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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Education would have solved their gullibility problem..critical thinking has so many benefits!
  2. It is good that this technology is being progressed here….however tiny the efforts may be
  3. Such a clown this guy….he’s the main actor in position payments…..he’s the top guy! Pretending to dissassociate himself and pleading ignorant to these practices simply make him a bigger fool! Staggering that Thailand accepts this nonsense continually.
  4. I’m sure everything was insured...????
  5. Transport Ministry…..a cover for illegal practices…graft..free money…allow overweight trucks to keep rolling…there are a multitude of reasons to take these crooks to task. Greed and corruption thrives in every government section…..
  6. As ugly as they are…pedestrian bridges are the only sure way to protect people crossing roads here in Thailand. Traffic lights, flagmen…all the signage in the world, but drivers will never take any notice without the police doing their jobs…and they’re just too lazy!
  7. Ok….seems Thailand has a way to go to perfect the modular housing industry! After good building principles….quality materials….an understanding of structural engineering in housing and of course, training systems for workers proficiency…..then progress will be seen. Until then, expect more buildings to collapse en route to the destination:))
  8. Are there closed systems?
  9. Quite normal for Phuket….the place gives many people the s***s!
  10. Poor old Thaksin…..more plastic surgery than a barbie doll human clone, and he’s still not wanted..:(((
  11. Pissed someone off…really??
  12. If they built half right, this rubbish wouldn’t happen!
  13. Our local mailman used to go and play pool and drink….then threw the mail in the bins….thankfully he’s long gone now!
  14. Apart from the usual RTP corruption that seems never ending here in Thailand, the ridiculous situation whereby the cops investigate themselves….bearing in mind that those at the top are the primary beneficiaries to their own corruption schemes, is simply a huge cover up scheme to get media to forget this news. Forgetting news here, happens all the time…no-one ever gets to hear the outcomes of so called “investigations”, as the media, with their incredibly short memories, just wash these types of stories away.
  15. Death due to heat?…..Payback is more likely>
  16. Cayote girls with thrusting pelvics, skimpy clothes and taking tips in their bras, are still ok then I’m guessing:)
  17. Given that this was a British show…Toad in the Hole being their specialty dish (sorry all)…..an unusual Thai dish probably amazed the judges…..:)
  18. She should contact Thaksin…he’s a helpful fellow….:)
  19. Oh my….we can’t blame the banks now, can we? They’re the pillars of success in Thai society…..
  20. Of course, the 4m height limit for busses, was completely ignored by everyone a few years back….I think there probably is a good reason for this rule….:)))
  21. A hell of a pledge…..good luck with this initiative….but it could end their chances of government.
  22. These “arrests” are pure show….the ladyboys simply walk away with a paltry fine….. Remove their right hand!:))
  23. Where do you live? That price for a good apartment is reasonable for these areas...….40+ in Bangkok...
  24. I’m sure he understands…..but corruption is just usual business here….Chadchart knows that as does everyone. Unfortunately for Thailand, nobody views taking or giving a bribe as corrupt….it’s just the normal way and has been for decades.
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