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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. This is what I was exposed to on prime time t.v. as a child. It's a wonder I survived such explicit sauciness. ????
  2. In the U.K., men dressed as women have been telling stories to children in pantomime theatre for over 100 years with no adverse affects. The kids love it. It is only pearl-clutching Christians who are offended by drag.
  3. Just listening to Trump with an open mind as you suggested Mac. I made no comment so people can make their own mind up as to Trump's supposed faith.
  4. Quite! And let's not forget all that morbid death song humour from the 1960's, Leader of the Pack, I Want My Baby Back and Transfusion.
  5. I don't think it really justifies violence towards women. The protagonist acknowledges that they will break down the door to get him; he concedes what he's done is wrong. It is characteristic of many English folk ballads and murder ballads in general. Maxwell of Maxwell's Silver Hammer murders two women on a whim.
  6. It's difficult to opine on books that are banned without reading them but here is a list of 176 that Duval County removed in Feb 2022. https://pen.org/banned-books-florida/ You will see from the list titles that very few deal with gender or LBGT+ issues. Most of them seem to be concerned with non-white Christian American lifestyles. Asian, Black, Native American, other religions etc. Therein lies the problem. The excuse of protecting children is used to prohibit anything that certain individuals deem unwanted. Here is one of the books. It seems delightful and just the thing any normal parent would be happy to let their children see. As of November this matter was unresolved and I can't see any newer articles on it but that's beside the point now.
  7. I'm particularly impressed by DeSantis not wanting children to be used as political pawns whilst appearing in a photo opportunity using children as political pawns.
  8. I've noticed that the Lipton's tea bags you get on a string in the small 65b boxes is stronger than the insipid tea in the larger boxes. It's a tad more expensive per bag but preferable.
  9. Yes, a moderate drinker. It's not foolproof; you can get cirrhosis of the liver without drinking, but it is common sense.
  10. Westmalle Tripel, although I've not tried Chimay blue yet. Chimay red is marvellous though. If only Henry VIII hadn't dissolved the monasteries we might now have a monk ale to compete.
  11. I believe the recommended maximum units a week there is 50, which is much too much.
  12. " Their comment — not published as a WHO-endorsed statement — was not based on new research. Instead, it was published as a comment, using various old studies to justify their position. " Just stick to 14-21 units a week, no more than 9 per session, don't drink three days consecutively and you'll be fine.
  13. I think that is the case for most. If your home countries currency plummets against the baht it might just be too expensive to live here. It depends on various circumstances though. The other thing for me would be enforced spending, i.e compulsory expensive health insurance, although the NHS isn't looking too good at the moment.
  14. What mini-pc do you have Worgeorgie? I was looking at the Geekom Miniair 11.
  15. The article actually states 5 reasons for seniors being tetchy, the fourth one being boredom. The others were sickness, medications, chronic pain and dementia, all of which are totally understandable. Age discrimination seems to be all part of this recent phenomenon of culture war
  16. That's strange. Fox missed out this bit. " I destroyed my life. I'm not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help. "
  17. Good luck to the family. Let's hope it happens. Equality is always a good thing.
  18. The old saying goes "Wine before beer and you'll feel queer, but beer before wine and you'll feel fine."
  19. Sadly I have experience in this area. 8 years ago I was parked at the traffic lights and an 18-wheeler ploughed into the back of us. In the back of the car were a 2 year old and a 5 year old. Both had seat belts on. The 2 year old girl was killed instantly and the 5 year old boy survived but had terrible brain injuries. The two of us in the front survived with minor injuries. The driver of the truck was apparently drunk. The only point I wish to make is that it's not just about people sitting in the back of pick-ups.
  20. If you Google "Trim video online" there are any number of sites that will allow you to upload your video online. If you want to trim a video offline you can download Avidemux. If you're doing it on a smartphone search for a trim video app. Hope that helps.
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