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Posts posted by rotary

  1. Chalk it up as a lesson learned, supervise everything if at all possible. What you are not sure about Google it to get the basic idea which is more than many builders know. I have been lucky with building 2 different houses and an addition. I had semi-competent builders and with very little supervision I was able to get it done 98% to my spec and very little problem. The biggest thing that went wrong was we asked for 1 bedroom to be light pink colour and the other rooms wheat colour. Well we ended up with all light pink interior walls. It grows on you after awhile! ha ha

    There are calculators online to figure the proper electric wire size for the wattage needed. I use these for any wiring issues then use the next larger size as a safety factor.

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  2. I was involved with several labor cases with expats. I am an expat myself but the expats that took us to court were either in the gray area or pretty much wrong. They all lost other than the " They were not paid overtime on this day and that day, we award the plaintiff B8000". They never even made back their gas money. Pretty good for the company when you consider they sued for millions. I believe an expat or TCN could win a labour case here but they would have to have a rock solid case from what I have seen. With that clause not in the contract she signed I would guess no chance.

  3. I have car insurance through AXA. Had a major accident last year that was a bit of a nightmare (the other insurance didn't want to pay, injuries involved, etc.) and AXA was a pleasure to deal with. They went way beyond what I expected to get everything resolved. Very happy with them.

    I had the same experience with AXA on car insurance. Easy to deal with. Many years ago I had a vehicle stolen with insurance from the big "V" in Thai insurance. Never, I repeat never use vehicle insurance from "V". They never paid no matter that I sued them twice in court and won both times. They are great for accidents but terrible for any theft.

  4. About 5 years ago I built the wife(notice I say built the wife not us.....ha ha) a small house in the village about 85 sq meters, 2 bedroom 1 bath, nice wood doors and windows,sandstone trim around windows & foundation plus Cpac roof tiles. Small kitchen & bath has Thai granite counters and Tile floors other parts of the house. Used the better quality light switches with lots of power outlets in each room. I knew a Thai builder I play golf with that builds small housing projects around Korat. I am out of the country at work most of the time so I used him.He charged me about B700,000. It is small but was trimmed out very well and really a nice place even after 5 years. Foundation is solid with no wall cracks. I am sure if a person watched his cost by getting a local builder and only paying for labor, buy materials yourself for the job, and building a simple house you can build something well under 1 million not counting land even today. You would need to be involved somewhat and know the basics of building that you could learn online if need be. I believe he built this house from some free government plans if I remember right

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