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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. The Sun, the stars and the planets are all circular as seen with the naked eye. But the Earth is flat?? So are all the other celestial bodies lying on their side and revolving so that the flat side is always facing us?
  2. Jesus yes, the Christ, no. There's scholarly evidence that Jesus existed but none that he was the Son of God or evidence of a creator god. They could understand that.
  3. What kind of jerk doesn't realise it's just humour even though I posted a smiley icon with it?
  4. 20k a month? That wouldn't be enough to clean my pool. 😄
  5. I put a Christmas tree up for the kids next door. As soon as they see Christmas stuff in the shops (usually late November) they think it's that time. I'm an atheist and I celebrate the holiday as a time of family and sharing and I give them all a little Christmas box on 24th. For them Christmas is Santa Claus and I doubt they'll ever know who Jesus was.
  6. When I came to live in Thailand the BHT-GBP rate was bouncing around 75. I'm glad I built my house at that rate.
  7. In my past life I have never paid a subscription online to anything. And in my future life I never will. If anything demands subscription I just do without it. Of more concern to me is the free apps which are becoming more and more invasive. The model now is not to tempt the viewer with useful ad-ons but to irritate the life out of us with longer and longer unstoppable ads until we relent. That and re-directs that take you to another site like Lazada. I've ditched so many apps recently.
  8. 12%. Lord knows how much that would be if they sold it here. I've got bottle of St.Bernardus Abt. 12 at 10% for Christmas. That'll make me merry.
  9. Thank you for all the replies. Plenty to think about now.
  10. Yes, I had a latex mattress in the U.K. but I'm a bit concerned it might retain the heat here a little more as opposed to a traditional one. Do you find that or is it nothing to worry about?
  11. I shall be looking to buy a new bed in the New Year. Probably a King Size. Does anyone have a recommendation for a medium firm mattress, possibly with a divan base? Something in the medium price range. It's a fair few years since I bought a mattress so I'm a bit out of touch with which brands are fair quality.
  12. Lao Brewery is now showing it at 5%. Must be a recent development, https://www.beerlao.la/products/beerlao/beerlao-dark/?Ckey=41499 The beers here must be from existing stock or export is still 6.5% I guess.
  13. Overheating?
  14. Quite so. It's new so you've got plenty of time to not worry about it. Don't keep it too long though or you'll be drinking liquid salmonella. :)
  15. Try Snowy IPA @ 5%. It's more of a New England style than a traditional English IPA but @ 77b for 500 ml. and available at 7/11 it's a decent alternative to the ubiquitous pale lagers.
  16. Only 1.5% won't reduce the flavour profile substantially. It would be interesting to do a comparison.
  17. Does it have a manufacture date? That's the important thing.
  18. It's not quite like pasteurized milk and may actually be more flavousome and beneficial. Before Louis Pasteur all beers were unpasteurized and many Belgian ales still are. As long as the beer is stored well and drunk near the production date it should be fine. The problem is, if it's just a marketing ploy and just tastes like normal Chang it will hardly be worth it.
  19. Leo have a new beer now. Leo Supreme. Here's my review: It's awful.
  20. The Snowy and Beerlao IPA's are decent enough. I haven't tried the Manakhon or Nite Hunter yet.
  21. Right up there with the Yasser Arafat Nobel Peace Prize. Lol
  22. Just get locked up for one-star review on Trip Advisor. 🙂
  23. Where was the cameraman in that first photo? Looks like he was hanging from a chandelier. Scantily clad eh? How awful. 🙂
  24. Nietsche said "To live is to suffer; to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering". I think that you realise that as you get older. It's not about finding a point to carrying on; carrying on is the point. You also realise that if you have good health you have everything. All lives deserve a third act.
  25. Adopting dogs is like any other benefaction; after the first selfish extasy there is hard work.
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