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Posts posted by rotary

  1. I remember the "good old days" in 1997 when condos were selling for 25 cents on the dollar if you took into account the discount you could get and the fact the exchange rate went from $1=B25 to $1=>B50 in a few hours. I still have my condo bought at 25 cents on the dollar.rolleyes.gif

    I predict a repeat of this but on a smaller scale. 2% ain't a good start yet

    • Like 1
  2. "A lot of the 7-11s were looted"...oh, REALLY? A LOT of them? In Thailand, where there's a 7-11 on pretty much every corner (literally, sometimes they're pretty much across the street from each other)? Thailand, the country with the 3rd most 7-11s (I think that's the statistic) of any country on earth?

    NO. "A lot" of them were not looted. Maybe 2-3 located right in the midst of the worst of the burning (across from Central World? I'm guessing here...)...but no. For the most part, your friend is LYING.

    The looters better bring big big lunches in case they want to loot ALL 7/11 branches and a few hundred years of spare time.

  3. This is not quite the same as the problem the OP has but:

    Many many years ago I sent 2 kids to a what was at the time considered to be a very good multi-lingual school in a large up country town. The kids hated it pretty much, they were not learning English all that well and their Thai was marginal. After 3 years we sent them to normal Thai school, they liked it much better, learned Thai very well but lacked in English. In the end one of the kids caught up on English and while not totally fluent she is very close to it. She went to a university in Thailand with almost all subjects in English and will graduate very soon. She is planning on going to nursing school in the west and after speaking with her the entrance office says she gets extra points for entrance as she is fluent in 2 languages. I guess there are 2 lines of thought on the education process as to Thai education or outside Thailand. I believe either solution works with the right child under the right conditions.

    • Like 1
  4. Your asking us farang about thai parents. Sorry, I never had thai parents however I do know this, I was not allowed to bang my wife until we were married, not with her parents knowledge anyway so it was sneaking around for us as we were getting married anyway Not all parents allow the daughters to bed farang, I guess it would depend on the parents and their lack of morals that probably rub off on the children, don't you know any girls whose parents don't allow it,lol. Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I like the adjective "Bang".blink.png

  5. After a frantic search of the internet, and in satisfaction of completing yet another item on my bucket list, I now have the answer to pre-existing condition coverage by WalMart. The answer is in their catastrophic coverage and is found in the PDF file...


    Sadly, it would seem WalMart does not come up to the high standards set by Obamacare, even though it is much cheaper, has a much broader doctor and hospital base and pays a number of things Obamacare doesn't cover.
    Looks like another couple of million will lose their coverage next year.thumbsup.gif


    Pre-existing Condition Definition and Limitation - A pre-existing
    condition means any critical illness for which you or each covered
    family member has sought medical advice or treatment in the
    12 months immediately before the effective date of coverage.
    A pre-existing condition may exist even though a diagnosis
    has not yet been made. Preventative care and maintenance
    treatment are not treatment of a critical illness, even if such care
    and maintenance would not have occurred but for you or each
    covered family member being diagnosed previously with the
    critical illness. • Some critical illness benefits indicate that they
    are subject to the pre-existing condition limitation. For those
    benefits, unless the benefit for the particular critical illness states
    otherwise, if you or each covered family member has a critical
    illness that meets the definition of pre-existing condition, as
    defined above, benefits under the policy will be payable
    for that critical illness only after you or each covered
    family member has been symptom and treatment free
    of such critical illness for any 12 consecutive months
    after the effective date of their coverage. Some critical
    illnesses described in this brochure indicate they are
    never paid if the critical illness is diagnosed prior to the
    effective date or meets the definition of pre-existing
    condition as defined on this page. For those benefits,
    unless the benefit for the particular critical illness states
    otherwise, if you or a covered family member has a
    critical illness that has been diagnosed prior to the
    effective date of coverage or if the critical illness meets
    the definition of pre-existing condition as defined
    above, that critical illness is excluded from coverage for
    you or each covered family member.

    High standards and Obama. Can these 2 words be used in the same sentence?

  6. The Philippines have already stopped sending domestic staff abroad. Indonesia will do so in the near future. Myanmar, and other countries, such as Cambodia and Bangladesh, may fill the void temporarily

    Last but not least, you will not get a housekeeper straight from Myanmar through legal channels, because the Myanmar government allows for domestic staff to be sent to only to Singapore or Hong Kong.

    Nice post, but my question is more of a general one,

    How can a country make a law that limits and dictates where a person goes and works? If a person can get a visa to travel and or work abroad, what does a persons Government have to do with this? I have been based in 13 countries while working mainly for multi-nationals, you re inferring that a Gov has the right to tell me where I can go in the world and what I do there or in this case citizens of these countries. In the majority of the countries I have worked in, the same employer, employed Phillipino's. Everyone of them was making over $100,000 USD after tax. I do not believe for one min that their Gov had any influence what so ever on their employment.

    Can you please further explain how this works?

    Yes Governments do have the legal (if not moral rights to stop you going anywhere you want or working wherever you want) In the case of USA it was always ilegal to travel to Libya and when you returned you could get charged for it in the USA,

    A true mark of the Nanny Socialist state

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