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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Very True Mike. "Avoid loud and aggressive people, they are a vexation to the spirit" - Max Ernst
  2. Is that you Lou? ????
  3. What's "gay education". ????
  4. I remember a few years ago in a debate a pro-hunt woman stated that fox hunting was vital in keeping fox numbers down. A few minutes later after someone had accused the hunt of wholesale slaughter she said that wasn't true and that the hunts only killed a small number a year. Once someone pointed out that she'd contradicted herself she started to flounder. There's no excuse for fox hunting.
  5. The Straight Pride flag is black and white stripes. Crikey! They've got pedestrian crossings everywhere. I'm so sick of seeing them all. ????
  6. Gay Pride is about visibility and acceptance. Straight Pride makes no sense. Maybe when gays become 51% of the population it might start to. ????
  7. Coloured crossings have been a thing for a while with UK councils. The so-called Pride rainbow crossings are just one example of that. Rainbow crossings represent people who are gay and those who support them, so 5% is wildly off.
  8. With anti-biotics you should be prescribed a course of treatment and it's important that you complete the course whether you feel well or not. There are a number of resources online that describe dosage.
  9. Presumably this is Thai couples only as foreigners cant own property other than designated condos.
  10. You do realise that one of the nuts you speak of is in the Supreme Court and wants to criminalise gay sex. It's hardly scaremongering when he's actually stated what he wants to do.
  11. If, as they say, he's been radicalised and he has mental issues it shouldn't be difficult to find out who's convinced him to do this. It's amazing how religious fanatics get the weak to do their dirty work. Such a waste of young lives yet again. R.I.P. It'll be interesting to see what the "minor convictions" were and who they were directed against. I'm guessing they weren't parking tickets.
  12. I posted the link because it explains about Walsh and his ideologies, not because I agree with everything said in a long article. I know enough about Walsh to know what he's attempting to do and I know what Peterson has already done. I haven't watched the whole film yet but the trailer does nothing to allay my fears. He's clearly trying to humiliate people. Why interview a naked man? Why go to Kenya, one of the most virulently anti-LGBT countries in the world to gauge their opinion? If you agree with him so be it but his opinions will biased. That was my point.
  13. Why are you asking me that question? Those are not my words. I don't have to justify what other people have said.
  14. Don't be fooled that this is some searching documentary giving a balanced and accurate view of the trans debate. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/matt-walsh-daily-wire-documentary-1364210/
  15. Great! We're getting somewhere. So you mean the LGB+ community, not other minorities. Now all we need to know is what you mean by "dim the lights" so we can fathom what you're actually saying.
  16. Minorities is too broad a term. Can you explain exactly which minorities you want to be dimmed (sic)?
  17. Yes, that interview with Newgent is clearly staged. Walsh displays the Tucker Carlson concerned look and the fake emotion from Newgent is embarassing. Walsh's politics are slightly to the right of Attila The Hun: that seems to be where the money is these days. ????
  18. Interesting fact about Charade. Bizarrely they failed to publicly announce copyright so it immediately entered into the public domain.
  19. I must admit I'm a bit behind the curve and I haven't been following the trans debate in any great detail, so I can't really comment. I have however looked up Scott Newgent and it's not pretty.
  20. Yes, I think that sums up Peterson perfectly. Wanting someone jailed for doing something perfectly legal. Don't be fooled by this man.
  21. I tried it on my left leg, right leg and middle leg with varying results.
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