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Posts posted by rotary

  1. I have spent most of my time since 1988 in Thailand so have seen several deals like this. Run now, do not pass goal. Just run. She might be true but looks like she has a family problem that is going to be a big cash drag forever. She might make you happy now but she will nag and nag and make your bank account very sad.

    Move on and cut the losses now.

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  2. It would make no difference Thailand could buy gold and when ready sell it for the Euro which would be the next major currency. I am an importer in New Zealand and we hold a good USD$ account and we have found a number of exporters in China and India price their stuff in Euro.

    If the USA put 3 cents tax on petrol within 1 year they would practically cover their dept. As you know you would never stop buying petrol.

    If you have a few $ buy Bitcoins. Most of you would not know what they are, look them up.

    Well the USA Energy Information Administration says the USA uses 365 million gals a day of gasoline and with a 3 cent tax per gallon thats 10,950,000 dollars per day income from that tax. The US debt is about 17 trillion, whats a few million this way of that when you are a nanny welfare state. Interest on debt in 2013 was 220 billion or 420 billion if you count interest paid to Social Security as per the Pew Research Centre. Tax at 3 cents a gallon would be about $3,996,750,000 which is a bit short of 17 trillion. Lets face it. The USA is in big trouble and will not admit it nor restrain their spending. Hard times hurt but hurt worse when you refuse to recognize them.

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  3. What would the future be for Thailand if the USA was no longer the worlds reserve currency?

    This is not a IF question but more a WHEN question. The answer is not much effect in the long run. Once the Brit Pound ruled then the dollar, next it will be another currency.

    The dollar is doomed to fall due to many things including the USA refusal to be responsible for their national spending which is worst than a drunk sailor in Pattaya on New Years eve. Also the USA becoming a nanny state is not helping along with all the welfare stuff being out of control. One day in the not so far future there will come a time when the USA will simply be country and another country will lead the world for a certain amount of time then it too will be replaced by a different country. Remember Rome?

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