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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. The trick is to get the mattress and bedding cool. A quick blast with the a/c and I sleep like a baby
  2. No, I've never been on a Thai Airways flight.
  3. Because you have more flexibility with fx rates, which is the most important financial factor.
  4. 800T on fixed deposit as proof of funds. Most banks will do it. No need to top up although you can consolidate the interest or move it to another account.
  5. That's what I'd be worried about. 🙂 Better I stick it on fixed deposit where I can't get my sticky fingers on it.
  6. Try going out in a public place and verbally attacking anyone. It's no different for anybody. Changes were made not because people were frightened into silence but because enough people realised the injustice of the situation. This was only achieved by protest and activism. Women and LGBT fought for equality and justice. What exactly is your opposition to that?
  7. I can't speak for Metoo or BLM but where is the power for "homosexual organisations" centred? There are no LGBT nations. There are no LGBT races. There are no LGBT religions. There are no LGBT governments. There are no LGBT armies. There are no LGBT political parties. There are no LGBT multi-national companies. There are no LGBT terrorists organizations. The only power that LGBT people have is in lobby groups and activism, routes open to non-LGBT as well. That's why Pride and visibility is important. I see that the right wing Daily Wire are now calling for the "execution" of certain members of the LGBT community, including some at Pride. It would be too easy to slip back to the bad old days without this representation.
  8. Then why was it the first thing you mentioned in your original post?
  9. I think long hair can look rather fetching on the right person.
  10. It's a well known fact and a simple Google search. What's stranger is you're concerned about what's in my shorts. 🙂
  11. First "Gay Kiss"on U.K. t.v. - Eastenders 1989. Lots of pearl clutching at the time.
  12. I'm sure they'll contain their disappointment.
  13. I wasn't referring to wokeness. I was referring to your assertion that "gay behavior" makes you "physically sick".
  14. Well, if you take the high end figure and don't include female to male transgender then yes but still a wild over-estimate. Even your 1m is probably too high, certainly not 10m/.
  15. To be your 10% it would have to be 7.2m. That's the point I was making.
  16. Yes, the OP is making the same mistake he made in the previous thread. Not realising that the problem is his and not everyone elses.
  17. Actually it's estimated to be between 10,000 to 300,000. * Even at the highest estimate that's less than 0.5%. * Asia-Pacific Transgender Network
  18. Yes, and sync your photos to the cloud as an extra backup. There's nothing that damages the soul more than losing your precious media.
  19. No such thing as boredom, just boring people. An interesting person always finds things to do. Gardening is the new sex.
  20. Curiously, Amsterdam is the only city in the world where I've had a knife pulled on me.
  21. So, you accuse me of something which I didn't say, retract it, then accuse me of something else I didn't say. Lol You've just taken a statement of fact that I made and attributed your own oblique interpretation of it. And I never referred to you or anybody specifically anyway.
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