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Posts posted by rotary

  1. I don't know enough about other countries, but in Canada, you are allowed to resist invasion, & assault, so long as only "reasonable force" is used. That being said the whole scenario changes if the assailant suffers any serious or permanent injury. Then they come after you. Kudos from Grandpa, personally I hope he spun the rapists head but good.

    Deadly force should be allowed, that seems reasonable to me as I am sure the invader will not be using only enough force to get the job done.tongue.png

  2. Hopefully this is a warning to those thinking of retiring in Thailand. Its a violent place and not as safe as you may think. Needless to say i have personally known at least 10 people who have died unnaturally in this country.

    I have lived in Thailand for 14 years have not seen as much as a fist fight since leaving Pattaya over a decade ago, seen more problems in the states on my visits, that to me indicates where the real safety is in rural Thailand away from the Farang ghetto cities that are very violent areas caused by locals, many by drunk Farangs.

    May you rest in Peace!


    It is much safer in Thailand than the USA for sure, but sad to say it seems to be getting more violent in Thailand these days.

  3. whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pnwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pnwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn


    Have a look at the VIN numbers on any vehicle. They are done in a special font that I am pretty sure you cannot buy in metal stamps. My guess is the font will be different for different makers also. Now the question is would the proper inspection folks be clued in enough to see the VIN was in the wrong font...................luck of the draw on that one.

  4. Very gullible I think!

    Just few personal experiences..in 2 years of single life in Chiang Mai..

    1) On my first date ever in Thailand, a 42yo hair salon owner took me to a shopping mall for me to buy for her a 6000THB/cellular ...


    2) On a first date a 43yo police officer shows me a brochure of new houses for sale in Chiang Mai..over 3 million bath.... saying "if you buy for me today we get married tomorrow"

    3) On a first date with a 60yo active school principal, she said that she was looking for an older guy to get married, and to take care...if its will paid the 1 million debt she had....

    4) On my first date with a 32yo, she asked for a 25000THB "loan" to buy merchandise for the opening of a restaurant she supposedly was opening that week...

    5) On my first date, a 41yo told me that she will be my "exclusive" gik if I give her 20000THB/month.....I called her later to see if I can have another date. She responded that she already got a farang willing to pay her...and do not have time for me...that week.

    6) On my first date with a 60yo retired government employee, she said that nothing was left of her retirement money and she was broke, and need a husband to pay her debts, her home mortgage, and her car loan....

    My list for "favors" requests in second an third dates is too long to post here.

    In compensation..I have a long list of nice dates too....and I am a "Cheap Charlie". Some still good friends, just friends.

    I am married with a wonderful woman now.

    By the way...I love Thailand!

    Love the break down. Thanks, my laugh of the day.

    • Like 1
  5. I'd still say it's cheap when you consider the cost of health care in places like America, maybe you have been here too long Jing and take the cheap for granted..wink.png

    Oh and don't forget, the cost normally rises as you get older...

    And look at the quality of healthcare in American. My mother dislocated her shoulder in the USA, spent 8 hrs in the emergency room waiting on service. My father broke his leg, spent 6 hrs in emergency room waiting on service. They have insurance also so not a welfare thing at all. This was due to the amount of people in the Emergency room. Also getting a doctors appointment takes weeks to obtain in many cases. After seeing this I realized retirement in the USA is not an option.


    I know this is Thailand and I know Western rules do not apply in many cases but in many places in the world connecting that city water with the Klong water via a valve system would not be allowed due to the risk of contamination of the city water supply. A special check valve can be used in some cases. In Thailand they might not follow that policy but if they happened to think of it they would hold you up for lots of cash I bet.

    now we have reached the hair-splitting level even though you mentioned the simple solution (check-valve).


    Most places it is a bit more complicated than a simple check valve. Again this is Thailand so this may not apply but as a minimum double check valves are needed with spring loading. As a maximum a Reduced Pressure Zone Device needs to be used. The problem is this double check valve rule may very well be on the books but not enforced until something happens and someone figures out they can make some tea money off it. Hair splitting right now maybe but if problems happen it could be bank account busting. The issue is contamination of the city water supply system as you know.

    • Like 1
  7. Bona fide expats are not required to have U.S. based health insurance. In other words, they are EXEMPT from the Obamacare MANDATE.

    U.S. based health insurance is useless in Thailand.

    If you are not a bona fide expat, you are obligated to obtain U.S. based health insurance or face penalties.

    Based on my understanding, any year that you spend more than THIRTY DAYS in the USA would put you OUT of the bona fide expat category.

    ObamaCare is not a SPECIFIC insurance product. It's just an alternative name for the Affordable Care Act.

    For private health insurance in Thailand there are lots of options but keep in mind health exclusions for preexisting conditions apply and not everyone would even be insurable at all, just as in the pre-Obamacare USA.

    Not sure how it is on Obummercare but for tax purposes there are two ways to get that earned income exclusion:

    (1)Spend less than 30 days a year in the USA which is called PHYSICAL PRESENCE. The best and easy way

    (2)Claim Bona Fide Residence by showing that you are a resident of a foreign country

    My guess, and it needs confirmed, either one would get you out of Obummercare.

    For insurance try BUPA with a high deductible which is really only good for major things.

  8. I have spent most of my time in Thailand during the last 25 years or so. I know many who had moved to the village. There are a few who really like it I admit but the majority spend most of their time trying to convince themselves and others that they love living in the village which in the majority of case is not so. They start coming to the city more and more then in the end move back to town after a few months or years. For me I like a bit of Bkk, a bit of the larger Thai towns, and a very limited small amount of time in Nakorn Nowwhere the village so I have places in all three.

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