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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. When almost all sewage from residences and businesses, flows into the canals...it smells.... Treatment systems, as in most countries, stop this. Thailand doesn't seem to understand!
  2. Love the photo of the train...unfortunately, Thailand will never see anything like this on their rails....
  3. "a relentless pursuit".....a slight exaggeration I think....
  4. And the best photos they can find of this guy, come from a 2000 baht phone! Just more Youtube fake crap......but it set up a nice staged photo op for the dumb cops!
  5. Just looks fantastic....however, I must to continue my pledge to never go near this hole!
  6. Only one tourist death, I think, so far this year....must be a record for this dreadful "death island"!
  7. "utilise every skill they possess" But...but...these are Thai drivers, no-one else can operate a boat here.......so, no special skills required!
  8. A phone payment nowadays....brown envelopes are gone.
  9. "the authorities will meticulously analyze".......can't make this up!
  10. These Kuwaities must be all over Thailand.....the bike noise is everywhere...and seems to be getting louder. Have to add, pick-ups and trucks now join the noise issues.....just remove the mufflers!
  11. Thai authorities in general, have very little idea of what's happening around them.....blinkered all the time...never speaking up...taking bribes!
  12. Of course Thaksin isn't returning....he's a coward!
  13. Phuket will be sorry soon.....once they get control of the taxis!
  14. Hidden in Jade stone....many in the military deal with Myanmar' military who own all the jade mines there..interesting to see if any names come out.
  15. Not really meant for the road, but these devices are common in carparks or garages....they're usually electric
  16. Likely using his phone....but certainly not looking where he was going. Rear ending crashes never stop in Thailand....either the drivers are half blind, and this is usual..they won't spend Thb400 on a pair of glasses...or they are totally distracted by their phone or something....
  17. Waiting until 2024 to elect the government would be a disaster for Thailand and the military now realize this, after probably not thinking this could/would be a possibility. Of course, this is obviously, an outcome of their senate obstructions.
  18. If the government really want's him back, then I'm sure Beijing could assist..if he is in HK...after all....Thailand just gifted that government Thb 400 million;)
  19. "resulting in its unfortunate death, " The locals that did this should be regarded as heroes.....het rid of these rotten dogs!
  20. Going to have a hard time in prison....but hopefully not for long!
  21. Quite a normal looking drain to me....there's thousands just the same everywhere....! Of course, it has nothing to do with vehicles driving on the footpaths....that's not legal in Thailand ????
  22. Maybe the reason for the vote postponement today....but hell....he'd make such a memorable PM....???? ????
  23. Brake failure probably due to having 3 tons of timber loaded on a truck designed for 1 ton!
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