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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Seems they've been "discussing" HS routes for 10 years....
  2. Red plates....licence to drive flat out! Skills not required!
  3. Looks like a dodgy escalator at best..opening on the side is inviting all sorts of trouble....but..it's likely been that way for ages by the look of the stains....
  4. Wonder which head cop made a motza out of this contract?..... Probably not as much as was taken from the 150,000 Glock purchases!
  5. Such inane nonsense that makes news here in Thailand!
  6. "operating illicitly"...ie: not belonging to the RTP..... Thinning out the competition!
  7. One of the most dangerous vehicles on the road!
  8. So I take it, you think Prawit is not in uniform.....has retired his commission from the army? He hasn't. He is still a general.
  9. We get to see some really bizarre excuses and explanations on here....this one's a doozy!
  10. No questions, it seems, Prawit will be PM, ....the senate don't like or want Stretta....their instruction is to approve Prawit. I hope this is not the case, and we'll see soon.
  11. If you're reading this propaganda piece on AseanNow....then you can't afford a place in one of these homes....prices for an apartment for a couple...a modest apartment, very expensive. These facilities do come on the market occasionally, and usually sold out within days, and often associated with a major hospital.
  12. A bit hard to see where this occurred....quite usual for the Gold Coast or Townsville in Australia.....but maybe the guy really is in Thailand....:))
  13. I doubt he'll ever see the inside of a prison.....far too big to jail!
  14. Hardly bizarre...drunk monks are everywhere...
  15. Damp proof course never used...not need here in Thailand!
  16. He still has hair..I know, some chemo doesn't change people' hair lines....
  17. 140 million stolen in July via cyber crime.....and the RTP come up with stickers for busses!
  18. Now that they've surrendered, all that remains is to work out some petty compensation deals.....maybe a little time locked up to keep the masses happy.
  19. The whistleblower, Srisuwan this time, is pi**ing into the wind.....there will be no inquiry....no prosecution or convictions....Srisuwan will persist for a little while, but will be shut down! The BMA will do a little overtime, but this will blow over.
  20. Believe this 100% Prawit has been "patiently" waiting for his turn in the chair. Such disgusting politics in Thailand.....often makes Africa look good!
  21. Most big name performers need to have a debilitating illness at some time to publicize....all good for their PR...often a remarkable cure takes place later....I hope Chuvit comes good.
  22. The only statement about the legal case is that it's ongoing. Which probably means that the owners are walking free....maybe they've been charged....but then again, maybe not. But as mentioned.....this story is gradually fading from the news....until there is no news!
  23. "safety standards and evidence of illegal activity supported by corrupt police officials and local politicians." Sounds about normal.....cops and politicians corrupt
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