    This whole deal is standard procedure and has been in operation for years.

    He doesn't have to fly Thai airways but Immigration and TA are tied up somehow and they are probably trying to boost the airline's pockets.

  9. There is an Asian agreement that if someone is refused entry into an Asian country all other Asian countries will refuse entry as well.

    His only way out of this is to return to Argentina.

    He will not be further banned from entering Thailand or other Asian countries but would suggest giving Korea a miss.

    Oh and he will stay in detention until the plane departs; even if that is 12 months.

  10. I now have a list of the doctors and senior medical staff at Rajavej Hospital and it runs to three pages (!), rather than post all the names blindly I'll hang on to the list and provide names as possible candidates when people are looking for specific disciplines or doctors specifically at Rajavej. As and when we get individual references from members confirming the quality of the refferal I'll put it forward for inclusion on the pinned list.

    Do you know DR uunnh (nickname) who looked after my shoulder following an accident. Excellent physician with superb bed manners?

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