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Posts posted by rotary

  1. You're not allowed to run a business on Ebay selling out of Thailand unless you have a work permit, and no Thai company is going to give you a work permit for that, so selling on Ebay from Thailand is work reserved for Thais only. Your business is illegal and I suggest you shut it down before you get caught.

    Good advice! Selling on Ebay is a good job for a woman so I suggest the OP retires and his wife should start her own Ebay business.whistling.gif

  2. I think it will be hard if not impossible to find anything job wise in KK if not teaching. Also do you think you will like living in KK? Khon Kaen is an acquired taste like BEER. If I were you I would be coming up with plan "B".

  3. Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

    Bet you would not say that if someone murdered someone in your family, if you objected to capital punishment after it happened to your family you need help.

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