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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Expect a raid shortly.....and then a couple of cop transfers for a week or so.
  2. Yes....welded bars on doors and windows....usually (some are built in) held there with a masonry plug and small screw....you can literally pull them off!
  3. Fire safety measures?? That was a month ago....no issues now!
  4. Payments please....want to use the overhead freeways to race...payment please! 5 people or more...payment please!
  5. So...he lied. Isn't that normal for Thai politicians? These guys are untouchable...they cannot be moved!
  6. So...not safety glass...just plate glass. That sure does make a mess to people when it breaks!
  7. Another single capture of an RTP crook....most probably a PR stunt as his name has been published as an act of supposed transparency! But hey....needn't worry...there's hundreds more still there amongst the ~230K participants!
  8. The powerful almost always get their way.....of course, put up a facade of supposed negativity and rejection, then out comes the rubber stamp and boom! All done.!
  9. But no change to the Interior Ministry....they are the ones that can purchase thousands of weapons at will.......
  10. With some ~10 million (6m officially) people living in BKK....trash collection has never been able to keep up. There are mountains of garbage stacked up each day...most only removed once a week....that is after the dogs have made their mess! 9000 tonnes daily is unmanageable....as it shows. Thais deal with millions of plastic bags each day....all markets and general stores just keep the flow going.....Bangkok and the rest of the country will never get on top of this issue....fines to Thais are meaningless...no-one pays!
  11. My guess is that the cops have already moved on....gun control, as are most of their activities, just too hard!
  12. While the numbers of victim fatalities rises....what is happening with the prosecution of the owner and manager/s....or is there to be no prosecution?
  13. Just can't see this idea working.....but, a nice try just the same!
  14. Qatar World Cup?......not going to watch anything from there!
  15. Oh good...the cops just saved the coroner having to a job....case solved!
  16. How many people are in prison for smoking or possessing dope? If there's even one, then it's viewed as an illegal substance.....so it probably will be included in the anti drug plan!
  17. I personally hate these umbrellas and chairs...they're an eyesore IMO....but ..European coastal regions are full of them.....and they don't have a day off! Here in Cha Am at least, Wednesday is a no umbrella mafia day!
  18. A lot of negative comments...however, this is a start..it's something that is being done about drugs in the cops. The article says "in their urine before starting duty"....I doubt we'll hear any further on this.....I also doubt it will continue...but, Pattaya has done it's job....well...in the Pattaya cops minds!
  19. These are the stories a newly elected police chief needs...some may even be fake..but he gets a gold star to his forehead!
  20. A dreadfully choreographed photo of this care-less dolt!
  21. That was the bashers excuse for hitting him....stop the bull***t !
  22. Brits agree??....drink more beer!
  23. Somyot gave out 150,000 new handguns ....and let the minders of the old weapons keep them!
  24. Not your imagination....this is the RTP usual stance....never anything to do with them!
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