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Posts posted by rotary

  1. Thanks mate. Exactly what I am looking for.

    Hope he ia the manufaturer, as I ll make adjustment, like the entry side. I ll take CKD, complete knock down, if they meet my price offer, just sent them a mail.

    You gunna send emails out aren't you, telling people your great uncle the tuktuk king has left you 1000 tuktuks and you need a place to store them and can you send them over. They are worth 30million dollars and you can have 25%, just send me your details and $490 for the stamped paperwork in your name.

    ha harolleyes.gif

  2. Actually the poor sod deserves 3 (three) death penalties.

    For being of Korean descent and selling his soul to Americans.

    For Photographing poor, hungry, begging Korean children - The Happiest Children in the World! - which action is subversive to existing Regime.

    For not bowing to The Statue of the Korean Idol (number I, II or III).


    N.B. I wonder if the Korean Law stipulates that "of Korean descent" automatically means N.Korean subject?! Wouldn't be much surprised...

    On a more serious note: N.Koreans want to 'exchange' this poor sod for

    a spy

    a wad of money

    a bowl of food

    political concessions

    sexual favours

    all of the above

    Totally correct, You are a switched on guy

  3. Why would Thailand want to extend a tax payer funded, subsidized healthcare plan to farang?

    Maybe they are using the American style of supporting illegal immigrants and people who should not be in the system are in the system because of bad govt policy and all the "do gooders".

  4. Thanks you guys for the feedback. yes, i prefer to live in the countryside while earning money from internet. That is my plan. if there is an alternative place i can check it out, don't mind sharing.

    Just outside Bangkok is good in my opinion. Lots of places but a few would be Pakchong about 150 kms from Bkk, Saraburi 100 kms from Bkk, Korat 200 kms from Bkk, Nontaburi 30 kms from Bkk, Pathum Thani 30 kms from Bkk.

    Its always good to not be too far from Bkk for shopping, embassy stuff, and medical treatment. I was around CM in the mid 90s, I did not think much of the place then to be honest with you.

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  5. Because usery or interest on loans is haram, they found a loophole, religion is endlessly amusing.

    All the Islamic banks around the world do the "profit" thing. Now in the middle east in some countries the Islamic banks are loaning money to expats for 3 years or less at 1.99% profit. I know several guys who took $100,000 or more to buy houses outside in their home country. "Profitable" for the bank and the guy that borrows I guess compared to western banks.

  6. While i doubt my girlfriend sees me as some kind of prize, she would never attempt to tell me whether i could go for some beers or not. These things have to be explained early doors, maybe some blokes fear the wrath of the dreaded Thai lady. I say get yourself down the pub and let her deal with it.

    Right on, way to think. Never let them get on top or you will always be on the bottom.

  7. On another note........Now possibly, if you stayed outside the USA for I think 330 days in one calendar year, you might be eligible for the earned income tax exclusion due to physical presence so you would get a tax break on your first $90,000 of income. Better get with a good overseas US accountant like TaxPlan in Singapore to check that out. Thats if you decide to stay long term.

  8. Thats one of the cheap Chinese safes that have a spring loaded device for a lock. All you have to do is keep some tension on that opening knob while hitting it on top with your closed fist or a rubber hammer is better and it will open. Takes a bit of practice but very easy. I had almost the same safe, forgot the combo so looked on Youtube and found out how to open it. Cheap safes are expensive. I had a Thai safe that was locked for years, a Leeco, and when I bought a good imported safe(B100,000 for the safe)I asked the locksmith to open that Leedco. He used a claw hammer and a nail and had it open in 10 mins, replaced the lock, reset combination, and was finished in maybe 1.5 hrs total including repairing the hole from the nail he unlocked it with. If you need a place for your passport and a couple of thousand baht a cheap safe is ok but keeping real cash or valuables you better get a real safe like a Chubb, Rosengren, Kaso, or something like that. Better check and make sure it is at least a Eurograde 1 or Eurograde 2(or UL 15 or UL 30 if from the USA) I assume that this gent was living in this condo at least on a semi permanent basis. If that safe went with the room and he was staying short time well its ok for your passport and 2K baht but thats about it.

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