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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Thanks, lopburi. I've just checked again and they say the money has been sent. It was just a bit worrying as all my other transfers were there in minutes. I'll try to avoid month end in future.
  2. Problems today with Wise to KBank. I keep getting the message "Your money's taking longer to pay out". There doesn't seem to be any way to query the transfer with them.
  3. Yes, I use Line to call the U.K. at 16b per hour to landline only. The only drawback is that it's limited to 1 hour a month and it seems you can't top up within that period if you use up the credit. It works fine for me though.
  4. "Operating performance for the first half of 2021 compared with the first half of 2020, KBank and its subsidiaries reported net profit of Baht 19,521 Million, an increase of Baht 9,971 Million or 104.40% over the same period of 2020" https://kasikornbank.com/en/News/Pages/Performance-H1-2021.aspx They're actually doing o.k., up to July at least.
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